100 Joker Quotes That Will Inspire You To Succeed

heath ledger joker quotes why so serious

heath ledger joker quotes why so serious - win

What is your favourite Joker quote?

Hello, moviegoers! The Joker is one of the most iconic villains from both comics and cinema, with many of his lines, tricks, and other zingers going down in film history as the absolute peak of badassery. As such, I will be sharing some of my personal favourites from the Clown Prince of Crime's suave repertoire.

"A trick a day keeps the doctor away. Several more leaves you howling on the floor!" - joker in a comic from 1973

"I bet I am smarter than you, Mr Wayne. You may have the brawn but I have fourteen doctorates from Prager University" - heath ledger joker as the joker in the dark knight (2008)

"i am changing my discord name so that it has a 69 in it for april fools" - mark hamill as the joker in the 1990s batman animated series

"remove your pants and we shall see who has the bigger Chungus" - heath ledger joker to cesar romero joker in Joker: Into the Jokerverse (2009)

"I have killed many people. I have killed the gorilla called Harambe" - Joker in Joker 2

"The Joker is known for his tricks, which often get him out of a sticky situation. Once, when locked in a room and tasked with drawing a masterpiece on the walls, he used his own ass as a pencil sharpener" - DC Comics Encyclopedia

So, those are my top picks for the best Joker quotes/moments. There were so many to choose from given all the media he's been in, and I can't wait to see which other you guys pick as your favourites! Happy Jokering, and remember... WHY... SO... SERIOUS hahaha
submitted by Automaton120 to moviescirclejerk [link] [comments]

What are your Top 10 favourite sequels that you loved more than the first film?

What are your Top 10 favourite sequels that you loved more than the first film?
What are your Top 10 favourite sequels that you loved more than the first film
When movies make a sequel, it can often be impossible to live up to the original, depending on how successful and great the original movie was. But there will be a few times where the sequel actually manages to outdo the first film! Here, I want to talk about my ten personal favourite movie sequels that were better than the first movie. I just want to say that these are all my opinion. I would absolutely love to see what sequels you loved more than the first film! Anyway, onto the list!
My Top 10 Sequels That Were Better Than The First Film
10.) Godzilla 2: King of the Monsters
Starting off with my list is this new movie, Godzilla: King of the Monsters. The first movie was alright for the most part. Godzilla was pretty cool but one of my biggest nitpicks was that there was way too much humans on-screen that Godzilla. The sequel mostly improved on that, by giving us a little more Godzilla this time, while also doing what good sequels should do, expand on the first film. This movie had excellent monster fights and the Godzilla vs Ghidorah fight was perfect. While the humans still had a little more screen-time than needed, the monster moments make up completely for that.
9.) Batman Returns
I may find quite a few hardcore Batman fans disagree with me about this but I don’t care. Batman Returns is WAY better than the original film in my opinion. While the first movie is without a doubt an amazing game changer for comic book movies, giving us a dark and gritty superhero movie, I just feel that what Batman did, Batman Returns did way better. The Penguin was far more memorable than the Joker, and I absolutely loved the romance between Batman/Bruce Wayne and Catwoman/Selina Kyle.
8.) Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Not only my favourite MCU sequel, but favourite MCU film as a whole. With how confusing the watch order the MCU can be sometime, since The Avengers was more of a Captain America sequel and then Winter Soldier was a third Captain America story, I still found The Winter Soldier to be way superior to the first Captain America film. From the conflicted emotions Steve had about having to fight this mysterious Winter Soldier after finding out it’s his best friend who he thought had died, to the intense feeling of paranoia with Hydra and the epic action sequences (Like that elevator scene), this movie really shows what a good sequel should be. Also, that reunion scene between Cap and Peggy still gets me, even though Cap changed history in Endgame.
7.) The Dark Knight
I may be in the minority in saying that Batman Begins was a really great film, despite what most people say. However, I know for sure that I’m in the majority in saying that The Dark Knight is still a damn excellent sequel. The story continues Bruce’s story as a realistic Batman in fighting criminals and villains. The relationship between Bruce and Alfred is explored more and the action scenes have definitely improved. But the highlight of this film is nearly everyone else’s – the villains! First person I want to talk about is Harvey Dent. I absolutely loved how complex this character was. But I especially loved how his twisted quote was used against him as he started out as one of Gotham’s greatest heroes and became a villain. You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. That quote is beyond deep and still remains as one of the most memorable movie quotes ever. But the best thing about the movie? You guessed it! Heath Ledger’s Joker is flawless! He perfectly portrays a psychopathic anarchist. Joker was a mastermind like he is in the comics and truly played a damn excellent villain who actually did technically win in the end. The “Why so serious?” scene still sends chills down my spine. Ledger more than deserved that Oscar.
6.) Spider-Man 2
Not only one of the best sequels ever made, but one of the best superhero films of all time! Years after Spider-Man saved the city from the psychopathic Green Goblin, Peter has kept his vow to protect the city and fight crime. New York may be safer, but his personal life is in tatters. He’s struggling at college, verging on bankruptcy, and is forced to watch as Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) prepares to marry another man. And the situation goes from bad to worse when Peter’s new mentor, Otto Octavius, becomes Doctor Octopus. There’s little to say about Spider-Man 2 that hasn’t already been said. Even so, it’s remarkable that the film gets so much that's right about the character. Tobey Maguire is at his best in the role, and he capably encapsulates Peter’s heartache, his torment, and his humor. Opposite him is Alfred Molina as Octavius. Though he’s a far more maniacal figure in the comics, Molina delivers such a layered and sympathetic rendering of Doctor Octopus that he is frequently named as one of the best ever superhero movie villains. Certainly, in the shared tragedies of Peter and Otto, Spider-Man 2 serves as a brilliant study about the pitfalls of power, and the sacrifices that come with superheroism. It doesn’t hurt that it’s also spectacular to watch. The infamous train fight remains a whirlwind of action, and one of the finest display of Spider-Man’s powers onscreen.
5.) Terminator 2: Judgement Day
Oh man, I absolutely love this movie! The first Terminator film was good… but the sequel was just so much better. This time, instead of trying to kill Sarah Connor and her son, John Connor, Arnold’s Terminator comes back and is a hero this time, trying to protect the Connors. The emotional bond between the Terminator and John was really good, the conflicted trust issues Sarah has with the Terminator due to the trauma she went through in the first film, the frightening Judgement Day sequence with the nuke, the epic action scenes, the strained relationship between Sarah and John due to Sarah seeing her son as too much of a destiny than her child until the end, the iconic lines from Arnold and the emotional ending where the Terminator terminated himself… this movie really is amazing.
4.) Kung Fu Panda 2
The Kung Fu Panda trilogy is already one of my favourite trilogies of all time, but the second film is one of the best sequels I have ever seen that was better than the first film. Not to say the first film was bad. If anything, these two are very close to each other in terms of being great movies, but the sequel just does it for me in every way. The first film didn’t need a sequel, but it got one anyway, and it was way better than the first film for sure. We had a great mix of that special comedic charm the first film had with a bit of dark and dramatic emotional moments too. Po’s journey as he continues his life as the Dragon Warrior was also great to watch. The Furious Five had more character development and we got a great expansion of the world of Kung Fu Panda. But my favourite thing about this film is the villain. Lord Shen is easily one of my favourite Dreamworks villains ever, if not my first! He is so complex and has that sympathetic side, but at the same time, is loathsome enough for you to root for the hero. Then in the end when he admits he can’t let go of his anger and hatred, accepts his death. Overall, it’s hard to ever make a list without mentioning this film, especially when talking about sequels.
3.) Shrek 2
It was really tough choosing between Kung Fu Panda and Shrek 2… But at the end of the day, Shrek 2 came ahead. It’s one of the other best examples of being a perfect sequel. While I definitely enjoyed the first Shrek film, Shrek 2 did what made the first Shrek film good and made it way better. We got introduced to new characters, without overdoing it, had an excellent villain, had a really great plot and expanded the world of Shrek! One thing I have to say whenever mentioning this film is the climax. My gosh, it takes my breath away everytime. With an amazing cover of Holding Out for the Hero, and the action scenes with Shrek desperately trying to secure his relationship with Fiona, it still gets me everytime. That’s another thing I loved about Shrek 2. The romance between Shrek and Fiona was undoubtadly the highlight of the first film, but in the sequel, we open up with their honeymoon! It truly felt like a happy beginning! And the movie mainly focused on growing their relationship even more. Plus, I also really loved seeing the human version of Shrek with another awesome addition to the cast, Puss in Boots!
2.) The Empire Strikes Back
A very close second for me is my favourite Star Wars movie of all time; Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back! This may be my opinion alone but I wasn’t too much of a fan of A New Hope. For me, it was rather slow for the most part. But Empire Strikes Back, though… Now this movie completely changed everything! There is so much to be said about this film. First off is the characters. Luke is now more mature and we get introduced to the wise Jedi master Yoda, and the relationships between the characters such as the growing romance between Han Solo and Princess Leia. Darth Vader proves to be one of the greatest villains of all time in this movie as he leads an invasion on Hoth in the beginning, and sets a trap for Luke Skywalker on Cloud City. This movie also had one of the greatest twists of all time – Darth Vader revealing himself to be Luke Skywalker’s father. Overall, there’s not much else I can say about this film except how much of a great movie it is.
1.) Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Not only my favourite sequel of all time, but my favourite movie of all time. I know it’s often a heavy stretch when considering a movie to be your favourite, but I put this movie at the top of nearly every list for me without shame. This movie, in my opinion, is a perfect sequel. Let me talk about the story first. So after a depressing opening as humanity slowly gets wiped out by the virus from the first film, we see the apocalypse setting which is just beautiful to look at. We see that the apes have become more evolved and much more intelligent. They're now capable of hunting and using teamwork. We're then shown their amazing built civilization lead by Caesar as we then cut to humanity. This is the one thing I really love about this film, we're seeing things from both sides' perspectives. We see the humans' side and the apes' side.
Our main human character, Malcolm, tries to search for a generator with his people in order to restore the city's power. Cesar reluctantly allows them to do what they need to do but Koba disagrees with this. Because of their disagreements, Koba goes behind Caesar's back, despite how much Caesar trusted him, and starts planning the war.
He frames Caesar's fake out death and leads the apes to kill all the humans. He sends the unarmed humans in cages which causes Malcolm to seek out Caesar. After an amazing climatic battle between Caesar and Koba, it is revealed be already too late as Gary Oldman had called the military which forced Caesar to go to war and protect his kind, leading up to War.
The plot is very well written and very memorable, and I NEVER get tired of watching this story over and over again.
Next thing are the setting and the music. I absolutely LOVE the soundtrack. I even hum to Koba's theme a few times because it's so catchy! As for the setting, as I said, I am a sucker for apocalypse stories so the setting was perfect, especially given the situation which humanity is in and having to deal with the ape uprising. I guess you could say this is an ape-pocalypse. No? I'll stop...
Finally, the characters. Every character was unique in their own ways. Every character was well written. You have Malcolm who is desperately trying to find peaceful alternatives in bringing peace between the two communities. His wife, Ellie, who is helpful and supportive, but worried for her husband working with evolved apes, and his son, Alexandre, who is an artist trying to fully get used to this new world. Caesar's friendship with Malcolm is strong in this film. Next, we have other main characters like the return of the wise orangutan, Maurice, Caesar's oldest friend, Rocket, and Cornelius, Caesar's eldest son.
However, the main highlights were the ultimate character development for Caesar and the film's main antagonist, Koba. You can see how conflicted Caesar is. See, he was raised by humans so he has a really soft spot for them, while on the other hand, Koba has only seen the bad side of humanity, thus fueling his hatred towards them. Caesar tries to put his kind first but at the same time, tries to help Malcolm's group as long as they don't put his family at risk. Caesar's relationship with Koba was the biggest thing here. Caesar trusted Koba with his life and looked at him like a brother. it all slowly turns from friendship to rivalry.
I've also been wanting to say this: Koba's character. This is how you write a good villain. Koba becomes this loathsome villain that you want to see be stopped, but at the same time, you have this emotional feeling towards him that makes you feel bad for him at the same time. When he points out all the scars and pain the labs have put him through, you really feel sympathy towards him, so you understand why he is doing this. He has a proper motive. Make us care about the villain too, but not root for him too much otherwise we won't see him as a villain that much.
So yeah, this movie will always remain special for me. By far my favourite movie ever.
So that is my top 10 list of my favourite movie sequels that I loved more than the first film! So what about you guys? What are your top 10 favourite movie sequels of all time?
submitted by Daviddv1202 to movies [link] [comments]

This new DC movie will suck, CONFIRMED !! LEAK

So yesterday i saw in a Facebook Batman Fan CLub group one guy post how Matt Reeves The Batman and Todd Phillips Joker movies suck and will suck always. Do not get me wrong, i see such guys all the time everywhere online, those i like to call wave rider.
I grew up on Batman 89, Batman TAS and Comic books for the character of all sorts, eventually the coimic books turned into graphic novels and sine then ive seen every possible Batman and lately DC related piece of cinema, animation etc.
To me real fans of this are the ones that when they hear an announcment for this their skin crawls of excitement, everyone else to me is just some random wave ridder.
In 89 Michael Keaton was subjected to the "Mr Mom cant be Batman" super attack, then the same guys that hated him are now the guys that lurk in the Batman Online comment section and bash all other actors since. When Kilmer and Clooney were both announced, it was met with positive reactions due to their looks " oh they fit the comics look " , where did that end ? Now they act like they never were on board.
When Batman Begins came out, due to the last two movies, people werent looking forward to it at all. Movie made its budget back and then some, but got great word of mouth and the after market captured the attention of all. Bale was critiqued about not being American, his Bat voice, but during the 2005-2013 era, people instantly threw Batman 89 in the back burner and staned Bale. When news hit about Heath Ledger internet went balisctic, OMG the Gay Guy from Brokeback Mountain is playing the Joker, post premiere everyone had a " Why so Serious?" quote ready, Jack Nickolson was immidiately thrown into the garbage. Same with Ben Affleck, " O no , Batman with a Boston accent, sad Batman meme, fat Batman meme " , now its 'Most accurate version of all time" .Same happened with Joker and Joaquin Phoenix, same with Rober Pattinson and the first leaked photos.
All in all, speaking specifically as a Bat fan, i must say, we are the luckiest sons of bitches on earth. Batman 89, Batman Returns, Batman TAS, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, Batman v Superman, The Batman, DCAU Batman, Batman video games , Graphic Novels, spin off that can easily become as popular, Gotham TV series, Pennyworth TV series, Titans TV Series and Animation and those are the good ones, we also have more campy shit like Forever, B&R, Batman 66, Brave and the Bold, Justice League, Suicide Squad 1&2 , JL DCAU, and so many others like LEGO Batman ---
So dear fans of other stuff [MCU mostly] , trying to convince me that this kick ass director [Matt Reeves] casting these actors [Robert, Zoe, Colin, Andy, John T., Paul D., Jeffrey W, doing a serious version based on some of my favorite comic book stories, with no 99% CGI, supernatural villains , and nipples, credit cards, etc . , please stop, go watch the last two Ape movies, i coudnt move my eyes in the tense moments, moments starring Apes, let alone the biggest property that doesnt depend on sharing 67 characters to make bank ...
So excusse me, but when you get to 8, 9 + solo movies, that do not relly on shared universes and gimmicks , call me.
Spider-man is the only one that could have, but they stuck that ass in the MCU as well, and now he been Stark's sidekick for 4 movies too :D
See ya in 2021 The Batman premiere
submitted by ReleaseDCUT to DCFilmsORComics [link] [comments]

Personal Opinion: Ultron is my favorite villain.

