Casinos in Cincinnati: Hard Rock, Closest Ones & Map

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Game Concept: Fallout Cincinnati

(Repost because I posted this really late and I was hoping to get some more discussion on the ideas.)
TLDR: Cincinnati seems like an interesting location for a future Fallout game and I break down my reasoning and then give an idea for a story. Maybe Cincinnati, Ohio isn’t as popular as other American cities, but I think it still deserves a shot.
So this post is taking some older ideas in some Reddit posts for a Fallout game and adding some additional ideas for it. I believe that a Fallout game set in and around Cincinnati, Ohio could potentially be a good fit for the Fallout franchise. I’m gonna break down the reasons why I think it could fit the theme/work as a map and then some story ideas for what could work in the area. I’d also like to state that my ideas are based off of information from the Fallout Wiki and Wikipedia. If anything doesn’t add up, I apologize.
-So Cincinnati might not seem like a city as grandiose as somewhere like NYC, Philadelphia, Detroit, New Orleans, etc. To an extent, I totally agree with that sentiment. It’d be really cool to see those cities that were mentioned above as future Fallout locations. However, I believe that those world ideas are also so full of interesting locations that a game trying to capture it all would struggle to get all the significant locations with current technology. Cincinnati is a smaller city that is still rich with culture and history that could be captured more accurately than bigger projects.
-A decent amount of the skyscrapers and more significant places of Cincinnati and the surrounding cities are somewhat older. There is enough buildings in Cincinnati that were built before or close enough to the divergence point that the skyline and city layout could be decently recognizable.
-Cincinnati had a decently sized manufacturing and industrial sector before the IRL Midwest De-Industrialization and Formation of the Rust Belt in the 40s and 50s. Considering that Fallout is themed around the ‘Pax Americana 1950s & Early 60s’ culture, the idea of showing off a Midwest city that continued to boom in those sectors could be an interesting focus for a Fallout game.
-Cincinnati has a large, mostly unused subway system that was never finished. In game, we could see areas of underground activity like the Fallout 3 subway system. The IRL subway eventually had a section that was also reworked to be a nuclear shelter, so a Vault being under the city wouldn’t be far-fetched.
-The Underground Railroad considered Cincinnati to be an important stop along the way, as it was a large destination for runaway slaves. The city was seen as a large region to hide amongst and find work that was just north of the Ohio River, where Slavery was mostly illegal (still not that great for runaways, but better than the South). Any concepts of slaves coming to Cincinnati for newfound freedoms or a system/faction of abolitionists and runaways would make a lot of sense for the themes.
-The Ohio River would be an important location that could go right through the middle of the map. Based off of how irradiated the rivers were in Fallout 3: The Pitt, I think it’d be safe to assume that the Ohio River in Cincinnati would also be unsafe to travel across. This creates something like the Deathclaws north of Goodsprings in Fallout: New Vegas where players can follow a normal path to get to the main city. This also means that it could create fun and challenging ways to get across the river.
-Fallout’s 1950s styled America is still in love with baseball. If you’re looking for a major city with a rich baseball history/culture, Cincinnati’s your place. Cincinnati is the city where the first professional baseball team was created, the Red Stockings. It could be host to a baseball themed faction, a settlement like Diamond City, or maybe even a quest line to reform a pro baseball team.
-The Cincinnati Zoo is a long standing and prestigious zoo that could be an interesting point in this hypothetical game. Since the zoo is home to various creatures that aren’t native to most of America, we could see interesting enemy mobs like mutated gorillas and irradiated hippos.
-IRL Cincinnati is home to major companies like Kroger, Procter&Gamble, and GE Aviation. Fallout companies like Super Duper Mart and Abraxodyne Chemical could be stand-ins for Kroger and P&G. It’d be a cool bit of story building for some of the pre-war companies that have products littering the Fallout wastelands.
-While New Orleans is probably more famous for this point, Cincinnati was also historically home to a developed steamboat industry that made it an important location in the history of American exploration/expansion into the river basins of Midwest America. Fallout 4’s museums based around Massachusetts’ involvement in the American War of Independence show off the cultural significance of the region in American history. Cincinnati could have a museum dedicated to it’s prominent position as a gateway to the west, showing off it’s contributions to expansionist American culture.
-One of the cities in the Cincinnati region is a town south of the Ohio River known as Newport, Kentucky. Historically, before Las Vegas became Sin City, Newport, KY was a huge contender for that role. From the 1920s to the 1950s, Newport was a city filled with criminal bosses and corrupt public officials. Casinos, brothels, and other illegal enterprises made up a good chunk of everyday life for this town. If fans want to recapture the spirit of New Vegas with the focus on moral degradation and a city of ‘Sex, Drugs, and Rock’n’Roll,’ then look no further than Newport.
-Cincinnati was one of the major US cities that had Nike anti-air missile bases around the Greater Cincinnati area. I don’t think it’d be too far of a stretch to assume that after world tensions got worse in the 21st century, that the government would repurpose some of these launch sites into nuclear silos. Maybe we could see another Megaton situation.
-Cincinnati is also home to 3 facilities in the area that were dedicated to nuclear research and enrichment (until these plants were closed due radiation leaking out). These would be some great areas to explore and mess around with nuclear enrichment.
So I feel like this game could work if it was set between the ending of Fallout 2 and the beginning of Fallout 3. IMO, the ideal starting date would be between 2248 and 2252 due to the ideas I have for the factions that could be used in this game. I don’t have all the details for all the different factions, but I have 4 ideas for 4 major factions. Two new ones and two old ones that could fit the area.
-The Brotherhood (Chicago Faction) So the Brotherhood of Chicago is an ill defined group that exists only in references. Fallout: Tactics set up a group known as the Midwest Brotherhood, however, Tactics is no longer recognized as a canon game since Bethesda acquired the Fallout series. According to Fallout 3 & 4 though, there is still a group of the Brotherhood that still exists in the Chicago area. Like Tactics, the Chicago group of the Brotherhood arrived in Chicago due to an airship crashing into the area. Beyond this, there isn’t much lore about the Chicago chapter so this is where I’d like to add my ideas. After the crash, feeling disconnected from the rest of the Brotherhood (and their dedicated supplies and supply lines), the Chicago chapter turns more towards the religious aspects of the Brotherhood. Having a lot of connections to the airship that decided their fate, as well as possibly being based out of Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, the Chicago Brotherhood turns towards the sky. They begin a process of turning into an Aviation cult, a society that worships and encourages air travel. Like the old Brotherhood, they would hoard technologies, just more focused on air travel and air defenses. Over time, they begin to expand around the Great Lakes region, eventually coming to a manpower crisis. At this point, the Chicago chapter would either loosen it’s recruiting standards to allow in wastelanders who would join due to their acceptance of their new faith system, or the Chicago chapter would create a Spartan styled theocratic dictatorship with the airship survivors acting as foreign rulers over Chicagoans. Either or would have interesting story choices, but I can’t chose which I like more. Anyhow, the Chicago chapter eventually comes across tales of ‘Prophet Wright and Prophet Patterson,’ the founders of flight (and possibly the sky if the chapter is naive/delusional enough). The Chicago Brotherhood learns of a ‘Holy City’ where flight was birthed and worshiped at a ‘Holy Air Base.’ The Chapter would take it’s proudest forces and equipment to claim their perceived Holy Land, the city of Dayton, OH and Wright-Patterson Air Base. Upon arrival, the Chicago chapter realized that the city was already claimed by other forces. Believing that their God (or Gods) was on their side, the Chicago Brotherhood launched an attack for Dayton. Time would pass, and no gains were made by the Brotherhood, revealing a dirty truth that this chapter was not as dominant and guided by God(s) as they thought they were. They also had to accept that an enemy force with Wright-Patterson could challenge their tactical and spiritual hold on the sky. Upon tactical reevaluation, the Chicago chapter noticed that the enemy forces were sending extra soldier South of the battle. The chapter correctly guessed that their enemies were moving to encircle them and stop their Midwestern gains. In response, the Brotherhood would send it’s own forces South to try to counter-encircle the enemy. Both forces, evenly matched and evenly stretching their lines would finally hit the Ohio River. Both sides were stuck countering the influence of the other, eventually both would settle in to starve the other one out around Cincinnati. The Chicago Brotherhood had their work cut out for them, for they would be facing off against.....
-The Enclave After the events of Fallout 2, the Enclave would need to rebuild. Bases of theirs lying in ruins, groups deserting them, Enclave members being hunted down for justice, profit, and fun. The situation looked dire for most. That was until a Mr. John Henry Eden gave orders to regroup and rebuild in the Capitol wasteland. Most Enclave members saw the writing on the wall, and decided that the move East would be better than death. This is where I believe that a certain group of the Enclave would be moving east, eventually stumbling upon Dayton & Wright-Patterson. This group of the Enclave didn’t feel like moving on past this treasure trove would be a smart idea, so the group settled there. Now I was thinking that the leader of this Enclave chapter would eventually get all high and mighty, thus proclaiming that the Dayton Enclave was the true enclave, that their leader was the rightful President, and that Eden and his Capitol Wasteland Enclave was not legitimate. The Dayton Enclave President swore an oath of duty to reunite the Enclave under him, and to invade and conquer the Capitol for their own state. While the older and higher up ranks supported the grand plan, younger officers and cadets had an uneasy feeling over these plans. Some would even go as far to talk about open rebellion and, even possibly, a return to democratic institutions and rules. (I would love to see a quest line where you can influence the Enclave and chose between a status-quo Enclave or a democratic Enclave. However, just because a bad guy says that they’re good now, it does not mean that they will be seen by the people as a good guy now). All of this would have to wait though, as a new enemy has arrived on this Enclave chapter’s borders. In less than an hour after their arrival, the enemy began a siege on the Enclave’s Wright-Patterson base. The Enclave was caught completely off guard, as none of the higher ups believed that ‘No savages of this region could possibly learn how to fly and professionally fight.’ After the initial chaos, the Enclave was able to get their air force up and defending their positions. Amid the siege and dogfights, the Enclave would learn of the name of their ‘new’ enemy: The Brotherhood. The Enclave officers had been both right and wrong. The Brotherhood was not a savage of this region, as they had fought against them in California. They were still in this region though, and they were able to put up an actual fight. Realizing the direness of getting stuck in a constant siege, the Enclave came up with a plan to hopefully solve all their problems. If the Enclave forces could just encircle the Brotherhood forces, then they could possibly cut their supply lines while also conquering lands to keep the Brotherhood from moving any further into Ohio, as well as a start on the Dayton Enclave’s Eastern March to take DC. Their forces moved south, only for the Brotherhood to match their moves to the south. The Enclave tried again, only to meet the same results. This began a race south to try to get under the other army. Evenly they moved along, until both forces hit the Ohio River. While some war-hawks within the Enclave ranks wanted to move into Cincinnati to try to gain the upper hand, the Dayton Chapter President refused, wishing to focus on the Brotherhood and the eventual Eastern March. Unfortunately, the Enclave and the Brotherhood had moved their battlegrounds too close to Cincinnati, and soon, a new force would join the fight.....
-The Republic of the Ohio Cincinnati was not spared from the horrors of nuclear hellfire. Being a city with a large amount of manufacturing, commerce, transportation, and nuclear refinement will tend to put you on list for enemy nuclear destruction. As such, Cincinnati has seen better days. It is not 2077 anymore though, and the city has learned to heal. Emerging from vaults long after Nuclear War, but long before the time of this game, a new generation of citizens of Cincinnati began the process of rebuilding. In the beginning, many factions arose, with no central authority. Chaos and violence ruled the scorched streets. Eventually, due to raiders and instability, multiple governing groups formed trade pacts and alliances. These districts would eventually merge due to the economic ties to create the city of Cincinnati once more. While not all districts complied willingly, Cincinnati would continue to grow through a combination of economic ties and small military missions. With trade being such a central idea to the culture of the city, Cincinnati began to work out deals with even more areas that weren’t even part of the Cincinnati Districts. Around this time, the wealth inequality within the city began to grow faster and faster. More individuals were gearing up to meet more locals to enact more trade, of which some profits would go to line the pockets of these traders. Soon, the very well off individuals were producing shipping vessels on the Ohio River. While this meant that Cincinnati could spread it’s wings further, it also meant that more and more land on the river was being gobbled by those who already owned the majority. Nevertheless, the city would continue to work with the ultra rich to expand. By this point, many districts were starting to look worse compared to how they were doing before the city united. Since the city had been set up loosely, it had become a confederation in principle. As such, many districts were on the cusp of declaring their freedom once more. To quell any chance of District independence, the then Mayor of Cincinnati declared the ‘Republic of the Ohio.’ On one side of things, the new government better reflected the new growth on the Ohio River by recognizing new lands as different territories instead of new additions to the city. On the other side, the Republic was formed as a new government level to force territories looking for freedom back into the greater system. While the Districts could still leave the city of Cincinnati, they would still be stuck inside the Republic of the Ohio. The Republic was based off of the government of the pre-war USA, in which succession was illegal and punishable. Not everyone listened, and soon, the poorer districts declared a counter-government to recognize the ‘forgotten man.’ The Republic did not tolerate this, and swept through the districts, taking out any opposition that could be found. It was after this point, very early on in the new republic, that the government tightened the rules until the Republic was only a republic in name. Yes, the freedoms of speech and religion and the right to vote would still exist. But if you did not worship and speak of the Republic in the ‘correct way,’ you might have just found yourself stuck in social shaming and potential revenge. And while you could vote, it mattered not as everyone knew who the ‘winners’ would be. As the Republic embraced a darker side, it began to feel the drawbacks of it’s actions. Social services and protections offered by the state declined more and more, as politicians were more focused on the pay and helping their families. It was very clear that the rich of the republic had it all, while the poor never recovered from the District disassembly and forced reintegration. The Elite cared little though, as the republic grew it’s trading operations further up and down the River. Life was good enough. Or so it seemed until the scouts of the Republic brought news one day. Advanced groups with flying weaponry were moving south, towards the Republic itself. The President of the Ohio makes the call to send all forces to defend the northern walls. Little did they know that they had weakened another front, and a force moving from the South East to meet that weakened border. Known only in the region as a rumor, they are.....
-The Kanawha Coalition Nuclear War came a little bit later for the land of West Virginia, but when it came, it left it’s mark. West Virginia was spared from the worse in 2077, leaving behind a land with great potential. While violence and death was nothing foreign to the WV Wastelanders, it was comparatively tame versus the surrounding states. Eventually, a vault filled with Dwellers opened up. These pioneers would bring about change to the region, leading to more factions showing interest in the region. The population boomed, and it looked as if the region could sustain a form of civilization. Then the bombs came again, and again, and again. The new people of WV were not all as valorous and good-hearted as it seemed they would be. West Virginia was home to a series of active nuclear missile silos. Taking advantage of the chaos that comes with societal formation, certain individuals made their way to these silo sites to bring about new nuclear devastation. So quickly was the flame of law, order, and civilization sniffed out by nuclear destruction. Many would die, possibly even more than the amount of West Virginians killed in the actual war. Many more would just up and leave the lands, hoping to find a better home outside of WV. What was left after the first round of deaths and departures was a network of abandoned communities and other forgotten homesteads. The structures left behind would decay and fall apart, bits flying away along the wind. The locals that stayed were also forced to increase their mineral stripping and scavenging to build better homes, able to stand up to the toxicity of the region. Most of these were in vain, however, as the other survivors of the region were usually the ones still launching the weapons. Many years would pass with this pattern still going the same, only the Earth around them changing. While WV had been polluted even before the war, the leftover junk combined with the constant nuclear war brought the region to a new low. But at it’s lowest, WV would find a solution. Slowly, the psychopathic souls who had fired the weapons became bored of tormenting the region. The nukes were becoming a thing of the past, now the region could focus on the other problems that plagued everyday life. Those issues that had been put to the side were finally in full view. And that view was of a homeland soured by nuclear fires and other pollutants. The people had enough of their rotting home, so they elected to meet and discuss a solution. The meeting brought together a handful of tribes that had somehow survived. Many attending the meeting were no longer human, as the radiation had ghoulified a vast amount of the populace. While most regions struggled with the ostracism of ghouls, many humans within West Virginia had either accepted them or had learnt to tolerate them enough to not cause too much damage. While some grudges still seep into social arrangements, the ghoul-human relations are comparatively better to most other societies. The tribes of ghouls and humans came together to unify, creating a coalition of the West Virginian tribes. The elders of each tribe created a council to organize and direct new objectives for the willing locals. It was decided that the tribes would forgo the technologies that brought about the conditions that they lived in. They would focus their efforts on peace and harmony with the lands that had been ruined, with the eventual goal of creating an ecologically sustainable homeland. In an effort to rebrand the region and connect with a people who focused on the Earth, the coalition would begin to refer to the lands of West Virginia as Kanawha. Consequently, the coalition would eventually come to be known as the Kanawha Coalition. Time would pass and Mother Earth would heal... somewhat. After a long period of partial success, the council would meet and make a drastic choice. No longer would they toil to make a broken land heal, a new, better land would be searched out. The tribes packed up and began a long march towards a new home. A rumored land of a city that continued to kill Mother Earth with no punishments. Now, it was time to punish the wrongdoers and take their lands triumphantly.
WHY SET IT BETWEEN 2248 AND 2252: The main reason I feel like this time period would work is due to the events between FO2&3. According to the DC Brotherhood in 3, the Chicago Brotherhood had gone silent by the time of their eastern journey. It also fits due to the Enclave moving East as well. As such, 2248-52 seems late enough for the Enclave to get out East, while being early enough for the Chicago Brotherhood to disappear by 54/55.
submitted by Iamunow to Fallout [link] [comments]