Now I’m not gonna ramble on how “hur dur Ultron is better than Thanos” or anything like that. Thanos is arguably a better villain overhaul with his surprisingly relatable motive and the human within him. But I have a rather irrational love bias for Ultron as a character due to his unique concept. He’s not a powerful celestial tyrant from the cosmos. He is a purely mechanical program created by the heroes to purse their obsession with peace. And the idea of making him unkillable by possessing other robotic bodies. Ultron is of a thousand bodies, as a single entity. I find that concept fascinating and interesting.
I’ve rewatched AoU numerous times, many people complain about Ultron cracking up a ton of jokes in the movie, but honestly he really wasn’t as quippy as I thought. The jokes he’s made “clearly you’ve never made an omelette” “and they use it to make a frisbee” and “that’s the word! Children!” Were all very small scale and where executed at a reasonable time. The rest of his quotes are actually brilliant and downright creepy, “You want to protect the world but you don’t want it to change” “When the earth starts to settle, god throws a stone at it and believe me, he’s winding up”. I can definitely sense Ultron being the “Heath Ledger’s Joker” of the MCU. They’re both sadisticly insane, cunning, and have a decent sense of humor.
Also I heard a lot of people saying Ultron should’ve been more emotionless and without a soul similar to the comics. Honestly that doesn’t sound better at all, aren’t emotionless villains the ones that are forgotten and lower tier?? Malekith had no personality, and he’s pretty much one of the shittiest villains in the MCU because of that. I think MCU Ultron was great with this, it showed you that he’s more than just a program, he expresses feelings such as hate and pleasure just like every other human being. Which is why I also like the idea of his main body having a head that can express emotions unlike the jackolantern design classic Ultron had, which again, most people disagree on. I try to picture him with that design during most scenes and his current “human-like” head just worked out more in comparison since he was able to develop more character by expression emotions (similar to why Spider-Man’s eyes widen in and out)
I’m not saying AoU is perfect though. Theres a lot of quips in the 3rd act that were just unneeded and out of place. It made the whole situation feel more casual than it should have been. I mainly disliked the “You know, with the benefit of hindsigh-“ and “Oh for god’s sake” quips (However I don’t believe that’s Ultron making the joke, it’s more of the situation he’s in) It just made Ultron look like a little bitch and were incredibly out of place. The third act should’ve been a lot darker (but not darker than Infinity War).
In conclusion, I do NOT think Ultron himself is what made AoU so disappointing, it was because of all the jokes that made the movie less tense, but those were not because of Ultron. Ultron as a character is great, he has some amazing dialogue, his concept is unique and inspiring, and his actions has caused an immense impact on the MCU (causing the Sokovia Accords/Zemo, Hulk and Thor out from earth, and Ulysse Klaue becoming a rich motherfucker that will effect the plot of Black Panther). Also let’s not forget that James Spader did a FANTASTIC job for Ultron and executing the “Tony Stark but creepy and psychotic”, now that’s something we can all agree on.
AoU is great, nowhere near perfect but it’s a good installment in the MCU, it would’ve been a lot better if the 3rd act was more serious and taken itself as a slight tragedy (not Infinity War levels of tragedy) But the event was a tragic a disaster overall so the tone should’ve treated itself just as.
TLDR: Ultron is unique compared to most of the villains in the MCU in levels of design and concept. He’s not as quipping as most people make him out to be and Ultron as a villain is not why AoU was considered overhyped.
submitted by Qwik_Sand to marvelstudios [link] [comments]

[REQ] looking for a potential tattoo piece with lots of artistic interpretation openness

This is my preliminary search for a piece I would love to have inked on myself. As such I am first looking for sketch work, before I consider having a full-blown art piece made.
I realize tattoo art typically works differently than wall/postephoto art does.
I would like this art to be realistic or semi realistic, it can have fantastical elements.
It's something of a crossover between a few characters/movies.
Cheshire cat (the live action, teal and gray one) Cheshire cat (American McGee's Alice video game) Joker (the Heath Ledger version from The Dark Knight)
Optional quote(s) that could be added/included:
"Why so serious?" "Were all mad here" Others would be potentially discussable.
How I came to want this if it helps for some design inspiration:
I've like Alice in Wonderland for a long time, cheshire cat is my favorite. Teal is my favorite color. As for the video game cat, I like the style, it's dark and unique as far as cheshire cat goes. I also really like Batman, in particular the Dark Knight rendition. One time I watched the film and the scene where Joker refers to himself as a "dog chasing cars" seemed to click for me.
In essence it's kind of the dog vs cat parallel, and the general lack of sanity, also the large smiles on the characters.
I'm really hoping to get a feel for what other people come up with for these characters and how to fit them into one piece.
TLDR: want sketch art of cheshire cat (live action teal/gray), cheshire cat (American McGee's alice video game), and Joker (heath ledger version) all into one image, preferably mixed together in some way for possible tattoo piece to go on my body. Willing to pay of course, but not huge amounts please (under about $5 usd).
submitted by Ragnaroksas to commissions [link] [comments]

So I'm looking for a deemably "weird" piece...

I would like this to be in color (as that's what I'm planning for the actual tattoo), but I'm willing to look at black and white sketch work to get an idea too.
It's something of a crossover between a few characters/movies.
Cheshire cat (the live action, teal and gray one) Cheshire cat (American McGee's Alice video game) Joker (the Heath Ledger version from The Dark Knight)
Optional quote(s) that could be added/included:
"Why so serious?" "Were all mad here" Others would be potentially discussable.
How I came to want this if it helps for some design inspiration:
I've like Alice in Wonderland for a long time, cheshire cat is my favorite. Teal is my favorite color. As for the video game cat, I like the style, it's dark and unique as far as cheshire cat goes. I also really like Batman, in particular the Dark Knight rendition. One time I watched the film and the scene where Joker refers to himself as a "dog chasing cars" seemed to click for me.
In essence it's kind of the dog vs cat parallel, and the general lack of sanity, also the large smiles on the characters.
I'm really hoping to get a feel for what other people come up with for these characters and how to fit them into one piece.
submitted by Ragnaroksas to TattooDesigns [link] [comments]

The Abridged Biography of Mr. House, Part 1

Before writing here, I’ve read many debates over the factions in New Vegas. Although I’ve seen many good points, I also feel that Mr. Robert Edwin House is often grossly misunderstood – both by his supporters AND by his detractors. To assist, I’ve endeavoured to read up on all dialogue, letters and terminal entries concerning House, and from that write out a summarized biography with occasional insights into the man’s character. What you’ll read is by no means exhaustive (and I always enjoy new perspectives from others), but it IS going to be a fair bit of reading. I mean, seriously, this is the abridged biography of a 200+ year old man, not some low-effort meme post.
Grab yourself some biscuits and make some nice hot tea. Sit back, relax and enjoy at your own pace.
DISCLAIMER: A flaw of my writing style, especially when using this many words, is that I can appear all over the place at times. I'm trying to improve that. Feedback is appreciated, and I love answering questions should you have any. Don't panic if I don't respond quickly though, IRL is kinda hectic right now.
Anyways, where shall we begin? Oh, right.
To understand House, we must examine the context he inhabited Pre-War.
1) Family Matters
“Born June 25th, 2020, House was orphaned at an early age when his parents died in a freak accident (auto gyro, lightning). Though cheated of his inheritance, House attended the prestigious Institute in Massachusetts and founded RobCo Industries on his 22nd birthday. Within five years, it was one of the most profitable corporations on Earth.”
I have tried to find other texts to support the story Robert House gives of his early life (since we all know his obituary has more than a little embellishment in it), but haven’t found much, other than the eerie terminal logs in the H&H Tools Factory. The logs in general paint an objective picture of his half-brother Anthony House as a deranged man, ending with this noteworthy passage:
“It's worse than I feared. Henderson sent a 10-point memo outlining the benefits of mechanization and automation. As if I wouldn't know he's been plotting with my half-brother the entire time! I knew he was a weasel-dick traitor from the moment I laid eyes on him. Only one thing to do. One thing, and the company - my father's LEGACY - is safe forever. Cindy-Lou will bring him to me, and then I'll make an example. The Bastard will learn why you don't cross the House.”
“Jenny, What the hell is up with these guys? They've been coming after our market share like they've got something to prove. No, strike that, this feels personal. Did Mr. H. run over RobCo's dog or something? Alan”
With the above in mind, it is believable that Anthony House had cheated Robert House out of his inheritance, with the former viewing the latter as “The Bastard” (due to Robert being the younger half-brother) and thus undeserving of any part of the House family legacy. We can thus take the QUOTED part of House’s obituary above more or less at face value.
2) The end is nigh!
Now, years after raising a famous company from almost nothing, Mr. House deduced the occurrence of the Great War. By his own account, he first deduced this in 2065 – at this point in time, according to the Fallout Bible and Van Buren, Vault-Tech’s “Project Safehouse” had been in motion for over 11 years with the apparent goal being to shelter humanity in the event of a large-scale nuclear or bio-weapon holocaust. Europe and the Middle East were mutually ruined due to extended conflict and lack of resources. Heritage sites like the Grand Canyon were open to be mined. And the UN may-or-may-not-have been disbanded. Going by the GNN report in Fallout 2 the UN still had at least another (fairly ineffectual) 9 years left counting down from 2065. According to the Fallout Bible, it was already long dead. Either way, the world was in bad shape.
It’d be easy for us, at this point, to turn to Mr. House’s prediction and say something along the lines of “No kidding”. It seems obvious, from where we stand now in the Pre-War Fallout world, that there would be a nuclear Holocaust. And indeed, it was obvious. Even the Mormons were buying spots in Project Safehouse, if we are to believe Van Buren in that particular instance. What made House unique in his deduction, however, was knowing not only that the Atomic Holocaust WOULD happen no matter what (Vault-Tech’s plans were based more around general contingencies for any large-scale apocalypse), but he also knew precisely WHEN it would happen – the War only starting a day or so sooner than he expected.
As an aside, in light of the shambles the Pre-War world was in, one must wonder just how much it actually meant to be “one of the most profitable corporations on Earth”. Earth, at that point, was almost a wasteland already and House still built and sustained a thriving business. But I digress; we’re not yet worrying about how House could rebuild a wasteland. What we need to look at now is this – what did House do with his uniquely precise knowledge of the impending Apocalypse?
“I knew I couldn't ‘save the world,’ nor did I care to. But I could save Vegas, and in the process, perhaps, save mankind.”
And really, it is no wonder House did not care to save the world – there was barely anything left to save. The UN – an international force for peace – had either died or was rapidly weakening. The U.S. began setting its sights on annexing Canada. Entire forests were felled, Once-ler style, just as countries were felled to acquire them. Sure, people could build power armour, but only because the US military could no longer afford to fuel their tanks for sufficient mobility, and their “Mechanized Cavalry” needed something to take into battle. Even electricity is rationed after the fusion reactor of New York City almost went supercritical under the strain of providing for a 17 million+ strong population (Fallout Bible). And, despite all their troubles, America was still one of the best off countries in the world at this point (which makes you wonder how much worse it was in the others).
But whilst America carried on, Lonesome Road and Old World Blues show us that its values had changed, almost as if in a twisted homage to Heath Ledger’s Joker - “You see, their morals, their code, it's a bad joke. Dropped at the first sign of trouble. They're only as good as the world allows them to be. I'll show you. When the chips are down, these... these civilized people, they'll eat each other. See, I'm not a monster. I'm just ahead of the curve." We see this theme echoed in the NCR and even the Followers of the Apocalypse, but we’ll get to that later.
The Pre-War world wasn’t some ideal Utopia that was only ruined by the tragedy of the bomb. It was already a desperate place, already a wasteland in many ways. There simply wasn’t enough left on Earth to provide for everyone (RIP Charlie Chaplin). And that’s why House could never hope to save everyone, let alone the planet they lived on. Anything he tried on that scale would be “too little, too late”.
3) Who Wants to Live Forever Anyways?
So…why did House choose to save Vegas?
Some say he did so in order to save himself. But if he truly wished to save himself, he could have been like Senator Todd Peterson, and built himself a private bunker within which to live out his days with whatever loved ones he may have had. Even if he wouldn’t be immortal, it’d still be a MUCH more comfortable way to spend his days. When it comes to the life he eventually chose, the Official Game Guide has this to say about House:
“He is emaciated to the point of being skeletal, bones visible under pale, translucent skin crisscrossed by faint blue blood vessels. House's command helmet is not detachable - we don't want to imply that the player could put it on and take his place. The helmet might be bolted right into his skull, like a "halo" used to stabilize severe neck injuries. Or it might not be a helmet at all, the top of Mr. House's skull having been removed and fitted with transistors and vacuum tubes.”
No, House did not endeavour to save himself. If anything, he condemned himself to a special kind of Hell. He was a man with the means to luxury, and yet sealed himself off from it, and almost all human experience the average man might take for granted (the smell of a flower, the touch of a woman, the feeling of a cool breeze on a Summer day)…forever. He mentions his longevity came with a cost. He was not kidding. If anything, he was understating.
Others instead compare House to Andrew Ryan, and say that he saved Vegas only so he could be the head amongst the wealthy and the elite. I must disagree here too – the tribals he later babysits were never elite in their own right by Pre-War standards before House’s intervention. Aside from being a superficial reference to Howard Hughes, House has very little in common with Ryan. Billions of US Dollars were at House’s disposal. If he really wished to be a leading figure amongst the elite, he would’ve built the Fallout equivalent of Rapture in the middle of the ocean ages ago. Or he would’ve built his own “Sierra Madre” to rival Sinclair. Or he would’ve ingratiated himself with the Enclave (who he did contract work for) or the Institute (where he studied), who could’ve used a man like him to lead their projects.
He did none of those things. He chose to save Vegas. Young, old, rich, poor, honest and crooked alike. And he chose to become immortal, despite the steep personal costs.
But why?
4) Long Term Investments
“Vegas is more than a city. It is the remedy to Mankind’s…derailment.”
And all of these resources would fall within range of his Securitron Network – at least once the Mk II upgrade arrives.
If we are to believe that Mr. House wished to establish colonies on new worlds as a solution to Earth’s resource problem regardless of whether the War happens first or not (and the Official Game Guide confirms House is interested in technological progress, at the very least), then it makes sense that House would choose Vegas – not because it is particularly important in itself (compared to other possible cities), but because it is the central location from which he could gain control of resources vital to the space program –renewable energy, REPCONN HQ, rocket test sites and seemingly limitless clean water for his employees. Still, as we find out later, House doesn’t let Vegas itself go to waste by any means…
The site chosen, House toiled over his defenses. He built a nuclear reactor under his casino with enough energy to power the Mojave. He built a life-support system to ensure his survival into the post-apocalypse, no matter the cost. He built Securitrons to protect his interests in the aftermath, and then built a factory/ storage facility for them under Fortification Hill – a mere stone’s throw from Hoover Dam - so that his army might never run out. Meanwhile, the brilliant Big MT scientist who would become Dr. 0 silently fumed in envy over House’s superior abilities in robotics.
Some may doubt that the Fort’s bunker was a factory. After all, House just calls it a “barracks”, which implies storage, right? Well, consider some barracks have recruitment offices – and in RTS style games, they’re often functionally the same building. Now what would the Securitron equivalent of a “recruitment office” be? Powering up the Fort Bunker causes distinct, repetitive hydraulic sounds, as if there were an assembly line moving. Does that sound like mere storage to you? No. You think he’d build an army with no way to replenish it?
“I'm surprised you can still underestimate me after everything you've seen.”
5) For Want of a Nail
But now, ironically after the above quote, we encounter House’s greatest failure. You see, House had everything set up, but it was still in BETA (insert Fallout76 Joke here). He commissioned the “Platinum Chip” to contain all the patches, software upgrades and override commands he could need for the foreseeable future. It was specially shaped so it could only be used on hardware he specified – no other company could hope to steal it or otherwise use it for their own purposes. The Chip was finished and scheduled to arrive a day before the predicted date of the war.
And then the War arrived a day early.
77 Warheads targeted Vegas. Mr. House, irrevocably entombed within his Life Chambers, readied Vegas’ defenses…
“I was in Mexico City when the bombs dropped. Even from there, we could see House's defensive rockets shooting down the incoming missiles.” -Raul Tejeda
And what House couldn’t shoot down, he hacked, deactivating warheads mid-air so they could never reach Vegas. But, because the Platinum Chip hadn’t arrived in time, the software remained a BETA - and would for another 204 years. Nine warheads managed to impact the Mojave.
*“When blaring civil defense sirens heralded mankind's doom on October 23rd, 2077, the citizens of Las Vegas bore witness to an astonishing spectacle. Huge laser cannons unfurled from secret housings in the roof of the Lucky 38 casino and Hoover Dam's intake towers and began spitting blasts of green fire into the sky, destroying warhead after warhead and sparing Las Vegas's urban center and the dam from direct hits. Citizens filled the streets and cheered. And then they died horribly from the lethal fallout that blew in from the dozens of warheads that detonated around Las Vegas.
Though Mr. House's missile defense grid performed admirably, the Great War was in actuality the day of his greatest setback.”*
House saved no-one that day. You were either in a Vault, or you were House, or you were dead.
Software bugs, compounded by the EMP from nuclear fallout, caused the defense action House put forward to result in multiple system crashes, forcing him to shut down his fully automated reactor before it melted down from faulty programming. Now without Hoover Dam (EMP) or his reactor, House’s life support relied on a very limited supply of emergency power. It was all he could do to restore his OS to an even less advanced -but more stable- build before passing out from shock.
6) Too Stubborn to Die
Now, the Courier is famous for rising from the grave to finish their quest - but House did it first. 61 years after the bombs dropped, House woke up. At this time, the Master (of Super Mutant army fame) was active and alive. Vault 15 – from which Shady Sands was built – hadn’t even opened yet. The majority of House’s Securitrons are offline, with only a handful of downgraded ones stationed in his casino. Raiders plagued the Wastes. And House’s own limited power supplies dwindled ever lower.
Now, he lived a full life. Raul notes how House was something of a superstar who dated all the beautiful women and made billions before the War, reaching the ripe age of 57 before the bombs fell. After losing almost everything in his gamble to try save Vegas, it’d be tempting for anyone in House’s position to give up, to shut down again and just…die. Instead…
“Immediately he began using his Securitron robots to search out human settlements…”
From this point onwards (until his determinant acquisition of the Dam) House is forced to make choices most of us don’t even have to consider. Everyone has to worry about their budget for the month. Some of us have to worry about their budget for the year…or a company’s or even country’s budget for a similar period - maybe 5 or 10 years, in some cases. House has chosen to worry about the World’s “budget” (fiscal or otherwise) over the course of…forever, because no one else alive is as acutely aware of the global resource shortage as House, who lived through multiple wars caused by it, culminating in that big famous one that almost ended the world.
“For years, I played a miser with my emergency power supply. I began to run out of reserves around the time I woke the first batch of Securitrons”.
Of course, House had his own budgets to worry about. It was not long after sending out his forces to find other humans that his power supply began to dip dangerously low. Realizing the costs of waking up his robots after the first batch forced House to play very carefully – after all, he couldn’t enact his plans to revitalize the global economy if he died now, could he? He sent his mechanical agents out, quietly hiring prospectors to find his beloved Chip – with no personnel or infrastructure to reproduce it, he had to find it…before he shut off forever.
Beyond that, he ran silently, keeping his “electrical bill” as low as possible, hoping the Chip would find him in time. As it turns out, the NCR got to him first.
If you ever wondered why House did not try to personally civilize Vegas, introduce sustainable agriculture and grant free schooling before NCR showed up, it’s because doing those things would require him to take a very active role in life outside the Lucky 38, and doing that, with his power reserves as they were, would have been fatal for him (to say nothing of the mutants, raiders, etc). This is the weakest he has ever been since his half-brother swindled him.
But I digress. The NCR is on the horizon…as was the Legion.
7) I Called Dibs 2 Centuries Ago
Suddenly, things moved very quickly. For years after the Wastes were repopulated, (what passed for) peace and order in Nevada was maintained by the vigilante Desert Rangers, who allowed themselves to be absorbed into the NCR in 2271, in exchange for help against Caesar. A year later, the Mojave Outpost as we see it –under NCR- came to be, the Mojave south of the Vegas area having been pacified earlier under the leadership of then-General Kimball. Then, Kimball achieving Presidency, Hoover Dam fell under their grip.
In the span of 2274 House engaged his final power reserves in a last-ditch effort to secure his future (and, by proxy and from his perspective, the future of Mankind). Beatrix Russel and the King describe Pre-House Vegas as a place where everyone got by, but the truth is less-than-spotless; according to the FNVOGG, tribes fought amongst the ruins – Slither Kin, Boot Riders, Great Khans, and many other smaller or more mysterious groups. Using Securitrons as his intermediaries, Mr. House enlisted the help of all who were both willing and capable of aiding him, playing on their self-interest and need to survive by promising (and delivering) them resources and power. But whilst you can teach tribals to fight your enemies and socialize with your allies, you can’t turn them into a competent team of technical specialists – not in the time available. And he’d need educated men and women to truly restore the glamour of his New Vegas.
And that’s where Vault 21 came in. After uncooperative tribes like the Great Khans were pushed off the areas around the Strip, House made an offer to this community, who had previously lived in peace as chaos raged above them. The offer was simple: help rebuild Vegas…or not. Most chose the second option, but a small group of Vault residents decided to gain support on House’s behalf, eventually achieving a consensus: they would work for House, and opened their doors to him. They soon found themselves aiding House’s tribals in building a massive wall sheltering both the Strip and Freeside from the rest of Vegas. Vault 21’s lower levels were salvaged of useful technology to aid in construction…and then (infamously) filled with concrete to ensure future, less innocent visitors to the Vault couldn’t use it to breach the Lucky 38’s sub-levels or Vegas’ defenses. At the request of its more agoraphobic residents, House spared Vault 21’s top levels, transforming it into a hotel for them to run. With the Vegas Strip being far larger – more casinos, more housing, more everything – in lore, art and cutscenes compared to in-game, it is plausible to believe the displaced Vault Dwellers were rehoused on the Strip itself; as relatively well educated individuals, they’d be invaluable in House’s endeavours – of the three we met, we know one became House’s top sign artist, one became a hotel manager and one voluntarily left Vegas to be a travelling doctor before retiring in Goodsprings (we know because he eventually returned to marry his sweetheart, who still lived not far from the Vault she came from).
Whilst not yet open for business by any means, House had managed to turn a ruin plagued with tribal conflicts into a citadel presided over by Three Families. The NCR arrived in force, expecting just another wasted city picked over by warring raiders…and instead found a fortress in the wastes…and surprisingly, one that not only wasn’t hostile to them, but outright welcomed them…providing certain concessions were made…
With the threat of the Legion just on the horizon, NCR were faced with an offer they could not refuse – they would be allowed to set up an embassy and police force on the Strip, as well as a military base in Outer Vegas so long as they provided 5% of the Dam’s power output to Vegas (which they would need to do to make use of their embassy and base anyways) and allow their citizens and soldiers on leave to enjoy House’s amenities at their own discretion. Sounds pretty reasonable, doesn’t it? NCR agreed to the terms, implicitly legitimizing the sovereignty of New Vegas under House. Power flowed to the Strip and House, who had to suffer multiple power outages, whose salves and meds almost curdled because of this, whose life was literally tied to that of his battery…could finally breathe easy, now having more (electrical) power than he knew what to do with.
8) But why didn’t House…?
You may be asking “Why didn’t House instead provide his resources to the NCR, allowing them to push the tribals out of Vegas and restore it that way, possibly becoming a prominent citizen in the process?”
House’s detractors often refer to his compulsive need for control, and control is precisely why House would rather recruit tribals to work for him than try to merge with something larger. But why does House want that control?
I’d argue it isn’t due to a compulsive need for it – his leadership is extremely hands-off. To understand why House wants to remain in control, rather than admit subservience to a larger civilization, we need to look back to Pre-War America and that Joker quote we put down earlier.
NCR is, in many ways, similar to Pre-War US. It was founded on lofty ideals. And when resources became scarce? They abandoned their ideals and annexed whatever and whoever they wanted to get more resources until the globe was almost depleted and -BOOM! So far, NCR is just at the “annexing” stage (not that they have nukes anyways), but the globe is about as depleted as it was 200 years ago.
Chief Hanlon speaks of the overconsumption and mismanagement of water in their territories, Doctor Hildern predicts a famine after a decade of population growth. Supporting this, the intro-cutscene for the game outright states NCR’s expansion is influenced by a lack of resources for their growing populace. NCR’s current population as a nation…around 700 000. Compare that to Johannesburg’s (which is just one city) population of 900 000+. Compare that to the 39 million+ strong population of real life California today. And NCR is the largest unified population on the continent. And they’re running out of resources already. By modern IRL standards, the population that Earth (or at least, America) can sustain in the Post-War Fallout universe is absolutely tiny. Even the possible savior we find within Big MT’s matter replicators is in question, with the substantially wealthy Sinclair being driven almost into debt just to fund the creation a few according to the terminal in the Y-0 Lab, and very few having been found outside the Sierra Madre despite Dean’s claims. Of course, perhaps that could change with time and resources directed towards further development, but until then… (As it stands, Pre-War US couldn’t/ didn’t make them economically viable to produce before the Great War started). If even the Followers of the Apocalypse are willing to commit murder over water at this juncture (White Wash), imagine how things would be later down the line. There aren’t infinite resources in the Fallout world – just too few people to deplete what is left…yet.
No one is as painfully aware of the resource shortage as House. Maybe others of his intellect will rise up in the NCR, but like him in Pre-War US, they won’t detect the issue until it’s too late to properly solve it. Not wanting to gamble on the multi-headed NCR following his advice forever, he instead puts on an appearance of having power, ensuring full control over his enterprises. This is why House doesn’t bid for NCR citizenship.
He’s seen what happens to Democracies when the going gets truly desperate – how they corrupt into oligarchies blinded by greed or desperation. Rather than watch that happen again, he chooses to become an autocrat in a long-term venture for the good of Mankind – after all (as we’ve stated before), he has little reason to continue living for himself.
9) The Nature of the Strip
“A fool and his money are soon parted.” – Proverbs, 21:20, King James Bible
Strip away the gambling amenities, and what is left? A luxury resort, a fine-dining restaurant, an art gallery, a theatre, bars, hotels, a brothel and a gentleman’s club.
For want of a nail, House cannot access the powerful amenities around Vegas, but he’s made the best of the city itself. Early on, access between the Strip and Freeside was unrestricted (according to the FNVOGG) – Securitrons thoroughly patrolled both areas and just about everybody there was living relatively well.
For those of you familiar with casinos, you know they pull every trick in the book – the smiling staff, the bright lights, the music, and the colours – in order to subtly entice you to make a wager. For those who’ve only visited casinos to partake in their collection of arcades, restaurants, cinemas or theatres, you know all those psychological prompts to “pay to watch people flip paper squares”, as Follows-Chalk likes to say, are entirely ignorable.
For a man like House, the Strip exists to collect money (a.k.a. the power to requisition resources) from those who do not know how to spend it and redistribute it into the hands of those working towards his ends (maintenance aside, recovering his Chip – which is still invaluable despite the power from Hoover Dam - is becoming a tad expensive, after all). It also exists as a place of culture and relaxation for more responsible visitors. For many others, however, the Strip has become a beacon of hope.
Enthusiastic entertainers finally had a place to permanently employ their gifts. Those who were unfortunate in life but otherwise hard-working made livings as Street Vendors on the Strip, earning far more than they could anywhere else even after taking House’s Franchisee taxes into account. And formerly inter-warring tribals were finally living in peace, operating lavish casinos semi-independently in return for making and enforcing certain agreements with House (notably, cannibalism carries the death penalty).
10) The Separation from Freeside
Around two years BEFORE the game started, or 2 years AFTER the First Battle of Hoover Dam, House began to wall Freeside off from the Strip. Whether it was due to being overwhelmed by too many people trying to spend money they didn’t actually have, or due to a security issue, House decided to pull his Securitron forces and loyal employees off of Freeside to concentrate on the Strip, with admittance becoming more exclusive. You either:
a) possessed a passport indicating you were trusted to visit the Strip
b) had enough money on you to prove you were a tourist who could afford to enjoy the Strip’s services (there is no entry tax or fee – just a credit check to ensure you aren’t going to just indebt yourself within 5 seconds of visiting)
c) have to stay in Freeside or go home
d) were an NCR soldier or VIP on leave
e) tried to break past a cordon of armed robots whilst ignoring their instructions to stop and turn around, earning yourself a Darwin Award (of course, NCR troops will also kill you if you try to use “their” Monorail under similar circumstances, only they won’t wait for you to break past them).
But despite the new checkpoint, a woman from North Vegas – who previously could barely afford to eat – found good, steady work on the Strip as a salesperson. Street performers like the Lonesome Drifter or Billy Knight were admitted in without a peep. Although it’s true that the Strip’s services cater to the rich, the people it truly looks after are the hard working and enthusiastic (Billy Knight isn’t an exceptional comedian, but he clearly loves his work and that was clearly enough). Remember that no one local to Vegas was rich before House came back –since his resurrection he has been an employer of the willing and the able, and that hasn’t changed. Vegas puts on a big show for wealthy consumers, but it’s people like Billy Knight or the woman from North Vegas who come out ahead.
But, of course, not everyone liked the idea of working for House. Perhaps, more tragically, they decided too late to find employment as all staff slots were filled. Regardless, Freeside, with most of its more capable now residing on the Strip, and the Securitons no longer protecting it, degenerated back into lawlessness and became a hive of scum and villainy. It is from these conditions that a man calling himself the King rallied various dispossessed former tribals of all colours into a new tribe of his own. But we’ll return to him later…
We never find out for certain why House shut out Freeside. The Locals will blame the droves of NCR squatters around Vegas (for just about everything), but we’ll likely never know for certain beyond plausible speculations.
submitted by DarthAdjutor to fnv [link] [comments]