When the league inevitably expands to 32 teams, here are the ten cities that I think should be considered for the two expansion franchises.


It goes without saying, but one franchise should definitely end up in Seattle, as the Supersonics of course. It's been quite a letdown for the city that PBC moved the team to OKC after their acquisition of the team. The city is now updating the Climate Pledge Arena, formally known as the KeyArena, (one of the reasons for the team's relocation) with the arrival of the NHL team, the Seattle Kraken. The Sonic fans have been clear and vocal since the move that they could still support an NBA franchise without a doubt.  


The state of Missouri surprisingly does not house an NBA franchise and hasn't since the departure of the Kansas City Kings in 1985. The city seems to support their professional sports franchises and has an arena downtown that could be suitable for the potential NBA team (with some renovating I'd presume - it seems nice but I am not familiar enough with the facility). It seems the market is significant enough to support an NBA franchise so it should be an option.  


The city has an MLB and NFL franchise, so it is not inconceivable that they could support an NBA franchise (being that they did up until 1972 with the Cincinnati Royals, before they moved to Kansas City). I'm not sure who the NBA fans in Cincinnati support, but I'm guessing the Cavs aren't popular enough to have strong support across the entire state of Ohio. Kentucky, just south of the city across the Ohio River, has a significant passion for basketball, so that could fortify the market/support for the potential team. A lot has changed since the early seventies but it is still a question whether or not they could fund a new arena in the city or they can just renovate the arena downtown (Heritage Bank Center).  


Las Vegas is clearly a viable option for an additional professional franchise after the city has proven it can support the Golden Knights and, seemingly, the Raiders (who already have a broad fanbase). They have a viable arena to play in and can gain support with tie-ins with the casinos to help occupy the arena with visitors as they develop a local fan base. The NBA already has a presence there with summer league as well so I can see it happening.  


I guess we will get a general idea of how much the city can support an NBA team with the Raptors playing in the city for the upcoming season (obviously without attendance given the circumstances). The Rays have their issues with attendance and the Bucs are perennial losers sans a few years in the late nineties-early 2000s (I've actually been a big Bucs fan since 1997, as I grew up in Los Angeles with out an NFL team at the time), so it is up for debate if they can support an NBA team, especially with Orlando being so close by. It is a significant market and the Lightning seems to garner a lot of support and have a nice arena downtown they could share with the potential NBA franchise (something they'll be doing this year), so it seems feasible.  


This poor city, a city I love and plan on moving to one day, has lost two professional franchises to Los Angeles (and the Rockets to Houston). Both the Chargers and Clippers should still be in SD in my opinion, given their putrid reception in Los Angeles and the significance of the city of San Diego. The Clippers are still not accepted in Los Angeles after all these years and are only there because dumbass Donald Sterling forced the relocation in the 80s. The city has struggled to fund stadiums in the past but it would be great to see an arena downtown, a la Petco Park. Worst case, they renovate the Pechanga Arena (formerly known as the San Diego Sports Arena) but realistically I'm not sure the city wants an NBA franchise, I have no clue.  


No reason to think they couldn't support an NBA franchise again. Basketball has grown tremendously in Canada since the days of the Vancouver Grizzlies and the country has produced several high-level players in recent years. The Raptors are the lone team north of the border, so no reason to think a second team isn't viable. Vancouver has Rogers Arena ready to go so there wouldn't be an issue with an arena for the potential team.  


Look, Pittsburgh could barely support the Pipers back in the ABA days (albeit a long time ago), so I'm not sure how popular basketball is in the city. It is not a huge market but the city shows strong support for the Steelers and Penguins (and I'm sure the Pirates to some extent even with their decades-long struggles). I think Pittsburgh is a beautiful, underrated city, with PNC Park being my favorite MLB ballpark. The potential team could share the arena with the Penguins so there wouldn't be an issue having to fund a new arena. Also, I know the city loves the black/yellow color scheme for their franchises so that is one less thing to worry about.  


As mentioned above with Kansas City, it is surprising the entire state of Missouri doesn't have at least one NBA team. St. Louis had the Hawks for 13 years, before they moved to Atlanta, and housed the fabled Spirits of St. Louis of the ABA, so no reason to think the city couldn't support an NBA franchise again. I highly doubt both cities mentioned would get both expansion franchises, so I'm not sure which city is the more viable option. The team could share the Enterprise Center with their NHL team, the Blues, so there wouldn't be an issue funding an arena.  


I know it is very close to DC, but if DC and Baltimore can both support an NFL and MLB team, why can't Baltimore support an NBA franchise again, being they had an NBA franchise (that moved to DC, coincidently) in the past. I know the city has had its struggles for some time, but it seems like a possible landing spot to consider. I am not familiar with the condition of the Royal Farms Arena, but the team would ostensibly have a suitable arena to play in.  
submitted by cavallom to nba [link] [comments]

What slot machines to play?

I haven't really ever played the slots before. Always blackjack and some craps for good measure. My next visit to the casino I am thinking about trying the slots. But how do you pick which slot to play? Is there some that have better odds or are they all pretty much the same? The casino in question is JACKS in Cincinnati Ohio.
submitted by Delta5o1 to gambling [link] [comments]


Watching the Comey Rule...
Facts: I have made Crafts, Art, recordings, music, characters, dialog, and misunderstandings my entire life.
While in college my wife bought me creative cloud for Christmas. So Adobe, you got us, "her" account which she never opened and I always PAID for, continued after college. I made my own account we pay you 60 a month. your a dick
My Wife and Son canvassed for Obama.
I voiced my opinion rationally and persuasively as a dealer and supervisor interacting with customers when INVITED to an ALREADY EXISTING conversation.
I was shunned by my coworkers and one time a victim when I would not tolerate sexual harassment in the casino.
I received a M. A. in philosophy from U. C. and have disagreed with many and from many different perspectives while understood within their historical context track an evolution of human ideas fighting for survival in within the dialog humanity carries on with itself across generations.
The Texas RNC took actions to ban CRITICAL THINKING (i. e. symbolic logic) in public schools.
I have never met any living Democrat ever even consider such a thing.
I was moved to part time under questionable rule changes while the jobs for philosophy teachers was actively being legislated against by southern political forces.
I quit to open Ceasars in my Home state and work with all the disenfranchised Hoosiers and Wildcats that migrated first.
I used my retirement to pay off beneficial the preditory loan company who called us from our original colony mortgage list. (most Americans got bailouts)
I described our situation (my crafting, accumulation of media for a business between my brother and I and my job change and debt payoff) to H and R block and they said we owed 13k
I got fired for at best sketchy reasons whereas we had a recent security risk and I had a dealer with a history of lagging back from break telling me he had to urinate VS. a table with a the lid off that I was closing.
Got DENIED unemployment when Cesar's story reflected inflated write ups for the count.
Moved my family back in with my parents.
Move Brother's brother in law and wife into house for less than Payment.
Went back to work in Indiana got Mats certified to become an addictions counselor.
the IRS begin garnishing my wife's wages at a 170K per year clip.
passed out taxes on to wife's face book account friend.
Account comments suicide.
Another friend takes on the case and gets us 9k back.
Ariving home from my passing my certification exam I found my dad on all 4s acting like he was cleaning the toilet with my mom asking him where the kids are.
The Cincinnati police called me twice when my dad was found in his truck covered in urine with my mom in her wet diaper beside her.
I cried taking the keys away from him.
I took him to the doctor and they found a tumor. the biopsy "had complications"
I quit my job and carried pops to chemo until the day he died.
Whereas my father had pulled myself and my brother together to explain he was naming me executor writing my sister out of the will because she skipped out on My father's payoff of her housing crash.
Which he never actually did.
Our family was on the same page at first with me caregiver for mom and caretaker (with help especially from Vinyard men's group for painting) of the property where a 96 year old former Vegas singer and a Public library employee and her family pay $350 rent. My dad payed water. My sister since lives there rent free in hopes she will pay off her debt.
Taking over, I find that MSD is and has been charging him for sewing and fining him for his cavitat.
Accountant friend seems to be experiencing issues too and withholds tax returns despite several payments. tells us to sue Block.
No Lawyer in Cincinnati will touch block.
Cincinnati insurance charges us Hazard something that caused our escrow to fall short which our 3rd party Bi weekly automatic payment Co was "unaware" of causing nationwide to sell us to Carrington Mortgage.
Carrington Mortgage begins forclosure before we are aware of us being late in a payment.
My daughter graduated in 2018 with full ride academic offers contingent on our tax returns.
House bill passed allowing default judgments without certified mail.
My sister's cell phone got hacked while trying to buy cannibus which legal treatment for her anxiety she understandably experiences with her past.
My unlocked note 5 is stolen while installing a security light.
I receive randomware threats to release videos of me.
My social media account get attacked.
small deposits began to be deposited into the now variable intrest second mortgage which was a prime flex equity account.
My automatic payment began getting denied.
A health care account began being deducted from my mom's account. I called PNC's fraud line and the rep told me I was wrong.
PNC collections begins Asking for my dad denying talking to me at verification time because I'm not my dead dad which they have record of.
I make reports to Google and Microsoft insider force stop my phone and and restart my phone many times. get coinbase and play "Fair" dice game until the GUI begins to hinder my betting.
The server attack in China.
My account gets locked (that wallet on my phone but lost?)
we get 1 each to request ballot from Ohio each person living here
we begin to unemployment mail addressed to someone else at our address.
endless robocalls asking to sell
PNC begins foreclosure.
Can not go to branch.
get lawyer and get guardenship.
Explain situation to lawyers
Lawyer begins asking me the questions from the PNC's loan reinstatement form. I tell him about the Taxes, and he says call HR block.
submitted by CaptainReductio to u/CaptainReductio [link] [comments]