Production timeline of a film: The Dark Knight (2008)

edit: Thank you for the gold kind stranger!
Hi folks, thanks to the great response to my previous post for Batman Begins, I've decided the logical choice for the next post to be for the sequel.
I was originally going to do The Lord of the Rings trilogy but the vast amount of information will probably keep me reading up on it throughout the rest of the month. It's a wildly interesting read nevertheless.
Once again, many thanks to Jett from batman-on-film.com for his outstanding updates throughout the years. Let's get on to it...
Post Batman Begins
Jun: Batman Begins is released to both critical and commercial success. Warner Bros. is reportedly "thrilled" by its reception and immediately greenlights a sequel to the reboot. Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman all are signed to 3 picture deals starting with 'Begins'. Warner also signs its writer David Goyer to pen the story immediately after the second week of its release. The only question?: Will Christopher Nolan be back?
It may seem to be a given, but Nolan has a fair share of projects he'd like to work on including his adaptation of the Christopher Priest novel 'The Prestige', which will reportedly star Jude Law. He is also hoping to resurrect his Howard Hughes project now that Scorsese's 'The Aviator' has been away from theaters.
Warner Bros. would love to have a sequel ready for release by summer of 2007, but that would mean fast tracking the project, echoing the two year journey from Batman Forever (1995) to the disastrous Batman & Robin (1997). In Warner's mind, Nolan did his job in rebooting a tired franchise in 8 years and delivered a film that will not easily be topped. The question that remains will be if Warner Bros. can be patient for Nolan to return to the franchise even if it takes a few years longer than a sequel would normally be made?
'Begins' sets an Imax release 5 day record, which could pique the interest of motion picture studios to release their tentpole films in Imax formats in the near future.
July: Warner Bros. President Alan Horn gives an interview with Fox News(http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,162604,00.html), confirming the next film(s) will stay in tone with Batman Begins, alleviating fans fears among reports/rumors the studio is looking to go lighter in tone a la the previous films.
"Batman Begins," he said, had to be "about Batman's dark side, about the Dark Knight. We couldn't go back to what had happened before." He meant to "Batman Forever" (1995, starring Val Kilmer) and "Batman and Robin" (1997, with George Clooney). "They were terrible," he said. "But we're also the studio that made 'Catwoman' and 'Pluto Nash,'" he said with a chuckle. "Everybody makes mistakes."
Rumors and message board speculation aplenty as Katie Holmes is reportedly not returning for the sequel and Steve Carell's name is added to the list of "Joker candidates", joining Sean Penn, Paul Bettany, Johnny Depp, Crispin Glover, and Lachy Hulme to the 'wishlist' made by fans across the net.
August: Some newsworthy bits make the rounds as Cillian Murphy gives his first interview on the sequel and if he has been contacted about appearing as the Scarecrow again (he has not heard anything yet).
Steve Carell speaks out on the rumors of his involvement as the Joker.
"I just heard that for the first time this morning and I had no… Yeah! That would be hilar - I would love to do that! But I doubt that it's true. (Laughs) ... No, he's [possibly Charles Roven] never said anything about that, so I think that's probably completely fabricated. But I love it. I love the rumor. That would be cool. (laughs)"
AiCN reports Christopher Nolan's next film will undoubtedly be 'The Prestige', which will either have him not returning to do the sequel to 'Begins' or the studio would wait another year for him to finish work on this film.
Producer Charles Roven gives a brief statement to the Chicago Sun Times that the sequel will return to Chicago as the backdrop to Gotham City.
Will Batman return to Chicago to shoot on location for a proposed sequel to "Batman Begins," starring Christian Bale again as the Caped Crusader? Save a parking spot for the Batmobile on Lower Wacker. "We're definitely talking about doing another Batman," says producer Chuck Roven. "And we love Chicago...Chicago was fantastic to us last time."
Sep: Famed Batman writer Frank Miller, which Begins was heavily influenced by his 'Year One' arc, [gave his opinion](www.nowplayingmag.com/content/view/2116/2/) on 'Batman Begins'.
"I totally thought they did a damned good job [on that movie]," says Miller. "It was the first 'Batman' movie I've genuinely liked. I sat there, I watched it, and I came out of there going, 'Well done, man.' Sure, they used my stuff – they used everybody's stuff, but they used my stuff a lot – but they did it well, and that's all I care about. It was Batman. What I mean by that is, I thought the character was true. You understand, when I work on a character, I have a very, very hard time seeing anybody else's interpretation. I get very possessive. But when I went out to see this thing, I said, 'This is a pretty cool Batman.' I wasn't sitting there going, 'This is a merchandising tool.' I felt like it really had heart and substance, and Christian Bale with no doubt performed the best Batman I have ever seen."
Bloody-disgusting.com reports Crispin Glover shot down rumors of his involvement as a potential Joker candidate with Warner Bros.
"The rumors that he will play the Joker in the next Batman were also shot down. According to Crispin, they are strictly internet based but he would love the opportunity to do it. He hopes that the buzz might rub off on the studio."
Sequel title rumors are thrown around heavily revolving around 3 potential titles: 'Batman Attacks', 'Batman Strikes', and 'Batman Escalation'. All 3 are met with lukewarm responses from the fan community.
Oct: "The Prestige" is officially announce as Christopher Nolan's next film and will star his 'Begins' star Christian Bale, as well as Wolverine from the X-Men franchise, Hugh Jackman as rival magicians. This all but confirms that Nolan will return to work on the sequel after this film as Bale would not have signed on without Warner Bros.' approval knowing they would have to film the sequel the same time if the project was fast-tracked. Warner is making a smart business decision by waiting for the creative minds to move on their own pace.
THR quotes Warner exec Jeff Robinov as saying "Chris Nolan is going to come in and tell us what the next 'Batman' will be today".
Christopher Nolan speaks with IGN filmforce about the sequel as well as about.com
Two villians, or just The Joker? "I wouldn’t want to talk about any specifics per se. All I can really say is it’s a film we’re talking about doing." Will WB make the same mistakes with this series that they did with the last one? "Well, to me it’s more about the filmmakers and their collaboration with the studio. I don’t think you can necessarily lay all the blame at the feet of the studio or all the blame at the feet of the filmmakers. With franchise properties, with the idea of sequels, as I see it, the only reason to do a sequel is to do something better than the film you’ve made before. That’s the reason you have to be doing it, with that kind of intention. That’s the only way in which I would enter into the process." Can Robin be used without dumbing down the thing? "Possibly, but I can’t really talk about specifics."
Boxofficemojo has another interview with Nolan about the sequel.
"I can't talk about it. These are very early days. I'm going to do THE PRESTIGE first—about a couple of magicians who become involved in sabotaging each other acts, set in turn of the century London—and then we'll be looking at doing a BATMAN picture. Batman is positive, but I believe that, in the first couple of years, he's going to find an increasingly negative response from society, because the truth is that, when you have a powerful, negative city like Gotham, it didn't become corrupt by accident, and those entrenched people are going to respond very vigorously."
Dec: Christian Bale breaks his silence on the sequel and talks about Batman to IFMagazine.
"It's all that kind of deal where I'll get it in the head if I talked," laughs Bale.
One thing Bale was extremely pleased with was the support fans gave him and director Christopher Nolan’s dark, art-house-like superhero film and hopes the next film will continue in that vein.
"We know now that people have supported what we achieved," admits the actor. "I have to say though that I always like the idea of not knowing if people are going to like it and then that gives me a certain drive to improve what I believe the correct way of bringing the character about. I like the slightly self-destructive notion of like, 'You know what, I'm going to do this regardless and if people don't like it then well I'm out. That's it.' I'm kind of enjoying that possibility and that will always be there, but we can't help that recognize that we're probably on slightly safer ground now with the second one. But in doing that there's the great danger of becoming too comfortable and obviously with the second one you have to outdo the first one."
The key for Bale is progressing with the character and story.
"You have to keep on moving forward and pressing on and finding new and impressive character points and storylines, but I've got real confidence," says Bale. "I think that Chris is such a smart man and when I did finally get into the game I would have certain questions about why he was doing something and not quite understanding it. He would explain it to me and it would be like, 'Now that he's said it's so obvious. That really works. Yeah.' So I have great faith in him that he will be pulling something out of the hat that will be even better than the first one."
Jan: USAToday does an interview with Adrien Brody where the actor essentially throws his name into the Joker hat.
"I watched BATMAN BEGINS," said the actor when asked what movie he last watched. "I thought it was really cool. I would love to play The Joker. I think he would be deformed and creepier."
Feb: Variety reports David Goyer has written a treatment for the sequel and Jonathan Nolan, brother of the director's, will pen the screenplay.
Warner Bros. Pictures is already planning the next installments to “Batman Begins” and “Superman Returns,” with respective helmers Christopher Nolan and Bryan Singer in line to return.
Neither director’s deal is closed; the studio has hired Jonah Nolan — Christopher’s brother — to pen the screenplay for the untitled “Batman” project. Studio has options on “Batman Begins” star Christian Bale and “Superman Returns” star Brandon Routh.
Next installment in the Caped Crusader franchise is further along in the process since “Batman Begins” was released last summer; Singer’s “Superman Returns,” now in post, doesn’t bow until June 30.
It’s not clear when the “Batman Begins” sequel would begin shooting, although it would likely start production and be released before the “Superman” sequel.
Christopher Nolan is presently shooting “The Prestige,” a Disney release that Jonah Nolan scripted from a Christopher Priest novel.
“Batman Begins” co-writers David Goyer and Christopher Nolan wrote a treatment for the sequel. Goyer, who recently completed “The Invisible” for Touchstone, also is set to write and direct “The Flash” for Warners.
Mar: Actor Tom Wilkenson speaks to Empire Magazine about his character from Begins and if he is interested in returning for the sequel.
"I rather liked him [Falcone]. I kind of thought it was fun to play...I thought it was a great role. [As far as returning for the sequel], my character’s mad and possibly dead so I don’t think so."
Jun: Robin Williams throws his hat into the Joker mix as well. Speaking to IGN UK: "Oh God, I'd love to do that one. Well, you want to do a different Joker. You know, if they do 'Arkham Asylum,' it would be amazing. 'Arkham Asylum' is one of the greatest, nastiest comic books ever."
Jul: In an interview with Turner Classic Movies, Michael Caine lets slip of the villain of the sequel.
"...there are three pictures I want to do, small parts. One [Children of Men, released September 2006] is with Alfonso Cuaron who directed Y tu Mama Tambien, I wanted to work with him and then Christopher Nolan who directed Batman is doing a smaller film called The Prestige about magicians and it’s very interesting. And we’re going to make The Joker next year."
July 20th 2006: During Comic-Con in San Diego, LatinoReview breaks the news of the coveted role of the Joker going to Heath Ledger. Also noted is the production title of the sequel will be 'Rory's First Kiss'.
July 20 - July 23: The internet freaks out.
August 1st, 2006: Warner Bros. sends out a press release regarding the casting and the title for the sequel to 'Begins'.
As a follow up to last year’s blockbuster Batman Begins, Christopher Nolan is set to direct Warner Bros. Pictures’ The Dark Knight, written by Jonathan Nolan, based on a story by Christopher Nolan and David Goyer. The film will be produced by Emma Thomas, Charles Roven and Christopher Nolan. Additionally, Christian Bale will resume his role as Bruce Wayne and Academy Award nominee Heath Ledger has been cast as The Joker. The announcements were made today by Jeff Robinov, President of Production, Warner Bros. Pictures.
Christopher Nolan revamped the Batman franchise in 2005 with the immensely successful Batman Begins, starring Christian Bale in the title role, which chronicled the early years of the superhero. Nolan first garnered attention from critics and fans in 2000 with the groundbreaking drama Memento, which he wrote and directed. He went on to direct the thriller Insomnia, starring Al Pacino and Robin Williams, and recently wrapped production on The Prestige, with Hugh Jackman and Bale.
Bale was most recently seen in the ensemble cast of Terrence Malick’s The New World. His other credits include Little Women, Portrait of a Lady, Metroland, American Psycho, Laurel Canyon and Steven Spielberg’s Empire of the Sun, which was his first starring role.
Ledger most recently earned Oscar Golden Globe, BAFTA and SAG Award nominations and won the New York Film Critics Circle Award for Best Actor for his portrayal of Ennis Del Mar in the award-winning drama Brokeback Mountain. His other credits include Casanova, Monster’s Ball, Lords of Dogtown, The Brothers Grimm and The Patriot.
“Chris’ unique vision is what made Batman Begins such an outstanding film and we could not imagine anyone else at the helm of The Dark Knight,” said Robinov. “We also can’t wait to see two such formidable actors as Christian and Heath face off with each other as Batman and The Joker.” “I'm excited to continue the story we started with Batman Begins,” added Nolan. “Our challenge in casting The Joker was to find an actor who is not just extraordinarily talented but fearless. Watching Heath Ledger's interpretation of this iconic character taking on Christian Bale’s Batman is going to be incredible.”
Production is set to begin on The Dark Knight in early 2007.
Sep: David Goyer gives a brief update on the project to CBR news.
How about THE DARK KNIGHT? Chris Nolan's finished with THE PRESTIGE and Heath Ledger has been cast as the Joker. I'm guessing the two of you and screenwriter Jonathan Nolan will be getting together pretty soon?
“That's already been done.”
Has the story already been completely worked out?
“It's gone into Jonathan's hands and it's now out of Jonathan's hands and now in Chris' hands.”
Have you had a chance to look over the final product and make some additional suggestions?
“Yup. It's really further along than people may think.”
Heath Ledger finally breaks his silence after being cast as the iconic Joker to the Toronto Star newspaper.
"It's definitely going to stump people. I think it'll be more along the lines of how the Joker was meant to be in the comics, darker and more sinister."
“I wouldn't have thought of me, either. But it's obviously not going to be what Jack Nicholson did. It's going to be more nuanced and dark and more along the lines of A Clockwork Orange kind of feel. Which is, I think, what the comic book was after: less about his laugh and more about his eyes.”
"I actually hate comic book movies, like f**ing hate them, they just bore me sh*less and they're just dumb. But I thought what Chris Nolan did with [BATMAN BEGINS] was actually really good, really well directed, and Christian Bale was really great in it."
"He's going to be really sinister and it's going to be less about his laugh and his pranks and more about just him being a just a f***ing sinister guy."
[Asked if he decides to do a big movie like this, because of agent pressure.] "I'm sure they're super happy that I'm doing this [THE DARK KNIGHT], because this is the first time I've really kind of taken something like that, so they're over the moon. But I think it's just going to be a really fun experience, and I love to dress up and wear a mask."
[How will his Joker look?] "I've seen a few interesting designs on the look and I think that it's going to look pretty cool."
"When he explained to me the angle he wanted to take, I was like, 'Yeah, I could do that,'" Ledger says. "[Nolan's] going to make it a lot more sinister, and we've got a little plan for him, but it's exciting. Any opportunity to don a mask is always exciting to me."
[BATMAN (1989)] was dominated by Jack Nicholson's acclaimed performance as the psychotic villain, but Ledger isn't intimidated by his predecessor's turn.
"I love, love, love what Nicholson did," Ledger says. "[But] his performance was catering to the style of directing the movie was made under. It was a Tim Burton film. It wasn't Chris Nolan."
Oct: During a Q&A for 'The Prestige', Nolan answers briefly about questions regarding 'The Dark Knight'.
Nov: Composer Hans Zimmer gives an interview to soundtrack.net on what we can expect for the next film music wise.
You mentioned before that you were probably going to be working on The Dark Knight, but it's not certain... "Nothing is ever certain. They haven't even finished the script yet."
Assuming you do it, though, would you be able pull James Newton Howard back in? "Absolutely! I should say we are doing Batman. I wouldn't leave home without him!"
In the score to the first film, the main "Batman" theme only shows up towards the end, kind of like a springboard for the second film... "Absolutely, that's the whole idea. It's Batman Begins! There's a whole theme that's written and on purpose not in the movie. We were basically betting that this movie might work out alright and there would be another one, so we wanted the character to develop. He hasn't earned that theme yet!"
Dec: According to the Chicago Tribune, Warner Bros. has committed to shooting 'The Dark Knight' in Chicago for its Gotham City portions a la 'Begins'.
Jan: Variety breaks the news that Katie Holmes will not return as Rachel Dawes and will instead star in the film 'Mad Money' with Queen Latifah. What will happen with the character remains to be seen.
Feb: LA Daily News reports Christopher Nolan's 'The Dark Knight' will begin filming in April of this year.
THR and Variety report Aaron Eckhart has won the role of Harvey Dent in the upcoming film. Maggie Gyllenhaal is in negotiations to replace Holmes as Rachel Dawes.
Variety additionally breaks the news Warner Bros. has commissioned a Justice League project from screenwriters, Kiernan and Michele Mulroney. Apparently this film will have nothing to do with the Nolan films and will be its separate entity/universe.
MSNBC.com talks to Ledger about the Joker
As the Joker in the new "Batman" movie, have you tried on the mask yet? "Metaphorically, yes. I've been bouncing around like a lunatic for four months. I definitely have a different take on him, but I've yet to do a proper makeup run. It's on the agenda."
Do you walk around the house all day practicing your laugh? "I'd be lying if I said I haven't been."
April 13th, 2007: Principal Photography begins in Chicago.
Tons of set reports by Chicago citizens flood the message boards as the two week shooting schedule in Chicago is ripe for discussion. Apparently Nolan and his crew are seen with Imax cameras for a scene on a rooftop and inside of a national bank. Many report seeing actor William Fichtner on set filming scenes for the film.
According to LA Daily News, Eric Roberts has been cast as a 'Mafia Kingpin'.
Christian Bale speaks with IESB.net
On working with Heath Ledger: "Absolutely, he is a great choice for it. I like it personally. Heath has a really crazy take for playing that role. He’s going to do something really different with it."
Will we see more detective work from Batman?: (Bale picks up water bottle, starts drinking; laughter in room) "Is that clear enough?"
On playing The Batman again: "You know, I think that you got see with the other versions. You know it wasn’t my cup of tea anyway, you know, it didn’t really keep it going but I got Chris Nolan, whom I’m working with for the third time now. He ain’t going to be making a movie if he’s not going to do something very different with it, which he states. Actually, I’m very much liking the idea because I’m having the pros playing the role before. So I know it already and obviously there will be progress. We got a great cast, and Chris and I work very well together, so I know that we are going to find an awful lot to add to it. It’s certainly not the last thing is treading water, but what we have now, we were confident before in what we wanted to do but other people didn’t know, it was untested now other people support us too so we have all of that extra support behind us to sort of let rip and take it through."
May: The official website for The Dark Knight goes live with its first look at the logo for the film.
May 20th, 2007: The first look at Ledger as the Joker appears online.
Warner Bros. mysteriously posts the domain http://www.seeyouindecember.com/ on its http://www.ibelieveinharveydenttoo.com site.
Warner Bros. officially announces 'The Dark Knight' will be the first feature film to be shot partly with IMAX cameras.
"All directors promise that their sequels will be bigger and flashier than the predecessors'. But Christopher Nolan doesn't mess around.
The director's sequel to Batman Begins -- The Dark Knight -- will become the first feature film to be partly shot in the IMAX format, an expensive and cumbersome process that typically is the province of documentaries and short films.
Nolan will shoot four action sequences — including the introduction of The Joker, played by Heath Ledger — on IMAX. The move is one of Hollywood's most pronounced steps yet in its embrace of IMAX theaters, which are increasingly showing commercial fare on their giant screens.
'There's simply nothing like seeing a movie that way,' Nolan says. 'It's more immersive for the audience. I wish I could shoot the entire thing this way.'
'Batman has some of the most extraordinary characters in pop culture. We wanted The Joker to have the grandest entrance possible.'"
Jun: Entertainment Weekly magazine releases the first ever look at the new batsuit worn by Christian Bale in the film. They also release a photo of the Bat-pod.
Jul: Despite not setting up an official panel at the famed San Diego Comic-Con, Warner Bros. begins its marketing blitz for the film in the area. A skywritten message on the sky prompted curious onlookers to dial the number written and directed to a voicemail from the Joker looking for candidates who are worthy of "tryouts".
WhySoSerious.com becomes the next site to pop up in the viral marketing.
On the 2nd day of Comic-Con, the teaser trailer finally hits and makes top headlines. The Dark Knight, despite not physically being there, dominates discussion at the media/fan heavy event.
Aug: Excitement on the net as 18 photos are somehow leaked to the mainstream, and despite Warner Bros.' effort to try and contain them, they're spreading at a rapid pace.
Sep: Distressing news, as a crew member of 'The Dark Knight' has passed away from a tragic accident.
Via Warner Bros.: "There was a fatal accident at a special effects facility for THE DARK KNIGHT. A technician on the film died when the truck he was in struck a tree following a test run. Warner Bros Pictures and the entire cast and crew of The Dark Knight are deeply saddened by this tragedy, and their hearts and prayers go out to the family and loved ones of the deceased."
Principal Photography wraps after filming in Hong Kong for a 'heist' sequence.
Post Production
Nov: Empire Magazine shows off the first full glimpse of The Joker in their new issue, to hit stands in January.
Christian Bale is cast as John Connor for the next installment in the Terminator franchise. Discussion arises about the status of the third Batman film with Bale's schedule growing smaller by the day.
Dec: The Dark Knight prologue, filmed in IMAX cameras entirely, makes its debut in front of I Am Legend screenings only at IMAX theaters. The trailer comes at the end of the prologue.
A full length trailer makes its debut online.
Jan: MTV catches up with Mark Hamill on his thoughts on Ledger's Joker. "For all those fans that dreamed of an adult approach to the material, BATMAN BEGINS got nearly everything right. I have no doubt this one will be just as good or better. The balls-out debauched psycho approach seems like a great way of reinventing everyone’s favorite scary (and scar-y) clown. [I] can’t wait to see it."
Warner Bros. is reportedly undecided on whether they would like to shelve the George Miller 'Justice League: Mortal' film or continue on with it.
January 22nd, 2008: Fans are stunned to the announcement of Heath Ledger's death.
Warner Bros. releases the first statement along with a tribute memorial on the official website: http://thedarkknight.warnerbros.com/HeathMemorial.html
Christopher Nolan writes a tribute message for Ledger in Newsweek as a guest columnist: http://www.newsweek.com/charisma-natural-gravity-87331
Feb*: USAToday examines the options for the studio in marketing the late actor's character for the summer blockbuster.
Christian Bale will not be the one to play the titular character in Gotham Knight, as veteran and fan favorite Batman actor, Kevin Conroy will once again play the role that made him famous. The anime film will consist of several segments, all directed by different auteurs.
Mar: The marketing team moves to focus on Harvey Dent by outlying Aaron Eckhart's schedule to appear in person (and in character) at designated rallies: http://www.ibelieveinharveydent.com/ontheroad.aspx
DarkHorizons reports the final cut of the film is somewhere between 160-180 minutes.
The latest on viral sites: http://www.whysoserious.com/itsallpartoftheplan/
Apr: The 3rd and final full length trailer makes its debut
Jun: Only a month away from release, Rolling Stone magazine's critic, Peter Travers, releases the first review for the film, exciting fans across the internet with the header: "Heads up: a thunderbolt is about to rip into the blanket of bland we call summer movies."
July 18th, 2008 - July 23rd, 2008: 'The Dark Knight' releases to an all time box office record of $158 million in its opening weekend and making $400 million worldwide in only its 18th day of release. Critical and commercial reception is at a stratospheric high for the franchise. One can only wonder where the story goes on now...
Thanks for taking the time to read it all if you've done so, properly spent my Sunday morning with sore hands now. Logically, I guess the next one would be the time between this film and The Dark Knight Rises. However, just glancing at a few tepid crazy rumors ("Miley Cyrus will be Batgirl!" or "Chris Nolan hates Christian Bale and wants Sam Worthington to play Bruce Wayne!!"), the sheer amount of news/rumors/bullsh*t that came from this time period will be absolutely exhausting by the time its said and done.
That and please leave more suggestions if you have other films you would like for me to report on, from its concept to the release. Cheers and have a good rest of the Sunday to you.
submitted by lipstickpizza to movies [link] [comments]