The International 8 Pubstomps Thread

View this thread for the most up to date pubstomp list! This thread is updated everyday! Organizers, you can create an account and publish your event on if you plan to sell tickets, $0 fees promo for organizers
I tried to look for a pubstomp thread but couldn't find one so here it is! Usually Reservoir_cat creates this one but I haven't been able to get in touch with him/her. Here's the old TI7 and TI6 pubstomp threads.
There are a couple of threads made to ask for surveys/feedback/how-tos about pubstomps, feel free to PM me because I've organized several pubstomps in the past and partnered with sponsors such as RedBull, Logitech, GameVox, AMD, etc. as well and can offer a few tips and tricks!
Comment below with the country, city and description for your pubstomp, it helps a lot to include a link for additional details.
Country City Description
Australia Brisbane Event Link - Tickets $20 before 18/08, $25 after. Food and Drinks provided, giveaways and 1v1 tournament as well. luberk
Australia Melbourne Event Link - One amazing guy has rented a cinema in Melbourne, Australia if you feel like joining us at 3am! priorax
Australia Sydney Event Link - The same amazing guy that rented out a cinema in Melbourne, Australia has also rented out a cinema in Sydney, Australia if you feel like joining us at 3am.
Austria Vienna Event Link - HurghtRS
Belarus Minsk Event Link Official Secret Shop, bars , cosplay & sponspors giveaway. Velcom Cinema & Galileo Silver Screen RestorKa
Brazil Belo Horizonte Event Link - We will broadcast every game, including group stages, at WASD eSports Bar in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. For the finals we are planning a big event with giveaways and x1 with pros and semi-pros. The tickets are R$ 10,00 and you can check it out here. Urso_WASD
Brazil Porto Alegre Event Link - Venha assistir a final do The International 2018 ao vivo, em um telão, na Lends Club! Teremos comida, chopp e premios! Come watch The International 2018 finals on a big screen, at Lends Club! We'll have food, draft beer and prizes for atendees! esportsPOA
Canada London Event Link - We will once again host @ The Squire Pub & Grill in London, ON, CAD. RGBKnights
Canada Ottawa Event Link - At Click eSports Sat, 25 August 2018 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT. Ticket types to only watch or to also use gaming PCs at same time (note that I am not the organizer) Cote-de-Bone
Canada Toronto - Join us again this year at the Cineplex Yonge and Dundas! We’ve always sold out every year for the pubstomp and the crowd is always awesome! Need more information? Information and tickets are on our event page and you can join the Canada Dota 2 group. Some ticket packages are limited in quantities, so if you can't purchase a specific ticket, it means that it has been sold out. chibista
Denmark Copenhagen Event Link - Cinema viewing party for the Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final of TI8 on 25. august 2018. 17:45-04:00 CET (or whenever it ends) with competitions, giveaways, free Coca-Cola at entrance, hosts, entertainment and a great atmosphere. Panel, interviews, and ceremony will all be broadcasted as well. OlLi_-
Estonia Tartu - Hey! I'm organising a pubstomp in Tartu, Estonia. No ticket and proper pub food at the pub Illegaard. More info can be found at our FB event. dekamano
Finland Helsinki - in co-operation with Aalto Gamers are organizing a viewing party in the Helsinki metropolitan area (Espoo, Otaniemi to be precise). You can get there very easily by metro from Helsinki. Come enjoy the final day of TI8 with us! There's gonna be pizza & soft drinks available for free + there's a grocery store and a grill close by to the venue phzgames
Finland Jyväskylä Event Link - There's one here organized by JeSSe Ry: Jyväskylä, Finland. Ilokivi onstage. Facebook link for the event: This is 18+ event. Hallunder
Germany Karlsruhe Event Link - Since we have successfully hosted Germany’s biggest Dota 2 public viewing for a couple of years now, we want to try meet the expectations this year once again. We will be broadcasting the grand finals on August 25th on the AKK tribune starting at 7pm. There, we want to collectively experience the biggest spectacle in this Dota 2 year with all the fans from near and far. Not only Dota 2 players but also DotA veterans, Dota 2 newbies and everyone who wants to get to know the phenomenon Dota are welcome to join us. spcemarine
Germany Regensburg Event Link - The 4th year in a row we are organizing the Dota TI finals public viewing in the old town of Regensburg. The event will take place at Picasso Regensburg. Starting time is 18:00 at the 25th of august. Like the last years the entrance is free, we have a pubquiz and MEGA Dota related drink specials. This year we also organized a Fotobox (thanks to the Gamerverein Regensburg) were you can take fotos with your favourite Dota heroes or even become one yourself! For further details you can look up the event page or contact us via facebook. Kryptondifluorid
Hong Kong Hong Kong Event Link - Location is still to be determined. Dota2 HK is hosting one on Grand Finals Day. Aug 25, 10pm HK Time. cybuster2
India Delhi NCR Event Link - Dota 2 Delhi pubstomp is back sunnydiv
Ireland Dublin Event Link - It's in the same pub as previous years. Strictly 18+ unfortunately. Hopefully can get added to the list. KC252
Netherlands Amsterdam Event Link - Confirmed to broadcast as many of the games as possible, even after official closing times. No Facebook event yet. Razorya
Netherlands Rotterdam Event Link - Pretty sure there is one in Rotterdam in the Netherlands. I'm not sure it's a "pubstomp" but they're supposed to be hosting something. justanothrunistudent
Russia Saint-Petersburg - Organizing pubstomp 6th time in awesome theatre with lounge zone, secret shop, 1x1 tournament and other stuff. Come to us on 25th of august finargot
Singapore Singapore Event Link - Singapore's one's at SAFRA Yishun, main atrium. Minimum spending of S$5 as per the post, for snacks pass. Cannot go because i booked a hotel somewhere else. nekosake2
Singapore Singapore Event Link - 2nd one is at Singtel Comcentre, with PMS nekosake2
South Africa Cape Town Event Link I think there's something happening in Cape Town (South Africa), I'm definitely gonna attend it :D meeposki
South Africa Johannesburg Event Link - Sparky_Naartjie
Sweden Stockholm - I'm not entirely sure, but I believe it's an 18+ event. burger_stand
Thailand Bangkok Event Link - Not sure if this counted as pubstomp but we are having one in Bangkok, Thailand. Sponsored by Lenovo Thailand. It will be hosted at Siam Pavalai Theatre on the 6th floor of Siam Paragon shopping mall. Aug 25-26 10pm-10 am local time. Rawinza555
Thailand Bangkok Event Link - Another BIGGEST PUBSTOMP in BKK THAILAND is held by INVATE, Esport Specialist in Thailand (The best Live Broadcasting), who will bring the best experience to all Dota 2 fans!! discotechssss
Ukraine Odessa Event Link - there is pubstomp in Odessa, Ukraine if anyone even cares
United Kingdom London Event Link - This event is pending and not finalized JawnisBritish
United Kingdom London - We are having one at the Carlsberg Esports bar in central London with free entry, food and drinks available and more to be announced. BanKseSports
United Kingdom Manchester Event Link - Over 18s only (they are Casino venues) epicWinbar
United Kingdom Newcastle-upon-Tyne Event Link - Over 18s only (they are Casino venues) epicWinbar
United Kingdom Reading South Event Link - Over 18s only (they are Casino venues) epicWinbar
USA Acton - Considering doing deals on pizza, apps, and Beer if we can get anyone out there. 85" TV and 6 TV'ss total in the sports bar. Pictures on Facebook. At this point its just me and my one friend. renorhino88
USA Baltimore Event Link - Hey, representing the Baltimore one as well! This event is 21+, food specials. It's the fourth year we've participated! Seanbiscuit
USA Chicago Event Link - If you're 18+ in Chicago and want to watch Grand Finals surrounded by fellow fans, come out to a FanHome hosted International watch party at Hi-Point, the gaming lounge of Highline in River North on Saturday, August 25th. Tickets are sold above, each ticket provides you entrance to the bar, food, giveaways from FanHome's beverage partner, and enters you into a raffle. Jayhawk2b
USA Cincinnati Event Link - I’m proud to announce the official TI8 Pubstomp this year in Cincinnati! I’ve been working with the owners of 16-Bit Bar+Arcade. We have a great venue setup, with our own reserved seating to accommodate however many people show up. We'll even have a signature drink just for the occasion! Please be sure to tell your friends and family (even those who haven’t watched or played DotA – they might leave a fan!).This event is for guests 21 and over, so please keep that in mind. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions and please RSVP if you plan on attending. Banana___Hammock
USA Houston Event Link - The International 8 Watch Party on August 25th In Houston, TX! Whether you love Dota, or have never seen a game this is going to be a great party for all gamers! We will have special guests, vendors, raffles, drink specials, food, hookah stands and much more! We will be raffling off a Hyper X gamer setup including a Mechanical Keyboard, Mouse, and Headset! LotharThrowaway
USA Medina Event Link - Welcome to the 6th year of me hosting Dota pubstomps in Medina Ohio. Last year was a great turnout but after many people saying that it was too small i looked for a new place again. Luckily the place i hosted in 2016 is back and that's where we are this year. As always the event is open to anyone of any age and no cover charge! I just strongly encourage anyone who attends to Eat and Drink there as they are giving us the place for the whole day for free. theaxel11
USA Oakland Cafe el Patio - In Oakland, California is going be showing everything from the group stages to the Main event finals! Address is 4030 International Blvd, Oakland CA. There is limited seating but there are three TVs. typicalhonduran
USA Sacramento Event Link - Come watch The International 8 at my house! Join us for our second annual Pubstomp! We host Friday and Saturday and setup a LAN party in the dining room to play between matches. Fairfield is located directly between San Francisco and Sacramento (North-East bay). Last year we had six viewers. Please RSVP so we can plan for food and message you the exact address. Amenities include: 75" 4k UltraHD stream with Pioneer 5.1 Surround Sound, Pizza, Beer, Nachos and More, Couches, Enthusiasm, Fast Internet, 420 Friendly josher777
USA Seattle Event Link - If you're over 21 and are in the Seattle area during TI, @FollowMe has organized a pubstomp in Capitol Hill for Saturday, August 25th. Sketches_Stuff_Maybe
USA Washington Event Link - Join us at Tenley Bar and Grill to watch the finals on their projection screen. This event is ALL AGES and cosplay is encouraged. There will be giveaways throughout the day of some Dota2 swag as well as 3 full event tickets for GEXCon ( coming up at the end of the month. dmr83457
Vietnam Hanoi Pending details from 23 Creative VN ptaqll5
Vietnam Hai Phong City Event Link - Time 21:00 , day 25 / 08 , location : 21 Trần Hưng Đạo Street - Vườn Xuân Coffee butchimau_hp_95
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City Event Link - Watch their full HD video for the event: ptaqll5
Vietnam Ho Chi Minh City Event Link - Time: 21 h00 day 25/8-10 h00 day 26/8, location: Restaurant 68 lộc shots, number 213 to theme, Ward 15, District 10, TP. Ho Chi Minh. All details, please contact MEGA esports gaming house at 0909791809 ptaqll5
--- --- ----
PS: Also still hoping Valve would ship this merch out to us pubstomp organizers :D
PS: Discount on ticket fees on, pm me for details.
submitted by chibista to DotA2 [link] [comments]

A Live Performance of Every Paramore Song (That They've Played Live)

I decided to make an archive of sorts of my favorite performances of all Paramore's songs that they’ve done live (to my knowledge). Sorry if some are low quality. With some of these songs, low quality video/audio is all there is. Added date and location to each just for some more context. Most of these are the ones I find myself watching most frequently which is why I chose them - not really based on any criteria other than that. Hope I didn’t miss anything :)
All We Know
September 3rd, 2006
House of Blues; Anaheim, California, USA
credit: ChloeHayes

June 14th, 2008
Norwegian Wood; Frognerbadet, Oslo, Norway
credit: Daniel Garcés Velasco

May 10th, 2008
BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend; Maidstone, England, United Kingdom
credit: juan ferro

April 30th, 2010
Trump Taj Mahal; Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA
credit: RTMorasonMD

Here We Go Again
September 3rd, 2006
House of Blues; Anaheim, California, USA
credit: ChloeHayes

Never Let this Go
May 22nd, 2015
Open Air Theater; San Diego, California, USA
credit: TheRealConcertKing

June 15th, 2008
Provinssirock Festival; Seinäjoki, Southern Ostrobothnia, Finland
credit: hanu767

March 9th, 2014
credit: Shannon Moore

June 15th, 2007
Rocketown; Nashville, Tennessee, USA
credit: Kerrie Simmons

My Heart
December 18th, 2009
Wembley Arena; London, England, United Kingdom
credit: nayrh89

For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic
July 20th, 2011
Warped Tour; Cleveland, Ohio, USA
credit: propertyofzack

That's What You Get
March 13th, 2008
MTV Spring Break; Panama City Beach, Florida, USA
credit: yxXParamorexXy

August 12th, 2008
Congress Theater; Chicago, Illinois, USA
credit: amaia182

Misery Business
September 1st, 2009
MySpace Secret Show; Munich. Germany
credit: Warner Music Germany

When It Rains
June 14th, 2008
Norwegian Wood; Frognerbadet, Oslo, Norway
credit: Manon Let

Let the Flames Begin
May 26th, 2013
BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend; Derry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
credit: Bianca Rodrigues

March 10th, 2014
credit: TheLeaD88

July 16th, 2009
Rexall Place; Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
credit: catcrackermusic

We Are Broken
August 12th, 2008
Congress Theater; Chicago, Illinois, USA
credit: musicfan556

August 14th, 2012
Fox Theater; Pomona, California, USA
credit: RTMorasonMD

Born For This
June 13th, 2007
The Sauce on FUSE
credit: yxXParamorexXy

October 17th, 2009
The Electric Factory; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
credit: RTMorasonMD

September 8th, 2009
credit: zildjiandrum1

Playing God
September 7th, 2011
Fueled By Ramen 15th Anniversary; New York, New York, USA
credit: marcellaaac

Brick By Boring Brick
June 18th, 2010
Hurricane Festival; Scheeßel, Germany
credit: TerpMusic

Turn It Off
July 28th, 2017
Grand Casino Hinckley Amphitheater; Hinckley, Minnesota, USA
credit: Jonathan Hanson

The Only Exception
December 10th, 2010
Jingle Ball; New York, New York USA
credit: 106.5 The End

Feeling Sorry
August 3rd, 2010
Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion; Gilford, New Hampshire, USA
credit: saskatchawan

Looking Up
July 16th, 2011
Warped Tour; Montreal, Quebec, Canada
credit: RTMorasonMD

Where the Lines Overlap
August 7th, 2009
Summer Sonic; Chiba City, Chiba, Japan
credit: Paramore Videos

Misguided Ghosts
July 11th, 2018
Concrete Street Amphitheater; Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
credit: JasonJude1

June 7th, 2013
Rock Am Ring; Nürnberg, Germany
credit: FueledByPmore

Hello Cold World
August 14th, 2012
Fox Theater; Pomona, California, USA
credit: RTMorasonMD

In the Mourning
April 5th, 2013
The Garage; London, England, United Kingdom
credit: steveatgigs

Fast In My Car
September 4th, 2013
iTunes Festival; London, England, United Kingdom
credit: LiveConciertLive

February 1st, 2014
Celebrity Beach Bowl; New York, New York, USA
credit: MaisParamore

Grow Up
October 23rd, 2013
Viejas Arena; San Diego, California, USA
credit: jsradiohead

November 11th, 2013
Sands Event Center; Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA
credit: RTMorasonMD

Interlude: Moving On
April 20th, 2013
Grimey’s; Nashville, Tennessee, USA
credit: StevenSalazar1995