Paradigm Shift and Eckhart Tolle

Before I begin, please excuse me if this takes a moment. The topic is a bit complex and I don’t wish to leave out crucial details.
Lately I have been thinking less about my emotions, reactionary mood swings and the little irritating moments that come and go. Even less time has been spent glorifying my triumphs and accomplishments. I have not spent many moments seeking validation or acceptance from others.
This paradigm shift started with a study into a primal and sexual part deep within me. Accessing this part of my consciousness was very difficult before about a year ago. Until a person who constantly lives on a razor’s edge of primal, intoxicating, desire and instinctual drive came along - and swept me off my feet.
I’m a very private person with trust issues. I’m telling you this, because this individual invaded me wholly by slipping underneath all of my defenses before I could so much as form an objection. It took six days and after that I realized that I had abandoned all reason and surrendered completely to primal, base desires. For five months we played with each other almost every day with such intimacy that I have no words for it. Our sleep patterns and daily routines changes, so that we could spend more time with each other. We constantly made time for each other. It was a nonstop feast of pleasure, joy and excitement.
In surrendering my will, for the first time in my entire life, to another person I discovered something special. Not right away, of course. I was far too wrapped up in that other person. It has now been half a year since the last private message from this primal, instinctual person. Four months since I sent a happy birthday message that was completely ignored. Yet, I feel no sorrow or longing. Only a fleeting happy memory of our time together. A twinge of pain for how quickly and completely I was forgotten.
Have I been poorly treated by this person? Yes, from an emotional and rational standpoint. Human beings aren’t supposed to be picked up, played with and discarded at a moments notice like toys. Especially when promises were made. One of my characteristics is that I make very few promises, so when others make promises to me I take such acts very seriously. But I digress.
Over the past six to seven months I have been given an opportunity to become much more aware. More conscious of my own being. Without the routines, strict rules and mores of modern society hindering my progress as much as before. Without my ego getting in the way as much as before. Having layers upon layers of BS stripped away within a relatively short span of time can do that. When I was presented with this opportunity I took full advantage of it.
To quote Heath Ledger in his role as the Joker “Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos.” Well, I ran into what I would call an agent of chaos about a year ago. This person pulled the rug out from under my feet and left behind a mess that took some serious effort to clean up.
Then I started reading Eckhart Tolle’s book Stillness Speaks and it all clicked. There are many good insights in that book, but perhaps this one struck me the most.
Your acceptance of what is takes you to a deeper level where your inner state as well as your sense of self no longer depend on the mind's judgments of “good” or “bad.” When you say “yes” to the “isness” of life, when you accept this moment as it is, you can feel a sense of spaciousness within you that is deeply peaceful. On the surface, you may still be happy when it's sunny and not so happy when it's rainy; you may be happy at winning a million dollars and unhappy at losing all your possessions. Neither happiness nor unhappiness, however, go all that deep anymore. They are ripples on the surface of your Being. The background peace within you remains undisturbed regardless of the nature of the outside condition. The “yes” to what is reveals a dimension of depth within you that is dependent neither on external conditions nor on the internal conditions of constantly fluctuating thoughts and emotions.
Why am I not upset? Why am I not crying and seeking solace from my friends? Yes, I feel emotions. I feel them very deeply and there have been both many unhappy and happy moments over the last half a year. These fleeting moments are not me. These emotions are not me. I am not this story. There is more to me than what has happened or what will happen.
I am slowly beginning to understand. My friends have remarked how strangely calm and happy I seem to be. Energetic and full of life. In this moment my mind is quiet and I am aware of so many things. A lone tear on my cheek, the heat of my body, the pleasure of writing and the sounds coming from outside. No distractions, only these words.
And now I have no more words. I do not know how to describe this peaceful, wonderful state of simply being right here, in this moment. My mind is akin to a void. There are no more words. The story is concluded and set aside. A product of my ego that has served its usefulness, but has no great emotional impact or intrinsic value to me.
I am reminded of a phrase that has been attributed to many ancient philosophers. “Know thyself.”
submitted by TelperionST to occult [link] [comments]