Ain't It Fun
August 22nd, 2014
Reading Festival; Reading, England, United Kingdom
credit: Paramore BR

Part II
July 12th, 2014
Bunbury Festival; Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
credit: Amanda S

Last Hope
June 19th, 2014
Xfinity Theater; Hartford, Connecticut, USA
credit: RTMorasonMD

Still Into You
September 20th, 2014
iHeartRadio Music Festival; Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
credit: LiveConciertLive

July 31st, 2013
Espaço das Américas; Barra Funda, São Paulo, Brazil
credit: Bianca Souza

Interlude: Holiday
March 9th, 2014
credit: Roxi

May 1st, 2013
Wiltern Theater; Los Angeles, California, USA
credit: Lauren Leialoha

Hate to See Your Heart Break
June 16th, 2017
Waterfront Hall; Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
credit: Mark Withers

(One of Those) Crazy Girls
May 8th, 2015
Borgata Event Center; Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA
credit: Paul Roma

Interlude: I'm Not Angry Anymore
January 9th, 2014
Brisbane Entertainment Center; Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
credit: crabsmen

Be Alone
March 7th, 2016
Parahoy! 2
credit: Michael Esposito

April 27th, 2015
Bell Auditorium; Augusta, Georgia, USA
credit: MizBizSav

Hard Times
June 17th, 2018
Lakeview Amphitheater; Syracuse, New York, USA
credit: John Mann

Rose-Colored Boy
January 19th, 2018
Manchester Arena; Manchester, England, United Kingdom
credit: towerxoverxme

Told You So
July 2nd, 2017
Admiralspalast; Berlin, Germany
credit: Domi Diamond

October 17th, 2017
The Ryman Auditorium; Nashville, Tennessee, USA
credit: karunadreamer0

Fake Happy
July 5th, 2017
Rock For People; Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
credit: Johny362

July 7th, 2017
Cirkus; Djurgården, Stockholm, Sweden
credit: Sofia Blomgren

February 14th, 2018
Genting Arena; Birmingham, England, United Kingdom
credit: Aisling Meade

July 5th, 2018
The Armory; Minneapolis, Minnesota, USAcredit: Jonathan Hanson

Caught in the Middle
June 20th, 2018
Bank of New Hampshire Pavilion at Meadowbrook; Gilford, New Hampshire, USA
credit: John Mann

Idle Worship
April 8th, 2018
Parahoy! 3
credit: Kaz

No Friend
April 8th, 2018
Parahoy! 3
credit: Kaz

Tell Me How
September 7th, 2018
Art + Friends; Nashville, Tennessee, USA
credit: karunadreamer0

February 14th, 2006
Beat Kitchen; Chicago, Illinois, USA
credit: NadeHQproductions

February 11th, 2006
Ascot Room at The Quest; Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
credit: s0c0ntroversial

Oh Star
March 7th, 2016
Parahoy! 2
credit: Kaz

Stop This Song (Lovesick Melody)
June 14th, 2008
Norwegian Wood; Frognerbadet, Oslo, Norway
credit: Luiza P

May 19th, 2009
Save Mart Center; Fresno, California, USA
credit: k9ripper85

August 7th, 2009
Summer Sonic; Chiba City, Chiba, Japan
credit: Paramore Videos

I Caught Myself
March 7th, 2017
Hamburg Stadtpark; Hamburg, Germany
credit: ANJA_SIMBA T.

February 22nd, 2013
Sydney Enmore Theater; Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
credit: Luque Coolhand

Escape Route
March 7th, 2014
credit: Anna Smart

Tell Me It's Okay
April 30th, 2015
SunFest; West Palm Beach, Florida, USA
credit: Mikey Nguyen
submitted by livingalien to Paramore [link] [comments]

Factors that affect how a deck of playing cards handles

Factors That Affect the Handling of a Deck - Part 1: Bicycle Playing Cards
Entering the world of playing cards can be a confusing business. When you speak with anyone who is already immersed in this world, or even if you read the small print on a Kickstarter project, you will find mention of things like "Bee Casino Stock", "Magic Finish", or "Traditional Cut". What on earth are they talking about? Then there are the common phrases you'll find on typical decks from big name publisher USPCC, like "Air-Cushion finish" (Bicycle decks), "Linoid finish" (Tally Ho decks), or "Cambric finish" (Bee decks). The mystery deepens! And what about the terms used by other publishers like LPCC, which mention things like a "Diamond Finish", "Classic Finish", or "JN Finish"? Is this some kind of secret code?
Let's be honest, you do want to understand the meaning of these riddles, especially if it's about a deck that you are considering buying or a project you are supporting! So let's see if we can solve some of these mysteries, and turn what seems to be a foreign language into plain English. In this article we'll introduce you to some of the things that go into producing a deck of playing cards, and talk about how these things can affect the performance and handling. Primarily I'll be talking about decks produced by the giant of the industry, United States Playing Card Company (USPCC), makers of the famous Bicycle brand of playing cards. In a follow-up article I'll consider how these same factors might apply to decks produced by other industry leaders like Taiwan-based Expert and Legends Playing Card Company, and European-based publisher Cartamundi.

1. Stock

What It Means
A deck of playing cards can never be better than the paper that it is printed on, and the word "stock" is used to refer to the paper used in the printing process. Quality playing cards are typically made of pasteboards, which a word derived from the process of how they are actually made. Cards consist of two layers of paper that are pressed tightly together with a layer of glue or "paste" between them. The glue not only ensures that they adhere together, but also helps ensure that cards are opaque, so that you can't see through them in bright light.
Since being established in 1885, the USPCC has used different paper stocks over time. For many years they operated out of a plant based in Cincinnati, Ohio, but when they relocated to Erlanger, Kentucky in 2009, they discontinued using some stocks that had been used previously (such as their special "UV 500" stock, which was sensitive to ultraviolet/black light). So you may find that some older decks that pre-date their move in location use a different paper stock and handle differently than newer ones. Since their move they have been using two main card stocks, Bicycle standard stock and Bee Casino stock.
There can be variation in paper shipments, however. While Bee Casino stock is usually thicker and stiffer than Bicycle Standard stock, this isn't always the case. Since around 2013 USPCC no longer offers their card stock by weight in grams per square meter, and instead the two main stocks of Bicycle (lighter) and Bee Casino (heavier) are measured by thickness rather than weight, with the thickness determined by a machine. But the thickness of each stock can fall within a range of thicknesses, and these two ranges can overlap. So it can sometimes happen that a deck produced with Bicycle stock is as thick as some Bee Casino stock decks; the reverses can also occasionally occur, namely that a deck with Bee Casino stock is as thin as some Bicycle stock decks. But for the most part these two different paper stocks have noticeably different thicknesses.
In addition, more recently USPCC has added a Thin-Crush stock to their quiver of options, and many newer cardistry decks are opting for this stock. Strictly speaking this isn't a different type of stock, but is rather is an optional process in which the Bicycle or Bee stock is crushed to make it even thinner. As reported by Lyle Borders, who is the VP of Operations for USPCC's largest custom print customer Theory11, "Generally, USPC only offers two stocks (Classic / Bicycle stock, and the thicker Premium / Bee stock). There is no such stock as "crushed stock". Once you choose your stock from above, you have the option to have that stock "crushed". It is not a separate stock, it is an optional process."
How It Affects Handling
Different paper stock will have different characteristics, and that will affect its thickness, stiffness, and durability. The Bee Casino stock is considered by many to be the premium and best stock available from USPCC, because it is thicker and stiffer. That is why it is usually the stock of choice used for decks produced by Ellusionist, which has most of their decks printed by USPCC. It can require some breaking in, but it also tends to be longer lasting. As you'd expect, the Thin-Crush stock is the thinnest of the lot, which makes it more slippery, quicker-wearing, but most importantly, it makes the cards feel very soft and flexible. This makes flourishes like springs very easy and smooth, and so it's no surprise that cardists especially have a fondness for Thin-Crush stock. Cards produced with Thin-Crush option can't be expected to be as durable and long-lasting, but they have a very pleasant soft feel straight from the box, and this has proven to be a very popular option for cardistry in particular.

2. Texture

What It Means
Sometimes you'll see people refer to texture as the "finish" of a playing cards. By that they aren't referring to the "coating" which is added to the card at the end of the process, but rather to the embossed texture or tactile feel of the cards. For example, Aviator decks are well known for having a smooth texture (sometimes called "Ivory"), but most other decks (including Bicycle) use an embossed texture. An embossed texture simply means that the paper has dimples to help reduce the amount of friction on the cards for best handling, and sometimes this is referred to as an "air cushion".
In older decks, the dimples of an embossed card were not created as they are today, which is by pressing a metal roller with bumps into the paper. Instead, they were produced at the end of the production process when the card's coating was applied using cloth rollers (much like a painter would make a textured wall surface with a cloth-covered paint roller). Many finish names still used today (e.g. linen, cambric, linoid) originated in the fabric used on these cloth rollers, and these names persist even though cloth rollers are no longer used. Standardization in manufacturing and cost-cutting has resulted in companies like USPCC stamping the embossed texture into the paper itself, thus eliminating the cost of replacing cloth rollers, which also had a greater potential for causing problems.
This means that the different terms used on differently branded USPCC produced decks today often refer to the same thing. For example, the "Air-Cushion finish" (Bicycle decks), "Linoid finish" (Tally Ho decks), or "Cambric finish" (Bee decks), in reality are all identical today. To complicate matters, the legal department of USPCC made a peculiar ruling at one stage to designate all Bicycle branded decks as having an "Air-Cushion finish", regardless of the actual finish or texture! In reality these different finish names are legacies from the days when decks did have unique coatings/finishes, which were applied with fabric/cloth-rollers. Nowadays the texture is no longer in the coating, but is crushed into the paper with steel rollers to create an embossed effect, and this is identical for all USPCC decks that are embossed rather than smooth.
How It Affects Handling
The presence and depth of embossing has a significant impact on handling. An embossed card tends to have a little more "give" to it when you flex it, in comparison with an un-embossed (smooth) card made of the same paper at the same thickness, thus creating a softer feel. This may also be partially a result of the modern embossing process itself, which presses dimples into the surface of the paper, possibly weakening the structure of the paper somewhat.
But more importantly, embossed playing cards will handle much more evenly. Cheaply produced cards are typically very smooth and have no embossed texture, and thus will handle very poorly and spread very unevenly. In contrast, most USPCC produced playing cards are embossed with an air cushion style finish, which operates on a principle similar to the dimples on a golf ball: these create little pockets of air to reduce the wind resistance around the ball, allowing it to have more slip and travel further. An optimal dimple pattern in the paper's surface allows for better glide between cards, as well as between cards and the surface they are on. As a result, with an embossed "air cushion" finish, cards will spread and fan smoothly and evenly. In nearly all cases, a deck of custom playing cards produced by USPCC will have the same texture and embossing pattern, and thus handle consistently.

3. Coating

What It Means
This refers to the coating that is applied to a deck of cards at the end of the printing process. Big name publishers like USPCC add a coating to the card to ensure that the cards perform well and will last. This coating also helps protect the cards from moisture - which is paper's old arch enemy. Ideally, you want a publisher to use a consistent formula that creates a coating which enables cards to be easily spread, and yet not so slippery that shuffling becomes difficult. Publishers like USPCC typically advertise their deck as having "performance coating" or "magic finish", and this is what they are referring to. USPCC has been known to use two main coatings: either Magic Finish, or in the case of decks produced in high volume, Standard Finish, which is slightly less slippery.
How It Affects Handling
Without any coating at all, cards will not handle smoothly or consistently, and you will get messy and inconsistent fans and spreads. USPCC's default coating on smaller orders of custom decks is something they call their "Magic Finish", and was developed around 2011. It is slightly more slippery, and makes cards slide more easily. It's called different things depending on the brand of cards. For example, Ellusionist calls this same coating "Performance Coating", which was USPCC's code name for the coating when they first started experimenting with it, and Ellusionist playing cards typically all have this coating. While this coating tends to be preferred by magicians, others find it to be too slippery, and don't like the "chemical" smell of the cards when they first come out of the pack, which can linger for a a while. The slightly less slippery "Standard Finish" coating is only used on orders of 15,000+ and that have a web press appropriate design. Since most custom playing cards are typically produced in a print run of a couple of thousand at most, they will virtually all use USPCC's Magic Finish, and handle the same in that regard.
One other consequence of coating is that it can wear out. Particularly with USPCC produced decks, this can mean that over time your cards will no longer slip over each other as evenly or consistently. This can vary from deck to deck, however, and you certainly will come across long-wearing decks too.

4. Cut

What It Means
The cut refers to the direction of the bevelled edge of the cards. In the production process, playing cards are first printed as an entire deck on a single uncut sheet, which is then "cut" by a machine into individual cards. But the direction in which this cut happens will create a small and almost unnoticeable bevel or "lip" on the edges of the cards. A traditional cutmeans the cards are cut from face to back, while a modern cut means the cards are cut back to face.
USPCC changed how they cut their cards in the 1980s, and since then the modern cut is their normal way of doing things, and they'll only produce decks with a traditional cut when specifically requested. The reason for this change is that a modern cut didn't require flipping the stock before feeding it into the die cutter; it was a simpler and more efficient process, thus making production less expensive by a few pennies per deck, which adds up in the long run when you're producing tens of thousands of decks!
How It Affects Handling
For most people the difference in cut won't make any difference, unless you are doing weave shuffles or certain gambling sleights. In fact, for the average person the direction of the cut won't even be noticeable. It is primarily evident when doing faro shuffles, which is a special shuffle in which the cards are weaved together one by one. A traditional cut is often preferred for this, because it means that you can do a faro shuffle face-down with a deck straight out of the box. In contrast, decks with a modern cut only can do faro shuffles face-up, and require a breaking-in period before you can do a (preferred) face-down faro shuffle. Generally speaking casinos order decks to be made with a traditional cut for this reason. But for most people who don't do faro shuffles, the direction of the cut won't make any real practical difference to their card handling.

Final Thoughts

So now that you know more about the factors that are part of the production of playing cards, and affect handling and performance, do you need to worry about every little detail when making a choice of playing cards? Not really, because in most cases USPCC is very consistent in what they produce. If a deck is produced by USPCC, you can count on it being similar quality to your standard Bicycle rider-back deck, unless of course it uses their Thin-Crush stock, which will feel noticeably thinner and softer.
Some people might swear that one deck is always better than another, but that's highly debatable. In reality most USPCC produced decks are of similar quality, and will look, feel, and handle the same, with some minor variations of course. The differences between certain decks that some people insist on are largely just a matter of different branding, as well as normal variation to be expected in different batches of paper. Most USPCC-produced Bicycle-branded custom decks feature an embossed texture with a magic finish/coating, with the only significant difference between them will be the paper stock. You will immediately notice a difference in handling with a Thin Crush stock, but many people can't even tell the difference between the standard Bicycle stock and the slightly thicker Bee stock.
The good news is that for the most part, the vast majority of decks stocked by popular online retailers that sell custom playing cards (e.g. are produced by USPCC and other industry leaders like LPCC/EPCC, so it's rare that these will disappoint you. Almost all playing cards produced by industry leaders like these are printed with the latest machines and technology, and that's why you are almost certain to be satisfied with one of their decks in your hands!
Author's note: I first published this article at here. A future article will cover decks produced by publishers other than USPCC.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to playingcards [link] [comments]


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THE MAC put his money where his mouth is all week and The Mac will once again prove why they continuously acclaim him to be a National Treasure!! Premium Play & Top Rated Release earnings are up substantially, College Hoops Plays are more than impressive this year, and tonight's CBB Action is set to go our direction. The MAC has a full card today and he is getting the all the geetus with conviction, he did his homework and is keeping open lines of discourse between his consensus groups and other affiliated player syndicates across the country.
There's a reason THE MAC has been dubbed THE PAYMASTER by bookmakers this college basketball season, picking games against the spread & sending a signal through the noise! Tonight and The MAC have a BIRMINGHAM BOWL NCAAF MAJOR MOVE ALERT PLAY - (BOSTON COLLEGE vs CINCINNATI U) + A NCAAB HUSH MONEY PLAY (JAN 02) - (RHODE ISLAND -8.5 vs BROWN +8.5) as well as a Full Red Alert Card of CFB, CBB, & NBA Expert Sports Picks!
When you follow The MAC, your'e in good hands, Red Alert Expert Basketball Picks have been atomic all year. Today, Mac McGuillaman has plenty of hoops games to choose from and spotted a gem of a game between TEXAS STATE +1.5 vs ARKANSAS LITTLE ROCK -1.5. The Mac is releasing this as a CBB Back Room Info Play for clients, The 8-5 Trojans are hosting the 7-6 Bobcats. The Trojans as a slight favorite are expected to keep this game close, Texas St. will be relying on their Guard, Nijal Pearson, to have a break out game while the Spartans put the pressure on with their 2 top players - Markquis Nowell, Ruot Monyyong. The MAC will be on the right side of this game because making these calls is just what The Mac does. The MAC'S Top Rated CBB predictions, Red Alert Plays, & OUR EXCLUSIVE COLLEGE BASKETBALL CALLS get it done, and that's just what it is.
The MAC'S Hush Money Action on tonight's College Basketball game between RHODE ISLAND -8.5 vs BROWN +8.5 will be starting @ 7:00, Roland's been playing and fading these teams for years, knowing when to lay or take points with teams like the Bears, Gaels, Bulldogs, and Huskies has aggrandized THE MAC's reputation for his college hoops hush money action. Last Night the Team's Hush Money Play on CONNECTICUT +2.5 missed, final score 51-67, a dud that are few and far between this college basketball season. We pride our action by bringing the results that has the people recommending THE MAC'S ATS COLLEGE BASKETBALL PICKS, making him one of the most venerable sources for expert college basketball picks against the spread, and lionizing in and around sportsbooks and casinos!
We will be getting it in the right way tonight with some BIRMINGHAM BOWL ACTION - (BOSTON COLLEGE +7.5 vs CINCINNATI U -7.5 + TENNESSEE -2.5 vs INDIANA +2.5), The MAC is moving heavy with a Major Move Alert Eagles-Bearcats side/total pick, kickoff @ 3:00. THE TENNESSEE VOLUNTEERS -2.5 vs INDIANA HOOSIERS +2.5 at 7:00 is a Top Rated Late Info Play and it goes without saying that we have been cleaning up all week! The MAC doesn't go where the game is, he puts his nuts right on the line to bring you where the money is, and tonight will be no different! This is the type of action that makes THE MAC's Top Rated & Premium College Basketball Plays like no others!
THE MAC is not only loaded with NCAA gifts from the odds-makers this year, and make no mistake, he very much is anticipating the outcome of his Late Info & Hoops Hush Money Play, but The Mac has his attention focused on The NFL Playoffs.
With the regular season coming to a end, and the big boy games about to begin, the NFL playoffs are when The MAC brings the big guns out, so expect that The MAC will be locked & loaded with expert NFL playoff predictions and his annual Vegas Tournament approved 2020 NFL Playoff Bracket Picks!
MAC'S Printable Pre-Filled Playoff Bracket for the 2020 NFL Superbowl 54 Playoffs are available for download. Looking to rip down a office pool with a pre-made bracket by professional sports handicapper Roland "THE ROARIN MAC" McGuillaman - The Internets Most Venerable Sports Service! & Roland "The Roarin MAC' McGuillaman 2020 Playoff/Superbowl 54 Prediction Printable/Downloadable Bracket - (Superbowl 54 LIV Bracket)
The Mac has been entering his expert NFL handicapping picks & predictions in pick-em tournaments for over the course of his career and since 1997 he has offered his tournament bracket picks to the public. The team has made this information available on the internet making The MAC one of the most venerable sources for expert football betting information, against the spread NFL predictions, and NFL playoff picks, lionizing & Roland McGuillaman in and around sportsbooks and casinos
The MAC will be collecting a envelope from his local bookie this week -
Weekly Bankroll:
(DEC 23 - 29) - 7 DAY BANKROLL: +27 UNITS
  • NCAAB LATE INFO PLAY (JAN 02) - (UAB +2.5 vs CHARLOTTE U -2.5)
Top Rated Sports Betting and Online Gambling Information courtesy of Roland Roarin Mac McGuillaman​
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Jack Casino is its own world in terms of law enforcement

Not going to lie: I win and lose a lot of money at Jack Casino. 99% of the time I play poker, and am up for the year, but I do play poker pretty often, about 4x a month.
Last night someone stole $500, from the poker table, from me. I had come back to the table after busting out and going to get chips, and went to have a cigarette. I acknowledged the dealer and he acknowledged me.
Of course, when I went back to the table and realized my money was gone I immediately contacted security. Stood around forever, and they did find the guy that did it. I'm not kidding, they told me they found the dude, had him on tape doing it.
They let him walk away. I had, evidently, "abandoned" my money.
I have spoken with the police. They take the same stance.
They even say I was only away for 6 minutes. Local police are very reluctant to file a real report, saying that because I "abandoned" my money I'm basically at fault.
I did file with the Gaming Commission, as well, but who knows how that will turn out.
Security had the guy in hand, have him on tape doing it, and just don't care. That's pretty whack. Cincinnati Police just says I abandoned the money, so it was the other guy's for taking.
It's whack.
I've played in casinos for 20+ years and have never had this happen, but I would have never assumed someone could just walk off with your chips, on camera, and get away with it. I guess the story is "don't have a smoke".
Local cops don't want to do anything there. The Ohio Gaming Commission has its own officers, they have said to me tonight. Sometimes, CPD works security there, but it's only to supplement the security staff there. The security staff there has no authority.
Edit: Two things:
Last night I did talk with CPD late last night, and they equated my actions as a woman leaving her purse around. That's the exact analogy. They feel it was "abandonment", acknowledge that they've seen the tapes, and acknowledge that I'd only been away from the table for 6 minutes.
I spoke with an officer from the Ohio Gaming Commission this morning, and he informed me that they would be pursuing it as a theft based on statements and the video. They'll be putting it together as a case. For some reason, he wanted my assurance that I'd "press for prosecution" which doesn't really even seem like a thing when a law is broken, blatantly and on video tape.
According to sources in the know on this that I have spoken with privately, the prosecutor is just going to turn down the case.
submitted by MastroRVM to cincinnati [link] [comments]

[Race Report] Flying Pig 4-Way w/ Extra Cheese

Race information


Goal Description Completed?
A Finish Yes
B Don't re-injure my knee So far so good
C Beat previous 4-way time No


I haven't really been training since I ran my last marathon on March 31st due to ITBS and knee pain. I did manage to run a half marathon the weekend before Flying Pig, so I was cautiously optimistic about finishing the races. I figured I would play it by ear on Sunday when I hit the half/full split and if I felt like I was going to die I would drop to the half.

Little Kings Mile



My wife and I drove to Cincinnati from Columbus on Friday afternoon and got in around 5:30pm. We were a bit pressed for time so after checking into our hotel we went to the expo and grabbed our race packets and shirts, as well as this year’s “premium item” (a really cool fold-up blanket thing). We got back to the hotel and changed and walked to Paul Brown Stadium. There we got our Little Kings Mile bibs and shirts, and then walked to the start (about half a mile away).


I wasn’t trying to PR for any distance this weekend since I’ve had to take a lot of time off recently because of IT band issues. I felt okay for the first half of the race, but was definitely flagging towards the end. The race had a single sharp turn at about a quarter mile and then ran straight to the finish line by the Moerlein Lager House (the same finish line as the other races, but going the other direction). I ended up running faster than I expected and finished the mile in around 6:30.


After the race my knee was a bit sore, but it seemed to be holding up so far. I watched my wife finish and then we got our 2 free beers and walked up to the street where there was a giant post-race party. We got free chili dogs and visited some sponsor tents and watched the bands playing on the stage. Then we got dinner in the VIP tent (my wife’s company had a booth at the expo, but nobody wanted to attend the VIP party so we got the passes) and headed back to the hotel. Went to bed around 10pm after laying out my stuff for the next day’s races.

Toyota 10K/Tri-State Running Co. 5K



The next morning I got up at around 6:15am and dressed for the 10K. I had some bagels and Summit Tea for breakfast and then we walked to the start line by the stadium. The weather was great at around 55ºF and overcast. I dropped my bag at gear check and got into my corral towards the front.


The 10K course was pretty hilly and included three bridges across the rivers. The first couple of miles are very similar to the first miles of the marathon, but run counter-clockwise instead of clockwise. From the start we ran across a bridge into Kentucky and then over another into Newport. It was a bit humid so I made sure to take water or Gatorade whenever we passed an aid station, and I ran the race VERY easy and made sure not to get caught up racing anyone. There was some food on the course as well and I took a Twizzler at around mile 2 and a Girl Scout cookie at mile 3. We crossed another bridge back into Ohio and the last 2 miles of the course were familiar to me since they were the same as the last time I’d run this race. I grabbed some pretzels from an aid station and then there was a fairly long out-over-and-back section, and then back into downtown by the Reds Stadium to the finish line. Around mile 5 there were volunteers handing out gummy oranges, so I continued my quest to eat everything on the course by taking one of those. I finished the 10K in 51:41 and felt great afterwards.


I grabbed my bag from the gear check buses and sat on a curb. I drank some Skratch and ate some peanut butter crackers and talked with some people around me who were also waiting for the 5K. My wife finished a few minutes after me and we sat around for about an hour before the start of the 10K. Between races my allergies got really bad and my sinuses basically closed up. I was miserable and snotty for 45 minutes, but as soon as I walked to the 5K corrals everything cleared up, so I’m guessing it was the trees I was sitting by. Before the 5K it started drizzling and a cool breeze started up, so by the time it was time to go I was a bit chilly.


The 5K and 10K courses are pretty much the same, but instead of running over the bridge into Kentucky the course loops back into downtown Cincinnati. The last 2 miles are the same as the 10K. I felt really good for the 5K and I was super excited to be done running for the day. The rain picked up a little bit during the race, but it never got worse than a light rain/heavy drizzle. I skipped the pretzels this time and took another gummy orange at mile 2, and pushed a little bit going into the finish line. I ended up running 24:48 for the 5K and my legs felt great afterwards, but I was ready for some food and rest.


We walked back to our hotel and showered and then got Chipotle for lunch near the hotel. I walked around the race expo for a while since we didn’t have time on Friday and then got back to the hotel room and covered my legs in bags of ice. After several hours of Netflix and icing I got dinner with friends at Buca di Beppo and went to bed around 9:30pm after laying out my stuff for the marathon.

Flying Pig Marathon



I got up at 4:45am and dressed and ate more bagels and summit tea for breakfast. The weather was decent running weather (around 55ºF again), except for the 95% humidity. At around 6am I walked to the start (again by the stadium) and found the gear check buses. After dropping my bag I tried to figure out where my corral was and got very confused because corrals A and B were one way and the rest were another, and the path to gear check cut between them so it was very congested and hard to see where to go. Eventually I found my way into the A corral and moved up towards the start line, but I moved back a bit to start towards the end of B corral since I knew I’d be going out slow. After the anthem and some fireworks we were on our way.


As with the 10K I took it very easy through the Kentucky section of the race. I made sure to try to grab water or Gatorade at every aid station due to the humidity, and I continued my food quest by grabbing some bacon from a guy on the side of the road (it was delicious). The Newport/Kentucky sections went by quickly and I crossed the bridge back into Ohio around mile 3 and turned into downtown. There were tons of people lining the streets on Seventh St. downtown and I got a nice boost from the crowd going into the hills. The course went up a long, gradual hill past the casino and then turned into the biggest hills of the course. I slowed my pace going up the hills and ended up feeling pretty good when I got to the top.
At mile 9-ish the half marathoners split off and we ran through some quiet neighborhoods. Here there were more Girl Scount cookies, mimosas, and Peppermint Patty’s, all of which I took. I had a gel at mile 12 and did my best to give high fives to all the kids on the course. There were also 2 beer stops to go with the mimosa. At mile 14 we got to the long out-over-and-back section of the race and there was more food including popsicles, graham crackers, candy, and pretzels. At the turn around at mile 15 there was a huge block party with tons of cheering spectators. It definitely gave me a boost through this section. I took a salt tab on the way back and hit the short section of bike path. I had been dreading the section of the race on the highway at mile 17-18, but I managed to stick with a group of runners and make it through.
At mile 20 I took a short walk break since the sun was coming out and it was heating up a bit. My strategy for the rest of the race was to walk for a minute or 2 and then run to the next mile marker. I managed to keep this up for the next 4 miles through some mostly-downhill rollers. I started taking water and pouring it over my head to cool off, which made me feel a lot better. At mile 24 I tried to pick my pace up a bit, but continued walking on any uphill sections. The last 2 miles of the race felt very long. Eventually I hit the timing mat that marked 1 mile to go and, after walking up a short hill, ran back into downtown. I knew how far it was to the finish from the 5K and 10K and I was determined to run it in. The last half mile had fantastic crowds and after going under the highway and passing the stadium I finally saw the finish line. I ran across in just under 4 hours at 3:57:39.