The 500th Suggestion on How to Fix Suicide Squad

I know I'm practically beating a dead horse to a pulp here, but here's a thought or two on how to make the DC movie with the most amount of squandered potential actually good:
1.) Instead of having Jared Leto be a cross between Ace Ventura and a Gigolo, have him do the Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth interpretation of the Joker: he's not insane, but actually possesses a "Super Sanity" that rises above everyone else, which makes him a pure anarchic force. It would actually be an interesting counterpoint to Amanda Waller's character. I realize it sounds a bit like Heath Ledger's Joker, but the joker I'm proposing is not an anarchist: he just has a "Clear" sight of what society is. To quote the Watchmen, this Joker sees "the true face of society, and chooses to become a parody of it."
2.) MAKE THE JOKER THE ACTUAL BAD GUY! Suicide Squad had a lot of problems, but where it all went to shit was having a former model doing an impression of a car dealer air dancer hula hooping as a villain. Have the movie be set a little bit before Dawn of Justice, and have the main plot essentially be that Amanda Waller is tired of Batman not killing the joker, only constantly taking the him down and have him escape again, and so she recruits all these villains as an expendable force to take down the Joker. I thought Margo Robbie's Harley Quinn was one of the better parts of the movie, but it would have been that much more interesting if Harley Quinn was ordered to kill the Joker.
3.) Get rid of Katana and enchantress, you don't need them
4.) Don't try to emulate Guardians of the Galaxy. If the movie is not going to be original and try to copy someone else, GotG is not the right movie to copy. Instead go with something along the lines of Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction: Character driven stories about criminals that we can't help but love
5.) Don't bring in the Batman, that cocktease was not necessary. If you're gonna do it, do it at the very beginning so as to set up WHY the suicide squad is needed (See #2)
I'm sure there are a thousand other things to fix, because to call that movie a polished turd is an insult to people who polish turds, but those are my 2 cents on what i thought were wrong
submitted by SuspiciousTurtle to fixingmovies [link] [comments]

[SPOILERS] Favorite Gotham Characters and Why?

I have recently been watching a ton of Gotham AMVs and it has got me thinking about how enjoyable the show is. The best thing about Gotham is the characters. So I decided to list down my Favorite Gotham characters.
Dishonorable Mention Jim Gordon: I remember reading a Gotham AMA hosted by Ben McKenzie. A fan asked what made him so attracted to the role in the first place. He said that it was because Jim Gordon was a straight laced hero in a sea of Antiheroes. I bet he must be disappointed with the narrative direction the show went. It's not that Jim Gordon isn't a well developed character because he is, it's that he is incredibly unlikable. Every episode Ben McKenzie writes or directs in some way acknowledge the characters faults. Jim Gordon works best as a foil to Batman. An average man thrown into a world of outcasts and looneys, however in the show's first season they make him too gallant. Jim Gordon can't give into lust and cheat on his wife like he did in the comics, it’s his cruel wife that cheats on him therefore validating any future romantic endeavors. After that the writers thought that a lawful, morally decent character cannot be interesting and made him corrupt and violent. It's harder for the audience to connect with a womanizer with an extreme sense of justice who is willing to bend the law a little to do what's right. Jim in the comics is just an average family man, that's why he is relatable. In Gotham he is pretty much Batman with a badge. He is obsessed with cleaning up Gotham, he has numerous love interests, he bends the laws to do what he thinks is right and he is just one step away from becoming the very thing he fights against. The main differences between comic Batman and Gordon is that Gordon kills people and that he is supremely more selfish. Gordon kills people for Penguin and he maims various people throughout the show for his own interests. He is incredibly prideful, always berating Bullock for being corrupt while he does that exact same thing. Just because Gordon recognizes he has "darkness" doesn't,t mean he has the right to do nothing about it. It seems that the moment things look bad he begins indulging in his selfish desires. No amount of self loathing justifies that. Sure there are obviously worse characters but usually they are thrown to the side or ignored, Jim is the main character and the audience has to spend the most time with him.
Jeremiah Valeska: Jeremiah has been in only been in 5 episodes and he has already caused more damage than any other character. Jeremiah acts like he is superior to every else and yet no one has proved him otherwise. He is a "higher class of criminal". Unlike any of the other villains he really seems like something out of the pages of the golden age. He is a brilliant engineer capable of making super weapons and he has his own secret lair. He is a nietzschean super criminal. He takes great pride in being the best as what he does. A unique take on the Joker, going beyond the Mad Dog mentality for something more elegant. Unlike his brother, it is implied his tragic backstory is fabricated and that he was born a psychopath. He also has little agency and all of his successes comes from his intellect. Jeremiah is cold and calculating like few other villains in the show. He seems almost reptilian. While he may have taken more than a few queues from Hannibal Lecter, I think there's enough freshness to keep me satisfied. He gets under Bruce’s skin like few villains. He makes Bruce question his instincts since Bruce thought he was a victim of circumstance. The scene where he shoots shows how sadistic he is. Unlike Jerome he is perfectly capable of controlling himself which makes him much more sinister. The scene where he mocks Bruce about Selina's condition is chilling and shows the depth of his villainy.
Professor Pyg: While he is inferior to his comic portrayal he is still an immensely entertaining villain. I am always a fan of characters that are serial killers and cannibals. I feel like if I was a villain on Gotham, I would be Pyg. A logical motivation perverted beyond repair and a zany sense of justice. The concept of a serial killer from the south that goes around the world reinventing his amo and appearance is brilliant and I wish that idea was explored more. Professor Pyg wants to make the perfect persona. I like that at this point in Gotham Supervillainy is like a subculture/ ecosystem. It makes the world they inhabit feel three dimensional. His rendition of they had it coming is one of the all time great Gotham moments, mixing black comedy with ultra violence. However the reveal that he was an assassin hired by Sofia Falcone makes no sense and cheapens the character. Also the character lacks depth, he is an instance of style over substance, immensely entertaining but pretty empty when you break the surface.
Ra's Al Ghul: My favorite episode of Gotham is "The Demon's Head" and he is a big reason why. I feel like after this point in the show they didn’t know what to do with him which is a shame as he was great for the first four episodes of S4. Calm, calculating and charismatic, he is everything you could want in a campy yet intimidating super villain. While some would believe that his lack of a backstory makes him lack depth, I would argue for the enigmatic mastermind that he is, it works. You presume that he has a rich history that could fill up epics just by his demeanor alone. Throughout the whole show he is the puppeteer behind every event, he is always in control. I also love how he is willing to get his hands dirty. It would be so easy to show him sitting in a dark room ordering faceless assassins to go after Bruce. The henchmen he does have are memorable. Mad Dog and the acupuncturist are unique opponents. The scene where he goes into James,s office just after Jim was told about how dangerous he was by Alfred was brilliant. He was exerting control from Jim and showing the GCPD that they can do nothing to him. At the end of the episode Ra's threatens to slit Alex,s throat unless Bruce gives him the dagger. Bruce refuses and Ra's slits Alex,s throat, killing him. This moment shows how great Ra's is a manipulator. Ra's wants to die in peace knowing his legacy will live on. Bruce refusing to give Ra's the dagger shows Ra's that Bruce is willing to let innocent people die for the greater good. 50% of the work is already done. Ra’s now just has to convince Bruce that Gotham isn’t worth saving.
Alfred Pennyworth: Alfred in Gotham is a bona fide badass. Willing to do anything to protect Master Bruce, he is basically James Bond as a butler. While I like Selina as a character the scene where Alfred bitch slaps her is pure gold. Even though his edge is slowly softened as Gotham gordon, in the first few seasons he was the toughest character on the whole show. He also has a good amount of depth. Alfred relates and cares about Bruce as both of them are "broken things". He was broken by the war and Bruce was broken by his parents death. He is also raising Bruce as a way to honor Thomas Wayne, the man who saved his life.
Jerome Valeska: Jerome is very inconsistent, sometimes he is a hilarious psychopath who does everything for the fun of it and other times he imitates Heath Ledger. I prefer it when he is the former, really making the character, Joker his own. At his best Jerome is funny, unpredictable, violent, incredibly theatrical and charming. In his own way he wants to entertain his fans, he has his own fucked up standards. Violence itself isn't funny, it's enjoyable to commit but not funny, Jerome tries to enhance violence, making it a performance. One of his best moments is when he decides not to kill Penguin because Penguin made him laugh, it was out of nowhere and fit perfectly with his personality. If someone entertains him he won't kill them, he won't need to. He is also a sympathetic character, being born a bastard child, he was treated terribly by his entire family, in many ways like the other freaks at the circus, a mistake. My only problem with the character is that without his agency he is just a crazy murderer. A positive result of this is his character arc. He starts out as an edgy creepypasta character, he killed his mom because she was mean to him. Then he learned his dad was a pathetic blind creep. After being freed from Arkham he killed his biological father and adopted Theo Galavan as a father figure. Theo was the first person to appreciate his talents and treat him with respect. He gave him compliments on him showmanship and charisma which made Jerome feel good about himself. However when Theo killed Jerome, the last bit of his humanity died with him. When he is resurrected by his followers he comes to believe that he is some sort of messiah figure. In the past he was fine with killing others for various reasons but now he has deluded himself into thinking that people are just playthings for his twisted entertainment. At this point in the show it seems like he has no close family members. With the apparent death of his family he is no longer hindered to the
past. He has evolved from an edgy serial killer to a Legend. A mythical figure who feeds of chaos and madness. Criminals tell stories about him that they aren’t sure if their true or not. Hell he scares most criminals, including the Penguin. It's ironic that he is taken down by his own brother and Bruce Wayne, the two people who see Jerome as a human rather than some unstoppable force,
Selina Kyle: Born into poverty Selina and abandoned by her parents, Selina wasn't given the chance to be anything other than street trash. No one takes her seriously and no one respects her. She just wants to make something out of herself. Her need to seek approval from Barbara Kean and Fish Mooney stem from her abandonment issues. She just wants to be wanted. She is very sarcastic and witty often being the realist compared to Bruce. Her cynicism and self preservation bounce off of Bruce’s altruism and proactiveness quite well.
Bruce Wayne: I read the quote that Bruce is like the Augustus Caesar of Gotham and I completely agree with it. A child genius forced to be the head of his family due to unfortunate circumstances. Gotham's Bruce had the advantage of being young allowing his intellect to be at the forefront instead of his strength. He is a brilliant strategist. I like how he is a genius but he is socially awkward. He is logical and emotions and usually illogical. Bruce is a logical person forced to act illogical because in Gotham everything is illogical. He is a schemer. I also like how he actually enjoys crime fighting because it is the only thing that makes him feel alive. It's like some weird fetish of his. Still he deserves some joy considering all he's dealt with. I believe that if his parents didn’t die he would spend his the rest of his life as a rich playboy who always felt like something was missing but he doesn’t know what. Crime fighting is his true calling. He seems to really enjoy it. He is also the most moral person in Gotham, going out of his way to help people because he cares. I think that in a show of morally detestable characters their need to be at least a glimmer of light.
Harvey Bullock: Harvey is both the show,s comic relief and the audience surrogate. He often says what the audience is thinking. He’s a realist. He is lazy, witty, cynical and selfish. He works well as a foil to Jim Gordon's stoic nature and dedication. He feels genuinely human and relatable. He does evil because he realizes it's the only way to survive as a cop. He isn't happy about it, it is just a part of the daily grind. The scene in the hospital after he is almost killed by Professor Pyg is heartbreaking. He genuinely feels guilty about helping Penguin and breaking Jim's trust and he wants to improve himself. The scene in episode 21 with his reaction to the creepy pig sex deviants was hilarious.
Edward Nygma: Edward Nygma descent into madness is a slow burn but it is worth the wait. Starting out as a socially awkward crime scene investigator, slowly the verbal abuse from his coworkers and the emotional rejection of Kristen Kringle slowly deteriorate his psyche until it cumulates with him gutting Kristen Kringle,s abusive boyfriend. Their is an innuendo about the act of murder being equivalent to sex for him. The action isn't completely negative, her boyfriend was incredibly abusive. His motivations are a mix of jealousy, lust, rage and genuine care. After that his psyche becomes shattered, broken into pieces like a puzzle. He begins his descent into insanity. He sees multiple versions of himself and his alternate personality takes on a life of its own. Throughout the show he is trying to find the puzzle piece missing in his life, whether it is befriending the Penguin, falling in love with Isabella, or taking drugs to hallucinate interactions with the Penguin after he "kills" him. In a Freudian fashion everyone he is in a relationship with dies either directly or indirectly by his hands. He doesn’t “fit” with anyone else. He isn’t even accepted by the freaks of Gotham. He is too abnormal to be a gangster and too arrogant to join the freaks. He isn’t even seen as one of the great villains by many Gothamites. He is the loneliest person in Gotham.
Victor Zsasz: Victor Zsasz is just so classy. He is by far the most consistently entertaining character is Gotham. He lights up every scene he is in. He is a contradiction to the classic hitman mold. He is extroverted, charismatic, friendly, openly talks about his beliefs and has funky town as a ringtone. He just loves his job so much you just can't help but respect him. He seems to have a good relationship with his family which is bizarre considering his body is covered in tally marks and he is extremely respectful to people. He has a dark sense of humor and code of honor. When Carmine Falcone is murdered he is genuinely sad and show his respect at the funeral. He seems to care about Penguin and they interact like friends. Every scene he is in is comedy gold. As long as you allow him to torture and kill some people he won't cramp your style. He's a chill dude. It's great that Gotham turned one of the most bland Batman villains into such a likeable character.
  1. Oswald Cobblepot: While Jim Gordon may be the main character everyone knows who the true star of Gotham is. The King of Gotham himself, Oswald Cobblepot. The character with the most depth, Oswald has been the standout character since day one. Oswalds overbearing mother never allowed him to grow up making him into a manchild. This leads to him having a soft spot for bullied children. Any time he doesn’t get his way he violently lashes out. The incessant bullying of Oswald Cobblepot lead him to have a deep resentment for the world around him. The bullied became the bully. Oswald will only allow himself to be ridiculed if there is a long term benefit to this. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He has an almost serial killer like mentality. In the first season he acts like a pushover but later on reveals his true nature and becomes the “great man” his mom always knew he could be. Oswalds idea of great resides in How much power you have and what your social status is, rather than morality, just like his mom. He hides his sociopathic nature under the guise of politeness. He is a brilliant strategist and opportunist. In the first season of Gotham he worked as a great foil to Jim Gordon. Jim was trying to fight against the crime and chaos of Gotham and Oswald was taking advantage of it. Oswald is a brilliant businessman, he knows how to make people's self interest align with his ultimate goal. He is the devil on Jim Gordon’s shoulder, always telling him to do it. Every deal Jim makes with Penguin slowly eats away at his soul until there is nothing left. He is always willing to indulge in his darkest desires, constantly being unnecessarily violent and cruel to his enemies. Like a child he sees nothing wrong with his actions and usually takes delight in committing them. His greatest weakness is his emotional instability. When being nursed back to health by the Riddler, the Riddler explains why his mother's death was a blessing is disguise saying “ A man with nothing that he loves, is a man that cannot be bargained, a man that cannot be betrayed, a man that answers to no one but himself”. The brilliant irony is that it is Penguins romantic affection for the Riddler that leads to his downfall. It is always his emotional attachments that make his fail. In season 2 it is his mother being kidnapped by Theo Galavan and forcing the Penguin to do his bidding for her life. In season 3 it is his romantic love for the Riddler. In Season 4 Sophia Falcone uses this to her advantage acting as a surrogate maternal figure that Oswald desperately desires. Sophia uses Oswald Parental connection for Martine to finally topple his enormous empire at the halfway mark of season 4. Penguin wants to be free of his emotions but no matter how hard he tries, he can’t deny his true nature.
submitted by Chazz141414 to Gotham [link] [comments]