I got my medal and some water and grabbed a bunch of post-race food, which included chips, pretzels, fruit, pizza, cookies, granola bars, and protein bars. Once I had recovered a bit I got my marathon finisher’s jacket and picked up my medal for completing the 4-Way challenge. I had a beer and watched my wife finish and then walked around a bit before going back to the hotel.

Final Results

Mile 5K 10K Marathon Total
06:31 24:48 51:41 3:57:49 5:20:49


I am happy with my times for all 4 of the races I ran during Flying Pig. My knee is sore today, but a lot of other things are too, so I’m not super worried about it. I feel great that I was able to run a marathon on very poor training and I’m feeling optimistic going into summer. I have 4 weeks until my next race, so I’m looking forward to a few days off to fully recover. I love Flying Pig and am always amazed by the amount of people that come out to support, volunteer, and cheer on runners for all of the races. I had a fantastic time completing the 4-Way and look forward to doing it again.
This post was generated using the new race reportr, a tool built by BBQLays for making organized, easy-to-read, and beautiful race reports.
submitted by P-dubbs to running [link] [comments]

Cincinnati Weekend Recap

Anytime we go out of town, Reddit is always a major help with what to see and where to go. So, I like to give a little feedback on the weekends/trips/vacations. We try to keep it as positive as possible unless there is something that needs to be addressed. There is too much negativity in life and being from Cleveland, we aren't immune to harsh criticism.
We got in around 2:00 PM, a little bit later than anticipated. As we do, we drove around downtown, checked out the buildings, baseball stadium, and architecture. I'm an Engineer, so checking out the City is always fun for me.
After, we headed to Mirror Lake at Eden Park to fly the drone. Eden Park is great. We spent a ton of time there this weekend.
From there, we checked into the hotel and headed straight to Kings Island and arrived around 5:00 PM. Being from Cleveland, Cedar Point is only an hour away. We hadn't been to Kings Island since we were kids, so it was fun to see it again. It really reminded us of Geauga Lake - our favorite park from our childhood. We spend a weekend at Cedar Point every year - as well as going 1 or 2 other times per year - and we were getting a little jaded with it. Kings Island provided some nice perspective and it was a welcome change to only wait in 15 minute lines as opposed to 1-2 hour lines. We stayed until 10:00 PM and watched the fireworks from the parking lot.
After Kings Island, we went to Rhinegiest. I didn't realize how big the brewery was. Truth is probably one of my Top 5 beers. We had a couple encounters on the way in and out of the brewery, but as I said, we like to keep these posts positive.
After Rhinegiest, we popped into a couple bars around our hotel for a drink or 2 before retiring for the night.
The weather was going to be touch and go all day, so our plans got a little changed around.
We started the morning/afternoon with Goodfellas/Wiseguys. What a gem. The pizza and sauces were great and the bourbon bar was fantastic. We loved the look/feel inside there and the food was great. Cleveland is really missing a good pizza-by-the-slice joint.
From there, we walked around that little hipster district and popped in some shops and stores. Hopefully that area can really pick up and take off.
From there, we wanted to walk off some of the pizza and sauce, so we headed back to Eden Park. Through the drizzle, we spent most of the time at Twin Lakes and Chatfield Memorial. We like to take some time and just enjoy views on a bench. I read up on the little historical plaques (which I loved). Once it really started to rain, we went to the Krohn Conservatory. It was a nice little botanical garden and cheap. We ended up flying the drone at Stand Pipe and Pump Station... 2 really cool buildings.
We made our way back to the hotel to get cleaned up. We checked out Sundry & Vice for cocktails before the concert. A really nice atmosphere inside and the drinks were solid. The name escapes me, but I got their signature - award winning - honey bourbon drink? Followed by a classic old fashioned. My SO got a dirty martini.
The evening was spent at the JACK Casino and Martina McBride concert. I'm not a country fan to say the least, but the JACK was nice. My S.O. wanted to gamble... so, I helped her play Black Jack and she did great, she was so excited and it ended up paying for our hotel stay.
We ended the night by going to a bar by the hotel and getting some food to take back to the room.
We tried to get up early and check out the water front, but man we were a little bit tired. We couldn't get into any of the breakfast places (Hang Over Easy, Tucker's, Hathaways). We ended up going back to the Goodfella's neighborhood to eat. We stopped in the macaroon shop and smore shop. Both were really good. I hope they can sustain.
We made our way down to Smale Park. What a great investment. The City has done a tremendous job with that park. Due to the stadiums and compass interference, flying the drone was very difficult and decided against it. We moved further east, checked out the Armleder park. We were able to fly the drone, but kept losing signal due to being so low in the bowl. I wasn't able to get the shots I wanted, but still got some shots. We then moved to the Friendship park to drain the rest of the battery. Right as we flew, a bunch of movers came to tear down a bunch of tents and chairs... so the shots weren't great.
I would have liked to use 1 more battery worth near the parks, but with the humidity, heat, and being worn out, we weren't about to get as many shots/videos as we would have liked.
The highlights were definitely Goodfellas and the waterfront. We have been to a lot of different cities and it becomes incredibly frustrating to see the development and emphasis on the waterfront. Being from Cleveland, we have Lake Erie and the Cuyahoga River, and maybe 5% of it is developed. Cuyahoga County and Cleveland has a long history of being corrupt... but kudos to Cincinnati for developing it. They did a great job and really enhances the Bengals and Reds facilities and puts a great face on Ohio from Kentucky.
Your city definitely has a mini-New York City vibe to it. With the street cars, 1-ways, and street signs/lights, it definitely gave us a New York City impression.
Our only real complaint is the traffic. I can't believe all those 1-ways are necessary. It was so frustrating. You could be a block away from your destination, but would take 10 minutes to get there.
All-in-all, it was a fun trip. We got to do just about everything we set out to do - besides have breakfast at a mom and pop diner. We would have like to see Urban Artifact or MadTree, but from the comments, we avoided those areas. Thanks for all the suggestions/tips. I hope I can return the favor (I'm active on the Cleveland subreddit) if you ever head up north.
submitted by CLEstones to cincinnati [link] [comments]

Sweepstakes Cafes?

These used to exist in a couple places north of Cincinnati and I have a strange fascination with them. They promote themselves as sweepstakes cafes or internet cafes, but inside they are low-rent (possibly illegal) casinos.
They are also notoriously hard to find on Google Maps since they are shady establishments who don't promote themselves all that much and don't really fall under a single category of place (e.g. you can't search "illegal casino" on Google Maps.)

Does anyone know of any of these in the area or do Cincinnati police do a better job regulating them than other parts of Ohio? I heard of one called "Megabucks" over the river, but are there any in Cincinnati proper?
submitted by travisjd2012 to cincinnati [link] [comments]

REVRAD World Tour: Cincinnati, OH

August 20, 2017 / Riverbend Music Center / Cincinnati, OH
General Info:
Doors: 5:30pm
Show: 7:00pm
If you have GA lawn, I'd suggest getting there as early as possible. Riverbend is an older amphitheater, built more for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra than with rock concerts in mind, so it's built for sound, not sight. There are honestly a lot of places your view is going to be terrible, if you can see anything at all.
Concert Capacity:20,500 (6,000 reserved seats and 14,500 on the lawn)
Weather: 89°/67° - Mostly sunny with 72% humidity. It's gonna be hot and sticky. Prepare accordingly and please hydrate.
Opening band: Catfish & The Bottleman
Getting There:
Address: 6295 Kellogg Ave. Cincinnati, Ohio 45230 venue photo
Directions: Here. PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE SIGNS POSTED AROUND THE EXIT. Riverbend is right next to Belterra Park Casino and Coney Island Amusement Park, so sometimes concert traffic will be directed one way and casino traffic a different way even though they are in the same direction.
Parking: Parking is included in the price of every ticket. Ample parking is available in all surrounding lots labeled Event Parking. Additional parking for concerts will be available at Coney Island. Accessible parking is available in all lots.
If you get there before parking opens, or if you don't want to deal with waiting forever to get out of the parking lot once the show ends, you can park at Belterra Casino next door and walk over.
Fan Meet Up:
If anyone is interested in a meet up before or after let me know and I'll work on setting it up. I'd recommend Belterra next door if we don't have anyone under 21 (I know at least one person from this subreddit who is attending is turning 21 at midnight so we'll need to buy them a drink.)
Set Lists:
Last Show: Toronto, ON
This Show: Cincinnati, OH
Please keep all show discussion in this thread, any posts related to this concert (besides photo's & video) will be deleted.
I'm more than happy to provide recommendations for places to eat or hang out, especially if you're coming from out of town, but that's hard without knowing preferences so comment below or message me and I'll help you out. I've lived in Cincinnati more than half my life (I live less than 15 minutes from the venue) and this city has a lot of unique things to offer.
Try some freaking Skyline. If you're not into the classic chili spaghetti, they have a super delicious vegetarian chili too, and GREAT salads, and are very reasonably priced.
If you've got time and also the money to spend and are over 21, the buffet at the casino next door to the venue is great and is fantastic at catering to specific dietary needs and special requests. I'm vegetarian with allergies and my sister needs everything gluten-free and it's one of the few places we both can enjoy ourselves without stressing about it.
submitted by showgirlsteve to greenday [link] [comments]

Hello! I had basically all my airsoft stuff (and other stuff) stolen from me recently

Hello all! Some of you might know me and some of you might not. My name is Nelson, also known as Potato or NelonTHAMelon, and I am a Cincinnati native and avidly involved Ohio airsofter. I am the president of the Ohio State University Airsoft Club, was the tech at the Columbus store AirsoftSMITH, and am currently a tech at ZShot. I also am the chrono guy at the Out of the Box Industries (OOBI) games and have red-shirt-staffed at many OLCMSS games.
Between 08-01-15 and 08-10-15 I had stored almost the entirety of my airsoft guns and gear in a storage unit at 480 Exchange Drive, Columbus, OH 43228 owned and operated by Casino Self Storage Company. I did this because I wanted to save myself a good deal of time and effort in moving all this crap back to my parents’ house 100+ miles away during a gap between leases of my housing at school. Unfortunately, the worst happened and basically everything was stolen from this storage unit. Whether it was an inside job or whoever might have done it, I don’t know and I don’t have any leads. I’ll leave that to the police.
As some may know, I have (had) a tremendous amount of airsoft replica guns, gear, accessories, magazines, ammunition, comms equipment, clothing, and electronics as well as lots of other personal belongings. When I say a tremendous amount, I really do mean a “tremendous amount” as I’ve accumulated tons of stuff through flipping guns and various airsoft related jobs over the past ~8 years. A major reason I accumulated such a large number of guns and stuff is so I could loan them out to my club members and when people had guns break down on the field. But most of the items are highly collectible and many items were custom built by me and are “one of a kind”. On most items, I wrote my name or callsign (Potato) usually in silver or black sharpie on the externals or even within the internals or inner surfaces of the guns and gear.
Listed here in this Google Document are some of the key items that were stolen from these units. Here are some pictures of myself using/equipped with the guns and gear I own that were stolen as well as various pictures highlighting some of the items that were stolen I've sold/traded some of the items in the pictures but I've tried my best to not include pictures that have a majority of not-stolen-stuff. I mainly included images of my more unique and high-value items such as my TM MP7 AEP and Polarstar-ed Type 97B. These are some pictures of my storage unit when I was in the process of stowing things, of which I took because I felt proud of my ability to pack so much crap into just one 10x10 storage unit
Of course, I never expected such a turn of events, and I now feel extremely silly at not religiously cataloging everything I own. Hindsight is 20/20 and the best I can do is put out a sort of APB on some of my stuff. I have no intention of going on some sort of wild witch hunt, but it would bring me some peace of mind if I figure out where some of it is in hopes it will somehow return to me at some point. Honestly, I doubt I’ll find or get back anything outside of the top items listed on my “more unique guns” category. But I went ahead and listed everything I could remember in the event anyone comes across a stash that has some correlation of these items altogether in a bunch of random duffle bags and Sterelite totes. Either way around, my insurance is covering my loss to some degree, however the sentimental value of many items I spent hours to days crafting and tuning isn’t something I can exactly “buy again.”
I apologize for the long sob story and appreciate those who read and will keep an eye out for some of this stuff. Also my grammar undoubtedly sucks here and there - so sorry for that too.
Quick Edit Update - I actually DID get away with my Tippman M4, a few mags, a pair of goggles, and one rather basic rig so I'm still in the game! And also both myself, the cops, and my insurance company have been daily scouring all the possible places where someone would try to turn this stuff into cash. I do truly appreciate every bit of advice and help though!
submitted by NelonTHAMelon to airsoft [link] [comments]

The Bicycle Brand: Is it Really Worth the Money to Get a Bicycle Deck?

The Bicycle Brand: Is it Really Worth the Money to Get a Bicycle Deck?

The Bicycle Brand: Is it Really Worth the Money to Get a Bicycle Deck?

A common question from many people new to cardistry and to the world of custom playing cards generally is about the Bicycle® brand of playing cards. It is a very recognizable and familiar brand. But they tend to cost a little more than a cheap deck at the corner shop or department store. Is it really worth spending the extra money to get something with the Bicycle brand, and are they really better? And what about a custom deck of playing cards - is the name Bicycle on the cover any indication or guarantee of quality? And are these good decks for card flourishing?
The familiar brand name
A Short History of Bicycle Cards
As it turns out, Bicycle is just one of the brands used by The United States Playing Card Company (USPCC), which prints the cards. Established in 1894, they have been in business for over a century. Today they are one of the world's biggest producers of playing cards, and certainly the largest in the USA.
The famous Bicycle brand playing cards were first produced in 1885, and over time this has become USPCC's signature brand. At the time, high wheeled bicycles were the fashion, and that is what accounts for the name - the company was capitalizing on the popularity of the new bicycle trend. The bicycle naturally became an image associated with the deck and the brand, and it is one reason why even today Bicycle playing cards often have the classic "rider back" design, which typically is printed in either red or blue. Today, inside a standard issued Bicycle deck you can expect to find 52 playing cards with this traditional design, along with two Jokers, plus two extra cards: often an advertising card and a card with the ranking of poker hands. The back design, the Jokers, and the Ace of Spades are signature elements of this classic design, which typically has the number 808 on the Ace and Jokers, identifying it as the classic Bicycle line.
Besides their well-known Bicycle brand, USPCC also prints playing cards for several other well known brands, such as Bee®, Aviator®, and Tally Ho®. Over time, USPCC has acquired and absorbed smaller publishers of playing cards, and many of these brands represent other manufacturers that they have taken over (e.g. Hoyle Products in 2001). USPCC has often continued printing under the names of the established brands that they inherited, even though the card quality of these different brands is now basically the same as their own Bicycle cards. But they are a massive producer of playing cards, and according to one source, if placed end to end, the Bicycle cards made in a single year would warp the earth 7.5 times!
Other Branded Decks Produced by USPCC
In terms of quality, you can expect a deck of cards with the Bicycle brand on the box to perform similarly to most of the other cards produced by USPCC, including their other brands like Bee and Tally Ho. The reason is that these different labels are mostly about perpetuating other established brand names, rather than any actual difference in card quality or handling. As mentioned above, decks like Bee, Aviator, and Tally Ho - all of which are now registered trademarks of the USPCC - have become popular name brands in their own right, and so it was simply a smart business move for USPCC to keep printing these branded decks under their own labels.
Some people will swear that Tally Ho decks are always better than Bicycle decks, and vice versa. In fact, however, the quality and handling today is essentially the same. The actual handling of a particular deck can vary from one printing batch to another, so you can expect to see some normal variance. But this is not a result of a different product for different brands, but is simply normal and accepted variance that you will find within any particular brand as well. Even the Phoenix playing cards produced by Card Shark from Germany, marketed as an ideal deck for magicians, and a deck which some magicians would like to consider as a preferred alternative to the traditional Bicycle rider-back, is actually printed by USPCC, and thus has basically the same card quality.
Tally Ho brand
Unbranded Decks Produced by USPCC
Furthermore, the Bicycle name on the box does not necessarily mean that you will find the "standard issued" Bicycle rider-back cards inside the box. As long as you pay them the right amount of money, if you are having USPCC print a deck of cards for you, they are happy to print "Bicycle" on the box for you.
As a result, you will find that some crowdfunding projects for custom playing cards will offer the option of either a "branded" deck and an "unbranded" deck; the branded deck has Bicycle on the box, while the unbranded deck does not. The reason is obvious: putting Bicycle on the box creates an immediate brand recognition, and since the average person associates this name with quality, it can be a good move to have your custom deck produced as a Bicycle deck.
But in actual fact, both the branded and unbranded decks are usually identical in quality, since both are printed by USPCC, and it is just a matter of labelling. What you really need to look for is not whether the deck has Bicycle on the box, but whether it was printed by USPCC, which will invariably be mentioned on the box of both the branded and unbranded decks that the creator is producing.
Quality control
Blue Seal Versus Black Seal Bicycle Decks
The only real difference in handling that the professional cardist might notice is with some older Bicycle branded decks printed by USPCC, and this is a result of the playing cards being produced in a different factory. After operating out of a plant based in Cincinnati, Ohio, for many years, USPCC relocated across the river to Erlanger, Kentucky, in 2009. Along with this move, they discontinued using some stocks, one example being the special "UV 500" stock that was sensitive to ultraviolet/black light (a quality that made the very striking Black Tiger deck from Ellusionist so appealing).
But more importantly, printing in a different plant may have also had some small impact on the quality of cards. Bicycle decks produced in the new Kentucky plant typically have a black seal, while Bicycle decks printed in the older Ohio plant can be identified with a blue seal. The machines used to print, finish, and cut the cards are different, and some people who are very experienced with playing cards claim that they do notice slight differences in handling, and that they have a preference for the cut or feel of the old decks. In reality any differences between these decks are small, and certainly will go undetected by the average person. There were some teething issues immediately after the move, and during the transition the new machines did create some initial concerns about the quality of black seal decks for a brief period, but those have been long resolved.
As a general statement, it can be said that USPCC has continued to produce high quality Bicycle branded cards after their relocation, just as they did before the move. Blue seal or black seal - it does not make much difference in most cases, because both are comparable and high quality products.
The standard deck
The Quality of Bicycle Cards
There is good reason that USPCC is the largest producer of playing cards in the United States, and that is not just because they produce trusted brands like Bicycle, but also because they have a reputation for quality. Besides their Aviator cards that have a smooth finish, all the other brand name cards produced by USPCC have an embossed finish that results in consistent, smooth, and good handling. These are going to be one of the most important qualities necessary for handling a deck of playing cards. In practice, this means that if a custom deck of playing cards is produced by USPCC, regardless of whether or not it has the Bicycle name, it is almost certain to have the embossed texture that they call their "air cushion finish", and the cards will handle nicely. Of course the Bicycle name on the front will tell you that immediately. In the end, the handling of Bicycle decks will not vary significantly from one deck to another, besides the odd batch that might slip through with a lower quality, but that can happen with any publisher of playing cards.
The printing and colours of USPCC produced decks is usually good, but there can be one small exception: print registration. This refers to how accurately an image is centred on a card. With wide borders, slight discrepancies will not be obvious, but with a custom deck that has narrow borders, this can be a real problem, and narrow borders can magnify how bad this looks. I have seen this issue occur on quite a few USCPCC produced decks, so it is something to watch out for, especially if you have custom playing cards that do use narrow borders. Of course, with standard decks with wide borders like the Bicycle rider-back, this is usually a non-issue.
Some have also expressed a concern that with the high volume of cards that USPCC produces, there can occasionally be a backlog in production at their factory. In order to catch up with the fulfilment of orders, it becomes necessary to speed things up. Since quality control is not always what it should be, this can affect the product that is produced, and unfortunately this can mean that the level of quality in production can vary from month to month, and occasionally a batch of decks is produced where cards quickly clump together, and handle more poorly than they should. Fortunately, however, this seems to be an exception rather than the rule, and I have not seen definitive evidence to support this claim.
Bicycle branding supersized
The Consistency of Bicycle Cards
One nice thing about a Bicycle deck is that you know what you can expect before you open the box. From one deck to another, cards will have the same sort of feel, and the same sort of handling. USPCC does offer three different options of paper stock, namely their standard Bicycle stock, the superior Bee Casino stock (which is thicker), and their new Thin-Crush stock (which is thinner). This mainly affects durability and how "soft" or "stiff" the cards feel, with the thicker Bee Casino stock feeling more firm and being longer lasting, and the thinner Thin-Crush stock feeling more soft and wearing quicker.
Premium decks from Ellusionist, Theory11, and Art of Play are often printed with the thicker Bee Casino stock, but the typical custom deck of playing cards will use the standard Bicycle stock, and so decks will perform in exactly the same fashion from one to the next. This makes it very easy to crack open a new deck, because you do not need to adjust to the cards, and will have an immediate sense of familiarity, and the comfort of feeling right at home with a new deck. This is one of the reasons why many magicians prefer USPCC produced decks, because they have become a staple for them, and they do not want to be pulling out a new deck in a performance that will handle in different or unexpected ways, potentially screwing up critical sleight of hand moves.
More quality control
The Popularity of Bicycle Cards
Bicycle is unquestionably one of the most recognized brands of playing cards, at least in the United States. A practical consequence of this is that over time the classic rider-back Bicycle deck has become the deck of choice for magicians to use in performances. One of the advantages of this is that it is immediately recognizable and familiar, and to the spectators, a Bicycle deck immediately sends a message that it is nothing than what it seems: an ordinary deck. Most magicians you see performing on TV specials will typically use the standard rider-back Bicycle deck for this reason.
A good magician can perform real miracles with almost any deck of playing cards, but if you do perform magic, often you can find yourself being challenged that you are using a "trick deck". One way to avoid this, of course, is to stick to using a borrowed deck of cards. The disadvantage of this is that you might find yourself using very worn and tattered cards, in some cases where the cards are effectively "marked", and where the cards handle terribly, making it difficult to perform certain sleights. But when one uses a standard rider-back Bicycle deck, there is almost an immediate sense of familiarity, because it is typically seen as the model of a "normal" deck. Using a heavily customized deck can sometimes scream "trick deck", although this perception is gradually changing as the custom playing card industry grows, and as it becomes increasingly common for magicians to use custom decks in online videos and in performances.
One other consequence of the Bicycle brand's popularity is that playing cards with the rider-back design are most commonly used for gaffed and gimmicked cards. It is true that sometimes custom decks will come with a couple of gaff cards, especially if they are a deck produced by USPCC, given that their decks normally contain 56 cards, thus including two extras besides the usual 52 cards and 2 Jokers. But gaff cards with the rider-back design are still the standard, and are the ideal "all-rounder" for the magician, because you can immediately slip them into any easily obtainable rider-back deck as needed.
Rider-back decks
The Competition to Bicycle Cards
All this is not to suggest that Bicycle branded cards from USPCC are the only ones that are a quality product. As mentioned already, other brands printed by USPCC are also high quality, including Bee and Tally-Ho. And an unbranded deck that is USPCC deck will typically also have cards of matching quality. But there are also some other reputable companies that produce high quality playing cards, and the biggest players in recent years include the Expert Playing Card Company (EPCC) operated by Bill Kalush, and Legends Playing Card Company (LPCC) operated by Lawrence Sullivan. These two companies both operate using the same factory in Taiwan, and often will collaborate and even work together.
EPCC/LPCC produced decks tend to be just as high quality as USPCC produced decks, although their handling and feel can be different. They offer a number of different finishes, which correspond to different types of paper stock they use. But the feel of their Classic Finish and Elite/Damask Finish decks is quite similar to what you will find in a Bicycle deck from USPCC. Their Diamond/Master Finish and Emerald/JN Finish decks have less embossing than a normal air cushion finish, and also have a thinner stock that is surprisingly more stiff and also very durable. The result is that these cards have more of an oily or plastic feel, and their handling can take some getting used to due to this different feel, but there is no doubt that these are also high quality playing cards.
You will see quite a few decks from EPCC/LPCC on crowdfunding projects on Kickstarter, and the EPCC/LPCC label is almost a certain indication of quality. You might just want to check what finish a deck in question is, so that at least you know what to expect. Unlike many Bicycle branded decks that have a modern cut, these decks typically have a traditional cut, which is mainly a preference for magicians and cardists doing faro shuffles, but otherwise irrelevant to the average person. They also have super smooth edges, that make USPCC decks feel rough in comparison. One final strength of EPCC/LPCC produced decks is that their print registration is nearly always perfect, and so they are the ideal publisher for decks that have thin borders, because unlike some USPCC decks, the borders are almost certain to be printed accurately and consistently.
Cartamundi is another big name from the boardgame industry that has recently been making a splash in the custom playing card market. Their playing cards are much softer than normal Bicycle cards, and handle much like USPCC's thin-crush stock, so they are great for card flourishing. At the same time they are thicker than a normal Bicycle deck, so they are still very durable. Time will tell whether they will prove to be serious competition for the traditional Bicycle deck.
Besides Bicycle decks and those produced by EPCC/LPCC and Cartamundi, there are a few small players in the industry. Ideally you want to stick to decks from these industry leaders to be assured of high quality. In contrast, cheap playing cards that are typically sold in corner shops, department stores, or tourist outlets, are noticeably inferior. To begin with, many of these decks are narrower bridge size cards, rather than the wider poker size cards that are standard. They are typically printed on inferior and thin paper stock, so they will bend and get damaged easily. They usually also have no embossing whatsoever, and as a result they will not fan or spread evenly, and cards will quickly clump together. Do not bother with these if you want decent handling and durability - stick to USPCC decks like the Bicycle brand, or those of other industry leaders like EPCC/LPCC and Cartamundi.
Anniversary edition
Final Thoughts
As the old saying goes, you get what you pay for! If you buy a cheap non-Bicycle branded deck from a corner shop, you are likely to get an inferior product that will quickly wear out, and even make for an unpleasant handling experience. Certainly the magician and cardist will want to stay far away from cards like these!
In contrast, the Bicycle brand is a guarantee of quality. While there are also other reputable publishers like EPCC/LPCC and Cartamundi, Bicycle is certainly the brand of choice. Any deck of custom playing cards that is produced by USPCC, with or without the Bicycle brand on the tuck box, is almost certain to have a quality that you will be very pleased with.
For someone starting out in card magic or card flourishing, I strongly recommend starting with a standard Bicycle deck. It will cost you a bit more than a typical corner store deck, but it is well worth it. In fact, a classic rider-back deck will cost you far less money than a deck of custom playing cards, and yet will usually handle the same. Given their popularity, it is the perfect deck for the budding magician or cardist to begin with.
Of course custom playing cards work just fine for magic and cardistry too. But these typically cost more because you are paying for the unique artwork and stylish customization which is the very reason for their appeal. There is a wide range of custom decks that will cost you more money than a basic Bicycle rider-back deck, but those are mostly geared to the collector or the person who enjoys customization, and there is a growing number of great decks with artwork optimized for cardistry. Do not believe the hype that the quality of a custom deck is so much greater than a Bicycle deck, because in reality they perform and handle the same, and the extra cost is primarily about the customization in artwork, and often a more luxurious tuck box. Of course if it is a custom deck with the Bicycle brand, it will be a quality product, and that means that it will not only have the visual appeal that you want, but it will also perform at a level that you need for magic.
As the old adage says, the bad workman will always blame his tools. Even the best deck in the world will not make up for the other essentials of good magic or skilful card flourishing, both of which require sound and well-practised technical skill with cards, and in the case of card magic, also good patter and presentation. But if you are going to try card magic or card flourishing, it is going to be a much more satisfying experience for everyone if you have a decent deck in your hands, and that is exactly what you are getting with a Bicycle deck.
Company logos
For most people, regardless of whether you are looking for a deck for card magic, for card flourishing, for playing card games, or for collecting, it is a good idea to stay away from those cheapie corner shop decks. These will quickly wear out and become a mess, and only disappoint in the end. At a minimum, spend a little extra and get a standard Bicycle deck. And if you are looking for a custom deck, the Bicycle name is an assurance of quality, as is almost any deck produced by the United States Playing Card Company.
So is it really worth the money to get a Bicycle deck? If quality is what you need, then absolutely!
Card games
Where to get them: Do you want to pick up some quality Bicycle decks? Look no further - you can get them at Start with the tried and true classics: the Red Rider Back and the Blue Rider Back. Or perhaps you might enjoy a variation of the Rider Back deck in one of many other colours or styles. Alternatively, to see the massive full range of playing cards with the Bicycle brand, check out their complete online catalogue of Bicycle Playing Cards.
Join the discussion: What do you think of Bicycle Playing Cards? And are they worth the extra cash?
Author's note: I first published this article at here.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to cardistry [link] [comments]

5-year marriage between me [26M] and my wife [24F] over. Now what?