Just watched The Empire Strikes Back for the first time. My review:

Hi guys, I'm back again after my post-viewing review of Star Wars yesterday. For those curious to read it, here's the link: https://www.reddit.com/StarWars/comments/4lghrz/my_first_star_wars_movie_live_threadpostmovie/
Following my viewing of Star Wars, I couldn’t wait more than a day to go ahead and watch The Empire Strikes Back. To say it met my expectations would be an understatement. As promised, I've written a review of The Empire Strikes Back, and I encourage everyone to share their thoughts as well. The following are my thoughts on the film and some connections I’ve drawn (or that I think I’ve drawn), followed by my overall rating of the movie. Enjoy!
Note: This is the theatrical version of The Empire Strikes Back.
I’ll treat this review the same way that I did my last one, a semi-cohesive series of thoughts about the movie. To start:
Final thoughts/connections
While the fun, lighthearted nature of Star Wars was a great way to kick things off, I’m glad they went in a dark direction with this one. The Empire Strikes Back is unafraid to let the main characters fail, and it makes the story more intense. While I was thoroughly enjoying myself last time watching the adventures of Luke Skywalker and company, The Empire Strikes Back was a movie that compelled me to keep watching.
While Star Wars was more of a linear story per se, The Empire Strikes Back felt more to me like a series of overlapping, episodic plots. You start out with the Hoth battle, then Luke flies off to Dagobah while the rest of the crew boards the Millennium Falcon. From there, you get a back and forth of both plots before they eventually find each others’ path again in Cloud City. It’s expertly done, and gives the movie a beautiful artistic touch.
One of the things I think The Empire Strikes Back really excelled in was focusing in on personal moments. The majority of the movie are scenes where characters are in isolated areas, such as in a swamp or trapped inside of the Millennium Falcon in hopes of not getting caught. This allowed for a lot more character-to-character interaction, and it helped build the dynamics between characters. Superior screenwriting in every way.
Man, John Williams knocks it out of the park again. Seriously, this soundtrack is unreal. My personal favorite is Vader’s theme music whenever he walks into a room. It characterizes him as that malefic, evil character that the story demands.
The use of the Force in this movie is so cool, and really expands on what was shown in Star Wars. While Luke pulling his lightsaber out of the ice was really cool, the big wow moment for me was when Yoda pulled Luke’s ship out of the swamp. After watching Star Wars, I was unsure what the Force could really be used for. I had seen Obi-Wan use it for mind tricks, I had seen Luke use it to block laser blasts, and eventually, guide his shot into the Death Star, but I really didn’t know the extent of the Force. Watching Yoda pull the ship out of the water was one of two moments where my jaw actually hung open in this movie (guess what the other one is). This was the moment that I realized the Force isn’t just a set of little tricks somebody can do—it’s “pull an enormous ship out of the water effortlessly” powerful. It was a "Holy crap, this is real!" moment for me, and is up there as one of my favorite scenes from both movies I've seen so far.
Overall rating
In my previous review, I called Star Wars a 10/10; a perfect movie. If Star Wars was a 10/10, I don’t know how else to judge this movie than to break the scale—this earns at least a 12/10. Seriously speaking, I honestly cannot find a flaw in this movie. Every scene propels the movie forward and contributes to its underlying themes, the romance plot is fully played out, yet doesn’t feel like it intrudes on the other plot points, and it has the most climactic ending I could’ve imagined, yet I’m still yearning for more. The Empire Strikes Back is an absolute masterpiece; there’s no other way to put it. Take a bow, Irvin Kershner.
Thanks for reading! Again, I’ll be happy to respond to any questions/comments you guys have for me regarding my first viewing of this movie. Up next, The Phantom Menace!
submitted by charlesradcliffe to StarWars [link] [comments]