TL;DR: My wife and I have separated in my first committed relationship breakup, and I have no clue what I'm doing! Kind of long.

Some background; I met my wife 7 years ago and we both went through a difficult time together while being FWB. Fast-forward 2 years, and we got married in December 2013. It's been rocky throughout, but we've always had love for each other and a deep connection. There's never been infidelity on either side. Recently however, we've decided to separate due to incompatibility. It hasn't been easy, but there's really no way to go but through it.

My question is, what now? We moved from Charleston, SC (close to my home town) to the greater Cincinnati area (her hometown) last March. As we have a two-year old son together, my time has been completely taken up by work and family. With the separation, I've found difficulty in meeting people. In Charleston, I worked in the restaurant industry, and in a thriving city, had no trouble finding social situations. This was made easier by the fact that everyone lived within 15-20 minutes of each other, many times closer. Here in Ohio, people are much more spread out. My job, working for a Kroger Distribution Center, pays very well, some of the best money of my life; however, it's composed of many more family people than food-and-bev was in Charleston. This makes it much harder to socialize through work.

So, my final question would be, how can I meet people/women outside of my work sphere? For entertainment, we do have several casinos in close proximity that I enjoy going to on occasion, responsibly of course! There are the obligate bars in downtown Cincinnati that I'm sure would be reasonably packed on weekend nights. Would either of those be decent targets, seeing as how I've been completely out of the game for 5 years? I can't really think of other ways. Bonus points for anyone who lives in the Cincinnati area with advice. Thanks for reading if you made it this far!
submitted by rocket_master_26 to relationships [link] [comments]

Competition in a poker room vs a casino?

Ok, I'm TDY to Dayton Ohio and have the itch to play cards. I've played in casinos and home games for the bulk of my playing. Only cash games though.
There is a dedicated small poker room (& social club?) About 15 minutes from my hotel called Ruggles Club (no rake, but a $15-$25 fee to buy in). There is also a Jacks Casino (formerly Horseshoe) in Cincinnati. Both offer a 1/2 NLH and tournaments.
My question is do you think the level of play is going to be harder at a smaller dedicated room versus a casino? My thought process is that a small dedicated room in an average size town is going to have the same group of people that know how each other play and can use that to their advantage and my detriment where as the chances of that are smaller at a casino in a larger city like Cincinnati.
What are your thoughts or opinions?
submitted by aStinkyLoad to poker [link] [comments]

Coming to Cincinnati for the All Star Game? Some hopefully helpful tips

I didn't see a post like this but then again I didn't see anyone ask for one either. Anyway, if you're coming to Cincinnati for the ASG and have never been here before, you've probably got some typical traveler questions, like "Where do I eat?" and "What's there to do besides the ASG stuff?"
So first, welcome to Cincinnati! Given the events are downtown, this post will mostly stay local to the immediate area. There's plenty of things to do in the region but chances are you're mostly looking to stay downtown. If you want to venture further out, feel free to ask questions.
To start, if you need help going from event to event, look down! There should be a green path laid out for you to get from place to place. This picture is from last year's event at Target Field. The Fan Fest and ballpark here in Cincy are roughly 8 blocks apart.
Places to See Here is a map of the general downtown area. I've circled a few places of note and pointed out where FanFest is located relative to all the rest.
The immediate area around the ballparks is what we call "The Banks" along the riverfront. You'll find a pretty neat park (the green area south of the ballpark at the bottom of the picture) with some fountains and plenty of green space. There's also an indoor carousel about a block west of GABP. The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center is a block north of the carousel (circled on the map). The circle in the middle of map represents Fountain Square, which you can use as a point of reference for getting around. It has a cool, super old fountain on it (cool as far as fountains go, I guess), and various restaurants/bars in close proximity. On the wikipedia page you can see the Tyler Davidson fountain itself goes back to 1871 (and is on the US NRHP), although no longer on its original site.
There's a casino downtown (not in the picture above) just north of the ballpark. If you take Broadway north its about a 5-10 minute walk.
Just west of downtown is the Union Terminal Museum Center. It's technically walkable but I would take a bus or a taxi/UbeLyft or something.
North of downtown is an area called Over-The-Rhine (OTR for short) that is in the midst of revitalization. It has a wide variety of bars and restaurants, and is home to Findlay Market which is the origination point of our Opening Day Parade. It's also a really nice farmers market. OTR also has a strong brewing history, and many microbreweries dot the landscape. Ask any local and they'll no doubt be able to point you to their favorite.
And of course, right at GABP is the Reds Hall of Fame and Museum. You can learn all about the history of our Redlegs right at the park itself. And speaking of Redlegs history, if you're interested in viewing the site that Crosley Field once occupied, I hear there is some kind of shuttle service running back and forth. I regret to tell you that the site is no longer home to the park, but MLB/Reds are doing something at the site. I couldn't find good details on what, unfortunately.
Places to Eat/Drink Around the ballpark at the Banks area are a lot of places to grab a bite to eat. In addition to chains like Jimmy Johns, Ruth Chris, Toby Keith's I Love This Bar, and Yardhouse, you'll find The Holy Grail bar, their sister Italian restaurant Santo Graal next door, Tin Roof, CRAVE, Jefferson Social, and Moerlein Lager House. For those unadventurous types, there's a Wendys just north of GABP on 4th between Main and Sycamore.
Up on Fountain Square, you'll find Chipotle, Pot Belly sandwiches, Rock Bottom Brewery, Panera, Dunkin Donuts, and two local favorites, Servatii Pastry and Graeter's Ice Cream. Southeast of the square you'll see a Currito (burrito place that I happen to love). On 6th just east of the square is a strip of restaurants/bars (like Sotto, Boca, Silver Ladle, Pi Pizzeria to name a few) and a Starbucks for those needing their fix (there is also a Starbucks closer to the path from FanFest to GABP at 4th and Vine). On Walnut just north of 6th are a few restaurants and bars, like Nicholson's Pub, Jeff Ruby's Steakhouse, Nada (mexican), Scene Lounge (bar), and The Righteous Room (bar).
At Findlay Market are a whole variety of places to eat, but my favorite is Eli's Barbecue. Eli's is cash/check only I believe.
Edit: A short walk across the river into Kentucky is Newport on the Levee, where there's a ton of bars and restaurants as well. Hofbrauhaus is a pretty popular beer garden. There's a cool aquarium over there too. There's a Gameworks on the Levee if that's your kind of entertainment. There's a bar I like called Beer Sellar as well, has a huge selection of beer on tap. There is a pedestrian bridge just east of Great American Ballpark, past US Bank Arena, the Taylor-Southgate bridge.
This is totally not an exhaustive list. Ask anyone local and they can probably rattle off a dozen more places to eat or drink. Finally, for those willing to try the much-maligned Cincinnati-style chili, there is a Skyline at 7th and Vine, as well as 4th and Broadway. Grab a 3 way (spaghetti, chili, cheese), a 4 way (with onions or beans), or a 5 way (with onions and beans) or just a cheese coney. There are lots of local chili parlors, and there are practically turf wars when it comes to people's favorites.
At/In the Stadium At the northwest corner of the stadium (near the main gates) are a series of statues honoring former Reds greats, from Joe Nuxhall and Ted Kluszewski, to Johnny Bench and Joe Morgan. Also in this area is the only team shop accessible without entrance to the ballpark itself. Further towards the river (viewable from outside the park and accessible from inside) is a rose garden. The white rose in the center of this garden represents where Pete Rose's 4192nd hit landed, back when Riverfront Stadium was around.
Inside the park from the main gates you'll see two cool mosiacs: one of the 1869 Red Stockings, and one of the Big Red Machine. Once seated, in right center field are the power stacks. I don't know what is planned for the ASG, but when a Reds pitcher strikes out an opponent, the power stacks emit plumes of fire. When a Reds player hits a home run, fireworks are launched from them. These stacks are a reminder of the steamboats that were very common along the riverfront in the 19th century (you'll probably see a few on the river if you look out that way). On each stack are 7 baseball bats, totally 14, symbolizing Pete Rose, as MLB prohibits the Reds from displaying his number.
You'll find souvenir shops on the terrace level, on the first base side of right and the third base side of left. There's also some shops behind home plate on the terrace level as well, towards third, including one that sells game-used items like baseballs, helmets, jerseys, and so on.
On the first and third base sides of the terrace level are two bars serving craft beers. The bar on the first base side also serves Bulleit bourbon.
Inside the park you can try the "hidden" food of GABP: the legendary SkyRosa. While you used to be able to order it straight up, now you have to build it yourself. At the LaRosa's (our local pizza chain), purchase a slice of pizza (cheese or pepperoni at your choosing). Then head to a Skyline and get a cheese coney. Put the coney on the pizza, wrapping the coney like a taco. Eat.
That's the end of my super post here. I hope this is helpful for anyone coming to town for the next week. If you have any questions please post and I will try to answer to the best of my ability.
ADD 1: tommyturntup highly recommends checking out the Covington and Mainstrasse. It's a walk across the Roebling Bridge, which terminates on the Ohio side right at Smale Park next to the ballpark. Speaking of, did you know the Roebling Suspension bridge was designed by John Roebling, the designer of the Brooklyn Bridge? At the time of its completion, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world. The Carew Tower, opposite Fountain Square, was the model for New York's Empire State Building.
ADD 2: x-post of the suggestions link from /reds for some stuff I might have missed
submitted by icyone to baseball [link] [comments]

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Try your hand at the casinos in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. Whether you are looking for a relaxing resort with gaming, the energy of a downtown casino or a leisurely casino riverboat cruise - you'll enjoy the casinos in the Cincinnati area. Skip to main content. Masks are required throughout the Cincinnati region. Safety measures have been implemented in order to reopen. Please check Press your luck and win it all at our Ohio casino, The Future Home of Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati. Cincinnati Belterra Park Casino At Belterra Park Gaming & Entertainment Center you can enjoy your favorite casino games every day. You can easily find this establishment in east of downtown Cincinnati, … 1 reviews The future home of Hard Rock Casino at Jack Cincinnati Casino is located in downtown Cincinnati, Ohio and the enitire complex is about 450,000 square feet. Formerly the Horseshoe Casino Cincinnati, the property... 31 Poker Tables As the third largest city in Ohio, Cincinnati is home to one of those casinos, the Hard Rock JACK Cincinnati Casino. The 450,000 square foot complex sits on 23 acres in the in the northeast part of downtown, and generates over $200 million a year in gaming revenue. There are 50 casinos within 100 miles of Hard Rock Casino - Cincinnati. Map Index: Distance (miles) Casino : Hard Rock Casino - Cincinnati find on map. 1000 Broadway Street, Cincinnati, Ohio 0.0: Hard Rock Casino - Cincinnati find on map. 1000 Broadway Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 2.2: Newport Racing & Gaming find on map. 1723 Monmouth Street, Newport, Kentucky. 2.4: Saint Michael Bingo find on Ohio may have travel restrictions in place, including self-quarantine, due to COVID-19. Find out more Opens in new tab or window Dismiss close travel advisory. Find Casino Hotels & Resorts in Cincinnati, OH from $47. Check-in. Start date Check-in selected. End date Check-out . Done Save changes and close the date picker. Check-out. Guests. Search. Search over 1 million properties and 550 Find the best Casinos, around Cincinnati,OH and get detailed driving directions with road conditions, live traffic updates, and reviews of local business along the way. Search Results for "{{ ::query }}" page {{ currentPageIndex+1 }} of {{ ::ctrl.numberOfResultsPages() }} Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati 1000 Broadway St , Cincinnati, OH 45202 Horseshoe Casino Cincinnati 1000 Broadway St Most casinos that do this are required to by laws in that respective state. There are no such casinos in Ohio. There is however, a riverboat gambling mecca one state over in Indiana. Don’t be disparaged by the lack of waterborne casinos in Ohio though! There are some great racinos, commercial casinos, and even bingo halls to try out. Full Ohio Casino List. Ohio has plenty to do where gaming Hard Rock Casino Cincinnati is one of several casinos located in Cincinnati, Ohio, and the Greater Cincinnati area. And the city’s local attractions are something pulled out of a book of legends, as is the case with the following five attractions you’ll find below.

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Where do you find Coin Pusher that PAY REAL MONEY Near You ...

Slot machine video from casino expert Steve Bourie that teaches you the insider secrets to winning at slot machines and how a slot machine really works. Also... Cher Calls Dave An Asshole - Late Night With David Letterman - May 22, 1986 Are Coin Pushers considered legal Amusement games or illegal gambling machines? I researched the legal statue for these machines and share with you in this v... We interviewed some frequent slot players and casino workers. We got these inside tips on how to increase your chances of winning. You won't want to miss thi... Where do you find Coin Pusher that PAY REAL MONEY Near You? I list places to find out, and tips when looking for Money Coin Pushers!Sunday April 2 come check... The Man Who Cheated Vegas Casinos For Years And Stole Millions ... Ohio Army National Guard's 1-148th Infantry Annual Training 2019 - Duration: 2:01 ... Cincinnati /k/omrade meet up ... Dusty Keith & The Casinos, Fool Over You, Ark Records 294 Recorded 1963, Cincinnati, Ohio. I talk about one of the most commonly asked questions I get as a truck driver. Prostitution and hookers aren't as big of a problem as people think it is. I a... Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Philadelphia Pike Place Market ... Haunted Hotel in Cincinnati, Ohio - Duration: 15:57. ... The Man Who Cheated Vegas Casinos For Years And Stole Millions ... The top 5 worst cheap hotels on the Las Vegas Strip. Thinking of booking a cheap hotel in Las Vegas? You might want to reconsider if it's one of these hote...

are there casinos in cincinnati ohio

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