"Here's a list of my best quotes. Enjoy /r/SCJerk." - Roman Reigns

  1. "I told WWE to delete the poll results. Only 4 percent of people wanted me, and I got very triggered. The Big Dog needed a safe space from this negativity." - Roman Reigns
  2. "I'm unhappy with the results of the Universal Championship match." - Roman Reigns
  3. "Uh... what is workrate? Asking for a friend." - Roman Reigns.
  4. "Anyone catch the name of that Make-A-Wish kid I was rolling around with at the end of Raw? I respect that little tater tot". - Roman Reigns
  5. "I don't want to fuck Alexa Bliss. I have a wife whom I love very much, and she is more than enough to keep me satisfied." -Roman Reigns
  6. Roman Reigns - "I'm legally changing my name to Kevin Steen"
  7. "Top o the marnin to ye LOL" -Roman Reigns
  8. "I don't know how big Batista's dick is, but Chris Benoit was pretty well hung." - Roman Reigns
  9. "Sami Zayn and El Generico are the same performer, you fucking idiots." - Roman Reigns
  10. "7/8ths of the users on sc will never know the touch of a woman, but the other 1/8th occasionally grope their sisters" - Roman Reigns
  11. "I impregnated Brie Bella" - Roman Reigns
  12. "I always thought Bill DeMott did a better job than Matt Bloom down at NXT, just look at the difference in talent turnout." - Roman Reigns
  13. "Father of a young annoying girlfriend. Is WWE an annoying girlfriend? My annoying daughter could use a good role model." - Roman Reigns
  14. "I designed the new Raw logo" - Roman Reigns
  15. "Becky Lynch's accent is really hard to deal with when I'm hitting it raw dog, uce." - Roman Reigns
  16. "Wrestle Kingdom 11 made me feel hollow inside" -Roman Reigns
  17. "Oooahh" - Roman Reigns
  18. "Kota Ibushi? I got some Chinese takeout from there last week." - Roman Reigns
  19. "Vince asked me to design the Universal title belt because I'm gonna be wearing it soon" - Roman Reigns
  20. "Remember when SCJerk was a parody and not a way for users to be passive aggresive about their favorite wrestlers being criticized?" - Roman Reigns
  21. "I switched Bayley's name with Mojo Rawley's in the draft." -- Roman Reigns
  22. "Your wife notices something interesting when she watches Roman Reigns' matches... how wet she is. OOOOAAAHHHH" - Roman Reigns
  23. "Jon Snow is as dead as Chris Benoit." - Roman Reigns
  24. "Samoa Joe should debut by laying down for the 1-2-3 after a Spear from The Big Dog. OOOOOAAAAHHH!" - Roman Reigns
  25. "If Dolph Ziggler wins the World Heavyweight Championship at SummerSlam, I will "OOOOOOOOOWAH" and, lol fuck this shit, that vanilla midget ain't winning. I mean, what is he? Like 130lbs and 4'11? He's like half the size of my leg. I know because I'm a a girl btw" - Roman Reigns
  26. "Okada? Never heard of her." -Roman Reigns
  27. “Banks on the other hand... Let's just say I'd like to make a deposit. And I say this as a happily married man: Sasha Banks is one woman I, The Big Dog, would, without question, cheat on my wife to just to tap. In real life, not kayfabe, just so we're extra clear. I seriously would, and--come to think of it--hopefully will, engage in an actual extramarital affair with Sasha. Belie' 'dat."
  28. "I gave darren716 the wrong transcript to the cm Phil pipebomb" -roman reigns
  29. "I've seen all the different facial reactions of Alexa Bliss. Cause I fucked her...with my dick. Like a lot. Belee Dat" -Roman Reigns
  30. Roman Reigns - "I hate fucking cruiserweights, #BuildTheWall
  31. "If you want to know how to go over, step 1 is to be me." - Roman Reigns
  32. Roman: "AJ Styles? Greatest vanilla midget of all time. Still in developmental. He's in developmental."
  33. "Eddie Guerrero had too much heart. Like literally, an enlarged heart is what killed him. So when you say 'Roman Reigns lacks heart,' I just smile, content in the knowledge that my ass won't be grass by age 40. Pricks." - Roman Reigns
  34. "Trump really looked competent during the debate last night. I can't wait for him to win in November!" -Roman Reigns
  35. "One Direction is better than The Beatles" - Roman Reigns
  36. "Kevin Owens is making morbid obesity seem acceptable and that's just irresponsible." - Roman Reigns
  37. "bayleys ass isn't even that nice." - roman reigns
  38. "I thought /SCJerk was this fun place to talk about pro grapps. Instead its full of people making fun of me and dragging my name through the mud." - A tearful Roman Reigns on internet bullying.
  39. "I hated Ellsworth way before he got involved in the main event. Literally from the second I saw him. Believe that. But by interrupting that snooze fest, I think he's finally beginning to win me over." - Roman Reigns
  40. "Dragon Ball Z? I don't watch Chinese cartoons"-Roman Reigns
  41. "I'm like D cups because I'm huge and everybody likes me." -Roman Reigns.
  42. Roman Reigns on Suffering Succotash: "I honestly don't know [how the joke was cleared for broadcast]. We just wrote it, performed it and waited for a pop -- which never came."
  43. "Dusty wants to talk about hard times? Hard times was sitting through that god awful promo Punk did 5 years ago" -Roman Reigns
  44. "I had two Jannettys" - Roman Reigns
  45. "I'm SUING the guys at /scjerk for posting all the things I say up there without my consent." - Roman Reigns
  46. "I've seen a lot of jokes about Chris Benoit lately. Though I understand the temptation to make jokes about the taboo, I think it's important to remember that many people still living were affected by this tragedy, and perhaps some restraint is warranted." -Roman Reigns
  47. "6 stars? Yeah, out of 10" - Roman Reigns
  48. "The SCJerk awards were rigged" - Roman Reigns
  49. "I'm not a bad girl, I'm not a good girl, I'm a Barbie girl in the Barbie world, life in plastic; it's fantastic. You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere. Imagination, I'm Vince McMahons creation" - Roman "Barbie Girl" Reigns
  50. "I have lost all respect for Paige. What kind of person violates the Wellness Policy? A cheat, that's who." -- Roman Reigns.
  51. "I read through your posts and six months ago you were all over Sasha Banks, claiming she was GOAT. Now you say you always disliked her and her "horse faced black ass." Why is that?" - Roman Reigns
  52. "I'd kick King Maxel's ass" - Roman Reigns
  53. "Goldberg stole my finisher" - Roman Reigns
  54. "I made a list of Jericho impression in my drama class interview for my muslim son before reversing it into a styles clash and now I feel hollow inside" -Roman Reigns
  55. "Santa is a lazy part timer" - Roman Reigns
  56. "I'm not a good Brian Kendrick. I'm not a bad Brian Kendrick. I'm THE Brian Kendrick" -Roman Reigns
  57. "Happy Holidays." - Roman Reigns
  58. "I thought WrestleMania was better than Wrestle Kingdom" -Roman Reigns
  59. "The WWE Universal Champion has bigger tits than the Woman's Champ! LMAO!!!" - Roman Reigns
  60. "It's quite the sad irony that SCJerk, a community that's designed to lampoon the reactionary hivemind of SquaredCircle, is itself a pack of pod people who glom onto the latest flavor of the month with a stream of same-y jokes and references." - Roman Reigns
  61. "NJPW? Isn't that the place where Vince hires all our jobbers?" -Roman Reigns
  62. "I am glad Shelton Benjamin is injured and not returning, there's already too many Sheltons on the roster as it is." -Roman Reigns
  63. "Nah, those photos are renders" -Roman Reigns
  64. "Wait, these SMARKS think shaking like a seizure victim is charisma? I got an idea" - Roman Reigns
  65. "PFFT, you really thought that was her? I just put on this cheap mask I found in T.J.. Fucking marks. You guys crack me up. Oh, and u/bassfacemasterrace ? I've already done it. She's loose, uce. OOOAAAAHHH!" - Roman Reigns
  66. "Chyna's gone? So will people stop talking about Wrestle Kingdom now?" - Roman Reigns
  67. "I stabbed Jamie Noble myself, because the Big Dog never lets a debt go unpaid. Fuck J&J Security." - Roman Reigns
  68. "Wrestling is not real. While there are a few exceptions, most professional wrestlers are not actually good fighters in reality. There is no correlation between professional wrestling and real fighting" - Roman Reigns
  69. "I found Sasha's comments towards Dana fairly problematic, particularly given the speech she had just given which, quite correctly, criticized the Attitude Era's rampant objectification of women. To then go on and mock Dana for her appearance is nothing short of shameful." -Roman Reigns
  70. "I've been catching up on a lot of "Big Bang Theory" and TNA on my vacation" - Roman Reigns
  71. "Mr. Fuji isn't dead, he's the NXT champion." - Roman Reigns
  72. "My substance abuse was actually my way of paying tribute to Eddie Guerrero." - Roman Reigns
  73. "I love fake Roman Reigns quotes. I read them with my junkie fuck buddy Paige, and we laugh together as we do a line of coke off of Sasha's big ass." - Roman Reigns
  74. "Please stop making jokes about Roman Reigns wellness policy violation. It's very offensive and in poor taste" - Roman Reigns
  75. Roman Reigns: "A government agency just contacted & informed me that I've received 1000s of votes for President of the USA. What the fuck, people? Thousands have died for your right to vote. By doing this, you spitefully mock their brave sacrifice."
  76. "I was the one who introduced Paige and Del Rio" - Roman Reigns
  77. "Raw ratings are up, because I wrestled twice that night" Roman Reigns
  78. "I had sex with Bayley, but I thought about Eva Marie the whole time." - Roman Reigns
  79. "Why is everything I say quoted on here?" - Roman Reigns
  80. "/SCJerk is shit, /Squaredcirclejerk is where its at" - Roman Reigns
  81. "I made a list of Jericho impression in my drama class interview for my muslim son before reversing it into a styles clash and now I feel hollow inside" -Roman Reigns
  82. "I have worked very hard to endear myself to fans on the internet and it hurts me on a deeply emotional level when people boo me. I have crippling depression and I cry myself to sleep every night, uce. Bevieve that." - Roman Reigns
  83. "I still support Roman despite his wellness violation and can't wait for him to return to WWE" - Roman Reigns
  84. "I think Fuccboi needs another run with the belt." - Roman Reigns
  85. I told Y2J not to fuck with my boy Sin Cara. He didn't listen so he caught a superman punch. I'll drop any mother fucker that looks at my clique the wrong way. - Roman Reigns.
  86. Roman Reigns about his theme song/entrance : "I chose all of it. I went to each department and told them I wanted to keep The Shield's entrance so I could leech of Colby and Moxley's popularity."
  87. "Referring to a photo as a "render" makes the point that you're a pretentious little fucker who plays too many video games, but then you're on a wrestling message board so I don't know what I really expected, son." ~ Roman Reigns
  88. "What's with all the teachers on Squaredcircle? Who the fuck would let those retards educate our children?"-Roman Reigns
  89. "I want to fuck Alexa Bliss more than that Bassfacemasterrace guy does" - Roman Reigns
  90. "I, too, asked Del Rio to marry me. He's a wonderful man." - Roman Reigns
  91. Lillian won't be missed, I can sing better anyway, and will at Mania- Roman Reigns
  92. "Sasha is fucking great on the mic. The mic, of course, being my magnum dong." - Roman Reigns
  93. "Omega and Okada? Yeah, they were awesome in the Transformers cartoon." - Roman Reigns
  94. Reigns on WOR: "I think WWE could actually use a little Attitude Era style nudity once in a while. ... Huh? The women? Nah, uce, I was talking about me."
  95. "Congratulations to Donald Trump! I did not vote for him, but I hope America prospers during his presidency. I wish the best for not just him, but our country." - Roman Reigns
  96. "Can we stop posting shit that I say?" - Roman Reigns
  97. "I think the universal championship is pretty sexy. Reminds me of Eva Marie." -Roman Reigns
  98. "My cousins Jimmy and Jey haven't been acting like themselves. I'm starting a petition about changing them back to the old theme and face paint. Everyone loved that anyways. Why change it? Stupid ass Ryan Ward" - Roman Reigns
  99. Roman Reigns on Twitter about John Cena: "it's a shame we're both in WWE and neither of us can wrestle"
  100. "Becky's pussy stinks, Sasha is bald, Bayley has a hairy asshole, Alexa looks like a child. I still fucked them all anyway, uce. Believe that." - Roman Reigns
  101. "Yeah, it's true. Dean and I made love once. He was drunk... I was sober. I'm not sure he remembers, and I don't know how to tell him... but it was the best night of my life." - Roman Reigns
  102. "Happy Thanksgiving." - Roman Reigns
  103. "I did Harambe" -Roman Reigns "And I don't mean I shot him. That was a goddamned tragedy; animal cruelty in all its forms is simply barbaric and the Big Dog does not abide. I mean I literally did Harambe. Sexually. Just so we're clear."
  104. "Goldberg - Brock lasted as much as /sc subscribers in bed" - Roman Reigns
  105. "If squaredcirclejerk was a tower in New York, I'd give it a superman punch. Believe that." - Roman Reigns
  106. "I grab all these virgin's waifus right by the pussy. When you're samoan, they let you do it"-Roman Reigns
  107. Roman Reigns "I'm stepping away from the main event scene for awhile..... Just kidding go lose some weight smarks! #yessir"
  108. "I was more Dusty's kid than that fucking space clown"- Roman Reigns
  109. "That Finn Balor has one hell of a finisher, I can't wait to kick out of it" - Roman Reigns
  110. "I performed President Donald J. Trump's victory speech for drama class today" - Roman Reigns
  111. "Once Kenny Omega learns how to work, he'll make a great addition to 205 Live" - Roman Reigns
  112. "I'm not donating my brain to science when I die, but I am donating my dick to your sister" - Roman Reigns
  113. "KO is not really a credible opponent for me. The guy is like 5'8'' and a total fatass, does anybody really believe he could beat me?" - Roman Reigns
  114. Reigns comments on Bayley: "She's like 5. You're all pedophiles. Literal pedophiles.”
  115. "Titus is a safe worker" -Roman Reigns
  116. "I watched TLC with your girlfriend last night." - Roman Reigns
  117. "You can bet I want the Undertaker. I'll carry his corpse to 4 stars just like I did for AJ Styles" -Roman Reigns
  118. "I'm not a Raw guy, I'm not a Smackdown Guy, I'm the Champ which means I get to ruin both shows and the brand split" --Roman Reigns
  119. "After my death, I'll donate my brain to science and my giant wiener to your mom." -Roman Reigns
  120. "While I was ramming (insider term) Alex Bliss in the butt, she turned around and gave me the most genuine and crazy facial expressions. I knew right then and there she was the best heel in the business." - Roman Reigns
  121. "Rodent-faced, unattractive, a little overweight... irrationally obsessed with wrestling. I don't know why you guys hate Kevin Dunn so much. He's basically just like you. Balee dat." - Roman Reigns
  122. "Kenny Omega vs Kazuchika Okada was pretty good. I'd give it 3 1/4 stars" - Roman Reigns
  123. "Japan is due for a third nuclear attack" -Roman Reigns
  124. "The Nintendo Switch will cost a shitload and probably have terrible battery life. Prepare to be disappointed." - Roman Reigns
  125. "Who the fuck are these people?" - Roman Reigns on Ricochet vs. Ospreay
  126. "I'm going to takeover the UpUpDownDown youtube channel. Come watch me spawn camp for hours in COD MW3." -Roman Reigns
  127. "I liked Roman Reigns's performance in the main event. He showed that he really has the ability to be a world champion." - Roman Reigns
  128. "Harambe is in hell" - Roman Reigns
  129. "I walked into Vince's office and told him I'm Dwayne's cousin, I failed at football, have no passion for wrestling, don't want to work hard, expect to be handed everything, and I wear mom jeans. He hired me on the spot." - Roman Reigns
  130. "I want to fuck Nia Jax" - Roman Reigns
  131. "I can't believe I lost to that chick from the black eyed peas." - Roman Reigns
  132. "[Showerthought] I wish James Ellsworth was here with me." - Roman Reigns
  133. "I was in the crowd chanting for CM Punk and Randy Savage during the cruiserweight match." - Roman Reigns
  134. "Racist jokes centered around black performers all being called Shelton are a thinly veiled inclusivity social grouping that excuses genuine racism by perpetuating an insult, no matter how ironically" - Roman Reigns
  135. "I fucked AJ Styles in the ass." - Roman Reigns
  136. " Hayabusa? No thanks, I'm more of a Harley Davidson guy. " - Roman Reigns
  137. "It's a bit odd to suggest that WWE cut ties with TMZ and ESPN. There are some unfortunate instances of bad ethics from each, but are they not overshadowed the benefits of more mainstream exposure? These relationships are good for WWE, and arguably for wrestling as a whole." -Roman Reins
  138. "Don't tell him yet but while we're in Glasgow I'm planning on getting Road Dogg a pint or two" Roman Reigns
  139. "The Joker from Suicide Squad is way better than Heath Ledgers Joker" -Roman Reigns
  140. "You know some say that Hillary started the Women's Revolution." - Roman Reigns
  141. "I helped Hillary delete the emails and I'd do it again." - Roman Reigns
  142. "I reversed the Styles Clash meme into a Roman Reigns quote." -Roman Reigns
  143. "I'm the only Samoan Joe that matters," - Roman Reigns
  144. "The last SDLive PPV began with the main event. So we decided to begin last night's RAW PPV with the main event too" - Roman Reigns
  145. "All of your drama class performances fucking suck." - Roman Reigns
  146. "I told Paige that she should propose to Del Rio. They are both wonderful people and I hope they have a beautiful marriage" - Roman Reigns
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heath ledger joker quotes why so serious video

The Joker - Why so Serious? (Full Scene) HD - YouTube Amazing Joker Impression-Why So Serious? - YouTube Joker (Heath Ledger) - Why So Serious? - YouTube The Joker Rap Why So Serious? - The Dark Knight (2/9) Movie CLIP (2008 ... DC Joker Heath Ledger Why so serious - YouTube joker // why so serious? - YouTube Top Heath Ledger QuotesWHY SO SERIOUS Joker Quotes ... Why so serious?  The Dark Knight [4k, HDR] - YouTube (DC) Joker - Heath Ledger  Why so serious? - YouTube

quotes the joker heath ledger batman the dark knight why so . Resolution: 1920x1080 Joker Dark Knight Wallpapers – Wallpaper Cave Resolution: 1920x1080 iPhone 6 PLUS Resolution: 1080x1920 Batman DC Comics The Joker Wallpaper – DigitalArt.io Resolution: 1920x1080 Download Wallpaper Resolution: 1920x1200 There's almost no one who is unaware of the most iconic super-villian, the Joker (Heath Ledger). Probably, everyone has watched his outstanding performances in Batman The Dark Night Arises, Suicide Squad and of-course the legendary one which released in 2019, Joker (played by Joaquin Phoenix). So, we decided why not give the character a tribute My father was…a drinker. And a fiend. And one night he goes off crazier than usual. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. He doesn’t like that. Not one bit. So—me watching—he takes the knife to her, laughing while he does it! Turns to me, and he says, “Why so serious, son?” Comes at me with the knife...“Why so serious?” 1# Heath Ledger Joker Quotes: Read these Quotes and let’s have a look of Heath Ledger Joker Quotes everyone loses their minds. And enjoy the reading. As soon as possible watch these movies too- Joker, Suicide Squad, Gotham, Batman. “ Smile, because it’s easier than explaining what is killing you inside.” “I’m Not a Monster.” Heath Ledger's Joker delivered three simple words, "Why so serious?" in such a chilling way, that it became one of the most iconic lines in the supervillain's history. Joker Quotes Why So Serious- Heath Ledger Quotes. 61. Yes, it’s ok to miss people but don’t forget why they aren’t in your life anymore. 62. I may be bad but I am perfectly good at it. 63. How she reacts to your sadness says a lot about how long she is going to stay in your life. 64. Just imagine a girl with zero egos, no trust issues, quick replies. Read these Quotes and let’s have a look of Heath Ledger Joker Quotes everyone loses their minds. And enjoy the reading. As soon as possible watch these movies too- Joker, Suicide Squad, Gotham, Batman. “ Smile, because it’s easier than explaining what is killing you inside.”. “I’m Not a Monster.”. “If you’re good at something, never do it for free. Mar 27, 2018 - Explore Mark SkY's board "why so serious Quotes" on Pinterest. See more ideas about joker quotes, quotes, best joker quotes. 1 “Why so serious?” While this quote comes up as the Joker tells one of his unreliable stories about where his scars came from , it can be viewed on the whole as the character’s overriding ethos . Contents1 joker quotes dark knight2 joker quotes3 heath ledger quotes4 joker dialogues5 heath ledger joker quotes6 the joker quotes7 batman joker quotes8 dark knight joker quotes9 jokers quotes10 joker dark knight quotes11 joker qoutes12 joker quotes dark knight13 joker with quotes14 quotes joker15 joker heath ledger quotes16 quotes by joker17 heath ledger joker18 joker batman […]

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The Joker - Why so Serious? (Full Scene) HD - YouTube

The Dark Knight movie clips: http://j.mp/1uwk2F8BUY THE MOVIE: http://bit.ly/2bVwzz8Don't miss the HOTTEST NEW TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/1u2y6prCLIP DESCRIPTIO... Poem by Marshall Jones - "Scars - Open Letter to Hollywood from Heath Ledger"I just gave (or tried to give) it some typographical life :)Original video is f... Amazing actingHD Quality http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_5dP_83O7o&fmt=18 "Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought,Some men just want to watch the world burn.”Support me?https://www.patreon.co... Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought,Some men just want to watch the world burn.”IF YOU LIKE THE VIDEO, don't forge... The Joker Rap is Dark, Angry and Relentless! Heath Ledger is my favorite interpretation of this iconic villain and I wanted to use his anger to make a full s... #Jokerquotes #HeathLedger #jokermotivation Impression of Heath Ledger's Joker in the first scar scene. Why so serious? The Dark Knight (2008)Scene: Why so serious?Playlist: https://is.gd/Pxi1yKStoryline: When the menace known as the Joker wreaks havoc and chaos on the people ... {(Watch it in the Best quality - 720 and beyond)}This is my first time vidding on DC and it couldn't have been a better start than an iconic character itself...

heath ledger joker quotes why so serious

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